Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Saskatoon Asbestos Specialists Explain When You Should Get Them To Test For Asbestos

Getting Trusted Asbestos abatement pros to TEST for asbestos is recommended if you live or work in a pre-1990 property in Saskatoon. 

Do you live or work in a pre-1990 property in Saskatoon? 

If so, you should test for asbestos for several reasons:

  1. Health Risks: Asbestos is a hazardous material that, when disturbed or damaged, can release microscopic fibres into the air. Inhalation of these fibres can lead to serious health issues, including lung diseases and certain types of cancer.

  2. Older Buildings: Many buildings constructed before the 1990s may contain asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) such as insulation, flooring, ceiling tiles, or pipe insulation. It is essential to determine if these materials are present and if they pose a risk.|

  3. Renovations and Demolitions: Any renovation or demolition work that involves disturbing potential ACMs can release asbestos fibres into the air. Identifying and adequately managing these materials before starting any construction or renovation project is crucial.

  4. Legal Requirements: In many jurisdictions, including Saskatoon, regulations and guidelines are in place to manage asbestos-containing materials. Compliance with these regulations is necessary to ensure the safety of workers and the public.

To determine the presence of asbestos in a building or materials, it is advisable to consult with professionals who can conduct proper testing and provide guidance on appropriate actions to mitigate any risks.

Trusted Saskatoon Contractors at Liftech Concrete Levelling Explains Why They Use Polyurethane When Lifting and Levelling Concrete

Trusted Saskatoon Contractor Liftech Concrete Leveling Inc is your go-to Trusted Saskatoon Contractor for lifting and levelling sunken and uneven concrete. Traditional mud jacking, or slab jacking, is a remedy that’s been used for decades to raise sunken slabs. Now there’s a newer, longer-lasting alternative available from Liftech Concrete Leveling, in their first tip they share the benefits and why they use Polyurethane. 

Why Poly? 

Plain and Simple LASTS! 

Concrete is the second-most used substance on Earth, only surpassed by water.

While it’s long-lasting, it doesn’t stay in good condition forever. Aged concrete is prone to all sorts of damage, making it both an eyesore and a safety issue.

Mudjacking and polyurethane injections are two of the most common concrete repair methods in use today. They have a similar purpose of repairing and leveling old or damaged concrete. Despite their similarities, it’s important to know what sets these two methods apart to choose the best method for your project.

Traditional mudjacking, or slabjacking, is a remedy that’s been used for decades to raise sunken slabs. Now there’s a newer, longer-lasting alternative available from Liftech Concrete Leveling that replaces the sand and clay-based grout mixture typically used for concrete leveling with a two-part polyurethane product that expands to fill voids, providing a cushion of support and raising the concrete. The lightweight polyurethane concrete lifting material is available in several formulas designed for different applications. One of the key benefits of using polyurethane is that it is formulated with the exact characteristics needed for specific jobs. We can provide lifting foams that are engineered to support heavy loads such as raising highways and industrial slabs. Standard foams for raising sidewalks and other residential concrete. As well as foam designed to set up in, and displace water.

The two liquid components that combine and react to create the polyurethane foam are mixed at the tip of the injection gun. When this mixture is injected beneath the concrete it will flow like water into any voids present for about 15 seconds before the chemical reaction takes place. When this reaction takes place, the foam expands to 25 - 30 times its liquid volume within 45 seconds. Fifteen minutes after the material sets, it reaches full compressive strength. Because of the characteristics of the material and how it is delivered, polyurethane can cover a larger area in less time. Our polyurethane is 100% hydro-insensitive meaning it won’t break down in the water, erode or leach into soils. The only thing in nature that will break down polyurethane is ultraviolet light. Because it is impervious to moisture the physical characteristics and volume of cured foam are unchanged by the frost or seasonal changes in our climate. Despite these benefits, you may be left wondering how long foam jacking lasts. While mudjacking usually lasts 2-5 years, polyurethane can last much longer if properly maintained.

The application process of void filling and lifting a concrete slab with polyurethane is similar to traditional mudjacking. Polyurethane expands to lift the concrete versus building pressure to get a lift with mudjacking. Another big benefit to the use of polyurethane is that the size of the holes drilled in the concrete to pump the product is relatively small in comparison to the holes needed for mudjacking.

Whether your project is residential, commercial, industrial or municipal Liftech has many answers to Saskatchewan property owners' concrete problems. Our polyurethane foams are the newest material being utilized in the concrete raising industry and Liftech is proud to be leading the way!

If your sinking concrete dragging down the value of your property... GIVE IT A LIFT, it's a fraction of the cost of replacement!

Contact them today to book a no-obligation FREE ONSITE QUOTE TODAY!

Liftech Concrete Leveling Is Your Trusted Saskatoon Concrete Leveling Expert!

Trusted Founder Sara Wheelwright Steps Up To Participate In 2023 The Sanctum Survivor 36-Hour Challenge

The Trusted team believes giving back is always in style. We are proud members of the Saskatoon business community. We love our city and do what we can in an effort to support local events,  non-profits and to help individuals in need. 

 Help Sara reach her fundraising target and Support Sanctum Care Group by donating:

"If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you’ll end up doing nothing for nobody." ~ Malcolm Bane 

On May 25 & 26, 2023, our founder Sara Wheelwright, and eight other community leaders will live as if homeless for 36 hours on the streets of Saskatoon as part of the Sanctum Survivor 36-Hour Challenge. In teams of two, Survivor participants will be given tasks to complete. Each lesson will aim to demonstrate specific challenges that society is often unaware of but are an everyday reality for those homeless with HIV. Participants will wear donated clothes and shoes. They will not be allowed personal belongings other than a phone (to update the public on their journey). The event itself is both powerful and unprecedented. It attempts to shed light on the intense hardship faced by people who experience poverty, homelessness and chronic illness here in Saskatoon.

Sara Wheelwright - Participant - 2023 Sanctum Survivor Challenge. 

Owner of Trusted Saskatoon and Trusted Marketing Services, Sara is an award-winning marketer, entrepreneur, and community supporter. Sara is committed to supporting our community and volunteers her time and professional resources. You will find her organizing & facilitating conferences to provide tools and a safe space to discuss critical social issues, such as youth suicide, domestic violence and trauma.

She donates ongoing marketing services to support many non-profit fundraising events and ongoing campaigns., Including, but not limited to, Wiegers Care For Kids, TLC@Home, Saskatoon Progress Club, Mending Little Hearts and TeleMiracle.

Nothing satisfies Sara more than promoting and supporting local non-profits and organizations to succeed. When she was approached to be a participant in the 2023 challenge,

 she didn't hesitate to step up; she had heard about the fantastic work Sanctum has been doing in Saskatoon and wanted to do all she could to help. 


Sanctum is Saskatchewan's first hospice with respite and supportive care for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. Sanctum Group is a registered Non-profit, and it runs several vital programs.


The hospice and transitional care home provides around-the-clock transitional care for HIV-positive persons with social and high-risk behaviours and conditions, including homelessness, that prevents them from adequately caring for themselves. In addition, this home provides compassionate end-of-life care to HIV-positive individuals with a palliative diagnosis. 

Sanctum 1.5

10-bed prenatal care home which supports high-risk and HIV-positive pregnant women at risk of having their infants apprehended at birth.

Sanctum provides a community for individuals requiring supportive care to attain their optimum level of health while maximizing their control and dignity. Incorporating existing community services in Sanctum's safe and supportive environment, the prenatal home works preventively to meet these women's health and social needs more effectively and efficiently, improving the health and well-being of mom and baby while mitigating the risks associated with apprehensions of infants at birth.

As of May 2022, 92 mothers completed/graduated the program – 93 babies were prevented from entering foster care. In addition, mothers who have successfully graduated from the program have had an additional 56 children returned to their care. A total of 149 children are now successfully within the care of their mothers, either through prevention or return from foster care.

" I humbly ask for your support as a participant in the 2023 Sanctum Survivor Challenge, I have a target to raise $20,000 and I can only do that with the help of my friends, family and colleagues. Sanctum does much-needed work in our city, and I acknowledge that the 36-hour homelessness experience by no means accurately depicts the numerous barriers and complex issues faced by persons who survive daily in poverty and homelessness; however, I hope that drawing awareness of some of the many challenges our cities most vulnerable citizen face may be a catalyst for real and lasting change. Anything you can do to support me will be appreciated and valued. Thank you in advance "  Sara Wheelwright 


There are several ways you can support Sara in the 2023 Challenge.

1. Follow along on Sara's social media to take part in her journey in The 2023 Sanctum Survivor Challenge on May 25th & 26th 2023

Please SHARE Sara's posts to help spread awareness of this year's challenge. 

1.. Help Sara reach her fundraising target and Support Sanctum Care Group by donating here:

4. Another way you can help is to donate much-needed Items to Sanctum. Please email and she will arrange for pick up. See the list of items Sanctum 1.5 needs below. 

Resident Needs:

  • Winter gear – coats, boots, toques, mitts, etc.

  • Toothpaste and toothbrushes

  • Sports bras/nursing bras

  • Adult colouring books/coloured markers

  • Laundry baskets

  • Underarm deodorant 

  • Shampoo/conditioner/body wash/soap

  • Feminine hygiene products

  • Lotions (scent-free)

  • Disposable razors

  • Nail clippers

  • Socks/underwear

  • Bath Towels

  • Face cloths

  • Pillows/ pillowcases

  • Slippers

  • Maternity wear/sweat pants(leggings)/Nightshirts(P.J.’s)

  • House coats

  • Pyjamas

  • Men's and women's sweats, shoes, comfortable indoor clothing

  • Crafting supplies

  • Nursing pads

  • Nipple cream


Baby Items:

  • Outdoor wear or winter wear

  • Diapers

  • Baby wipes

  • Diaper cream

  • Formula

  • Pacifiers

  • Nasal aspirator

  • Sleepers

  • Car seat covers

  • Baby soaps/lotions

  • Sent free baby laundry detergent

  • Face cloths

  • Baby towels

  • Receiving blankets

  • Baby nail care kit

  • Breastfeeding pillow

  • Baby under shirts

  • Bottle washers

  • Bottle warmers

  • Bottle liners

  • Bibs

  • Diapers

  • Teething rings

  • Baby socks

  • Night lights

  • Crib/bassinet sheets

Household Items 

Please note: Health Regulations require that these items be unopened and in their original packaging.

  • Instant pot

  • Ninja blender

  • Bread maker

  • Large slow cooker

  • Canned goods

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Cereal

  • Nonperishable food items

Trusted Saskatoon Is Hiring a Trusted Directories Sales & Customer Experience Manager

Trusted Directories Sales & Customer Experience Manager


Trusted Saskatoon is HIRING! 

If you are driven, honest, organized, reliable and loyal, this may be your perfect role.

If you love helping people, networking, and enjoy building strong client relationships, we should talk! 

Contact us if you enjoy working as part of a team but have no problem being accountable and motivating yourself. 

The ideal candidate will be an ambitious self-starter looking for a career where hard work and results pay off. They must be comfortable learning new technologies and be based in or willing to move to the Saskatoon area. 

The role has two parts. 

Account Management Of Existing Trusted Saskatoon Partners.

The consultant will manage and serve the existing Trusted Saskatoon Partners. 

The partners need to be contacted at least bi-monthly and have in-person meetings once a quarter to discuss goals and review results.

The goal is to retain and engage the partners in receiving as much additional value, leads and return as possible from their investment and commitment to the Trusted Community. 

The role includes support from admin staff.

Managing/Prospecting New Business:

Leads/nominations are received regularly and will be sent to the consultant as they are received. 

These companies must be contacted within five days, and the result is tracked on our team task software.

The consultant will be responsible for the entire onboarding process with a client, from the initial meeting and presentation, sourcing contact details, and verifying the client's suitability for the Trusted community. Once prospects become partners, the role involves data management, building the listing(s), and all the associated follow-up until the client approves their listing(s) to go live on the website.

Salary and Compensation 

The first year is a set salary to learn the role thoroughly. After the first year, the earning potential is tied to revenue and uncapped earnings. The right candidate should expect to earn six figures within 2-3 years. 

Additional Expenses Covered Include:

  • Vehicle expenses - Details provided at the interview stage- a vehicle is required for this role. 
  • Mobile Phone expenses - Details provided at the interview stage
  • Client Entertainment budget - Details provided at the interview stage 
  • Laptop: Company Mac Book provided
  • BONUS: Details provided at the interview stage

After three months performance review period.

Group Benefits

  • After three months - Chambers Plan Group benefits / Critical illness 
  • After one yr - Additional Health Spending Account 
  • After three yr -Additional Wellness Spending Account

The successful candidate will be fully trained. 

Please email your resume to along with a cover letter explaining why you believe you would be suitable for this role. 

Applications must be received by March 15th, 2023 

Who We Are: 

The Trusted team is inclusive, diverse and talented. There are currently 10 of us, most of whom work on the marketing agency side of the business - Trusted Marketing Services. 

We are a multi-award-winning company with a great culture, and we have been recognized for supporting our clients and our community. 

Our team consider ourselves very fortunate as we work with and for over 100 integrity-driven notable Saskatchewan companies and organizations across many industries.  

Trusted Saskatoon Realtor Marla Janzen Shares Her Home Maintenance Tips For February

Marla Janzen is an award-winning SASKATOON & WARMAN REALTOR  she takes action to sell her client's homes and find them the perfect new place to live while negotiating the best terms and price possible. She loves what she does and takes great pride in providing excellence in customer service to all of her clients. 

Marla Janzen is a  TRUSTED SASKATOON REAL ESTATE AGENT and she is eager to provide Trusted Saskatoon real estate Tips that help the public! In her latest tip, she shares some helpful information and advice about maintaining your home in February in Saskatchewan! 

 Trusted Saskatoon Realtor Marla Janzen Shares Expert Advice About Home Maintenance You Should Do In February.  

Winter in Saskatchewan can be extremely damaging to your home’s health. Temperature drops and high winds can put a strain on both the interior and exterior. During these bitterly cold days, it’s easy to fantasize about warmer climates.  

While you wait for warmer weather, use the next few weeks to complete some household maintenance tasks.

1. Change batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors – Change the batteries in all smoke alarms twice a year or follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for changing the battery. Every two years, take the cover off, clean it with a damp cloth, and carefully vacuum the inside of the alarm. All smoke alarms have an expiration date.

2. Check gutters and roof for ice dams and icicles – Ice dams and icicles form when melting snow re-freezes at the roofline of your home. If left unchecked, ice dams can become large enough to prevent water from draining off the roof, resulting in roof leaks. Keep your gutters clean, your downspouts functional, and your attic well insulated to avoid this potentially costly repair.

3. Have heavy snow cleared off of your roof and ensure snow is removed from around exterior walls – A significant accumulation of snow on your roof can cause a slew of issues and endanger the structural integrity of your home. While our roofs are built to withstand the elements, they require regular maintenance to remain durable winter after winter.

4. Check for drafts around doors and windows – Keeping your home free of drafts will help keep interior temperatures where you want them without taxing your heating system.

5. On warm days keep eaves trough spouts down for proper drainage – Gutters and downspouts are essential parts of a home’s exterior, but if they aren’t installed or maintained properly, they can cause problems. Keep your gutters clean. The most common drainage problem is overflowing gutters. Everything from balls, and dead squirrels to bird nests to sticks, leaves, and debris piling up will then develop a cover over the leader drain, causing the gutter to overflow.

Marla Janzen has a keen eye for house layout and home staging, which really benefits her clients, most of whom are past client referrals! She guarantees to provide you with a stress-free, hassle-free, wonderful experience and we are sure once you have met her that you will not contact anyone else!



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310 Wall St #209
Saskatoon, SK   S7K 1N7
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