Today we celebrate the official public launch of to the Saskatoon public .....oh my goodness what a wonderful ride we have had! As I look back at pictures, Facebook posts and the wonderful experiences my team and I have enjoyed. I also note they were accompanied by the hard lessons we have most definitely learnt over the years. I have one thing to say.

Thank you all for being with us every step of the way!! I thank my family, my wonderful friends and the Saskatoon business community. As I look back it has to be noted that a number of Facebook fans and Trusted Saskatoon Partners have been with us LITERALLY since the beginning! I can honestly say HAND ON HEART - it wouldn’t have been possible without you!! has grown to over 95 businesses. Amazing Trusted Saskatoon partners- we are a strong community of locally owned and accountable Saskatoon companies run with integrity! launched in 2012 ( now over 70 businesses) and in 2014 we launched Trusted Marketing Services, where we help clients all over North America with their marketing. We have over 17,000 Facebook fans across Saskatchewan , over 18,000 Twitter Followers ( @Trustedcanada) and our Trusted You Tube Channel’s videos have had over 52,000 views!!
In the last 5 years Trusted has won SABEX, ABEX and International business awards. I have gone from working at my kitchen table alone, to having 2 offices in Saskatchewan and 8 wonderful hard working team members! My super team and the amazing local businesses we promote are the key to the long term success of S & E Trusted Online Directories Inc ( the company behind the 3 websites) .
I arrived as an immigrant from the UK 10 years ago in 2006. That was a time when people were leaving this fine province, that I am proud to call home and do business in! The last 5 years there has been SO MUCH GROWTH, the market place has shifted in Saskatchewan, it was the HAVE province and it has been a bit of a wild ride for many! Now, as the economy slows down, as it inevitably always was going to - we are here to see the dust settling. There is one thing we know for sure, TRUST is always a huge factor in success and I guarantee that you can TRUST us to be here in another 5 years , doing what we love - helping local people find amazing local businesses in Saskatoon!
(From R-L - Sara Wheelwright, Leanna Keyes, Solange Bosse & Ryan Neiman)