Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Your Ultimate Tax Checklist From Trusted Saskatoon

Your Ultimate Tax Checklist 

It is that time of year again… tax season! If you are like most people, doing taxes is something you view as a dreaded task or you procrastinate doing. Do not fear, we have a helpful Tax Season Checklist to make doing your taxes easier to organize. This list will outline all the things we could need from you in order to prepare your income tax return. 

Tax Slips

  • T4 slips (Employment income)
  • T4e Employment Insurance benefits
  • T4A (other pensions, annuities, and certain scholarships)
  • T4AP (CPP benefits)
  • T4 RSP (RRSP income)
  • T4 RIF (RRIF income)
  • T4 A-OAS (old age security)
  • T3 (Mutual Funds, REITs, ETFs) 
  • T5 (investment income – interest, dividends, certain capital gains)
  • RC62 (Universal Child Care benefits)
  • T5007 (Social assistance payments/Worker’s compensation benefits)
  • T2202A (Tuition/education receipts)
  • T5031 (partnership income)
  • T2200 (Condition of employment/allowable employment expenses)
  • All other information slips


  • RRSP contribution slips
  • Medical expenses
  • Support for a child, spouse, or common-law partner
  • Transit pass receipts
  • Charitable donations
  • Office-in-home expenses
  • Moving expenses (including realtor’s commissions)
  • Exams for professional certification
  • Carrying charges and interest expenses
  • Other interest expenses
  • Political contributions
  • Childcare expenses
  • Adoption expenses
  • Children’s arts and sports expenses
  • Tool expenses (tradesperson)
  • Interest paid on your student loans
  • Professional or union dues
  • Attendant Expenses for the disabled person
  • Other Documentation
  • Notice of Assessment/Reassessment
  • CRA Correspondence
  • Amounts you have paid in tax installments
  • Rental income and expenses
  • The sale or deemed sale of stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.
  • Disability tax credit certificate
  • Business, farm, or fishing income or expenses
  • Northern resident’s deduction receipts
  • Commission employee expenses
  • Automobile/Travel logbook and expenses (self-employed and commissioned employees)
  • Volunteer firefighter’s certification
  • Graduate Retention Certificate
  • Search and rescue volunteer certificate
  • Legal expenses to collect alimony, pension, or retirement allowances

Other Documents

  • Notice of Assessment/Reassessment
  • CRA Correspondence
  • Amounts you have paid in tax installments
  • Rental income and expenses
  • The sale or deemed sale of stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.
  • Disability tax credit certificate
  • Business, farm, or fishing income or expenses
  • Northern resident's deduction receipts 
  • commission employee expenses
  • Automobile/travel logbook and expenses (self-employed and commission employees)
  • Volunteer firefighter's certificate
  • Search and rescue volunteer certificate
  • Legal expenses to collect alimony, pension, or retirement allowances

How being a Trusted Saskatoon partner positively impacts local Google rankings

Citations, mentions, and SEO explained by Sara, owner of Trusted Saskatoon. 

There are many benefits to being a Trusted Saskatoon partner. My local team spends all of our time and energy promoting the Saskatoon partners on the directory as the best options in their industry in Saskatoon and the surrounding area. Once a business passes our unique verification process, we invest in consistent advertising, and we promote them both individually and as a community of trustworthy, reputable, locally owned, and accountable businesses. We do not do this because they ' bought our favour', we do it because they have proven themselves to be trusted.  Each of the businesses listed on Trusted Saskatoon has signed a contract agreeing to uphold the 5 Trusted Guarantees of Service. 

A lot of work and effort goes on behind the scenes that may not be immediately obvious or understood by our Partners. In this article, I explain how my team helps our partner's websites rank higher in local search independently of their listings on our Saskatoon directory.

The SEO Impact Being Trusted Has On Our Partners' Local Search Rankings

The key to being found online is having correct, consistent information. The internet and search engines really value that, combined with fresh, new, relevant content on sites that are both yours and NOT yours!   
This is where local SEO citations and mentions on high-quality local directories such as Trusted Saskatoon, on social media, and other trustworthy websites and sources come into play.

What are citations, and how do they impact local SEO?

Citations are online mentions of your business on 3rd party websites. If your business is listed on, that counts as a local citation. The same goes if your business information is mentioned or featured on 3rd party blog posts or online newspaper/media articles- such as the Star Phoenix new faces new places for example. Citations and online mentions are essential for local businesses since they send out signals telling Google and the other major search engines they can trust your Saskatoon business.

Why do we recommend focusing on citation building?

We all want to be on the first page of Google for our category in our local market for our main target search keywords. If your website ranks higher in search, it should attract more visitors and generate leads, which should lead to more business. 

To be well ranked in local searches, you need to ensure that search engines have all of the correct information about your business. If your most important data is not consistent, search engines are less likely to recommend your website as a high-ranking option for local prospects searching for your products and/or services. 

How The Local Search SEO Point System Works

Google is essentially the head librarian of the web, and as there are over 570,000 new websites added per DAY to the internet, it’s a HUGE job! As such, Google has lots of 24/7 library assistants helping with the massive and ongoing task of ranking the approximately 1.7 billion websites currently listed on the world wide web. If these assistants, or ‘web crawlers’, find links on 3rd party websites that link back to your business’s website, they know it is trustworthy, and you will earn an SEO point. If that backlink is on a quality local website, like, then you are awarded additional, highly valued local SEO ‘points. The same is true for citations; if web crawlers find your business information listed in important online directories, mentioned on other people's blogs, and featured in articles / local news, it solidifies the fact that they can trust your business information to be correct.

Citation building is a small but essential local search marketing puzzle piece. Our team is working on our clients' behalf to ensure the information we have about them on Trusted Saskatoon is up to date and relevant.

Check out the video below for more information, and if you have questions please do reach out to our team!  

What’s the difference between online citations and online mentions? 

An online mention is when a business or brand is referenced, or "mentioned" on the internet. While often referring exclusively to social media mentions, they also count every time an online publication, website or blog ‘ mentions’  a brand or business name. If the mentions are combined with backlinks to your website and over 300 words of rich, locally-focused content, all the better.  By rich, we mean that the content includes quality, copyright-free images, relevant keywords, embedded videos, location-specific words, etc. If that is the case, then the value of that mention increases A LOT! This is why we ask our Partners to work with us to provide information about their specific business/ industry. We take that information and write quality Trusted Saskatoon Tips that feature them as the local experts in their industry!  

When we tag our Partners on our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter platforms, the search engines and web crawlers take note. This, in turn, adds additional SEO POINTS and improves their website’s organic search value. Their businesses and websites gain more ‘authority' within their respective industry categories in local search. Positive SEO leads to increased visibility, which can prompt more mentions and increase SEO points. Less is NOT more regarding citations, mentions, and links to websites.

If our Partners want to maximize our expertise, promotions, and online klout. In that case, they need to provide us with more information in the form of interesting, helpful and engaging expert tips about their industry. Our team will do the rest. We know how to take the content and get as many ‘ SEO points ‘ as possible. We then pay to promote that content locally so it reaches your ideal prospects. The more we can help our clients build a solid citation and link-building foundation, the better they rank in local searches for their categories.  Our goal is for our Trusted Saskatoon Partners to get their unfair share of leads in their categories locally online! 

About Trusted Sara

The founder of Trusted Saskatoon, Sara Wheelwright, has over 27 years of marketing experience. A multi-award-winning entrepreneur and marketer, she expanded Trusted’s services by launching a full-service Saskatchewan digital marketing agency, Trusted Marketing Services, in 2014. The success of Trusted is a testament to the importance of having business integrity in a digital age, where access to free-flowing information constantly influences consumers. Her experiences and insight are relevant to all business owners interested in progressive marketing strategies. Her biggest strength is communicating the complexities of online marketing and how the internet works to local business owners in a way they can fully comprehend. This, in turn, empowers them and helps them compete in this new marketing landscape.

Trusted Saskatoon New Category Announced - Trusted Saskatoon Non-Profits

The Trusted Saskatoon team ran a contest on the Trusted Saskatoon Facebook page at the end of 2018 to find a new category for the Trusted Saskatoon directory. We received 100's of nominations, from children's activities to fencing, however, there was a clear winner, with over 200 nominations, we are pleased to announce the new category will be Trusted Saskatoon NON-PROFITS! 


Trusted Saskatoon Non-Profits.

As a small business in Saskatchewan, Trusted has prioritized community support as part of what we do from day 1. In 2017 we were recognized for our efforts as the recipient of the Saskatchewan Chamber Of Commerce ABEX Award for community support, so we were thrilled that this was the category that people in Saskatoon most wanted to see on our directory.   

There is no ME in Community…Just WE.

So What's The Plan for Trusted Saskatoon Non-Profits Category? 

We are pleased to announce that we will be GIFTING listings and annual Trusted partnerships in the new category to 4 Saskatoon Non- Profits. Each Year in January we will renew the category and we will rely on the public and the existing Trusted Saskatoon partners to help us find new Saskatoon and area non-profits to promote. Over the course of the year, we will volunteer our time and resources to help spread awareness of the 4 Trusted Saskatoon Non- profits organization activities, events and goals! 

This is an in-kind donation worth $4000 per non-profit, and being a Trusted Saskatoon partner means they will receive promotion in so many areas including:  

 1. 2 weeks of free radio ads. 
 2. Video interview and promotion of video.
 3. Regular Trusted partner promotion on our social media channels - including our Feature Partner Of the Week posts. 
 4. Free Marketing Training sessions.
 5. Networking  Opportunities. 

The 4 Trusted Saskatoon Non -Profits for 2019-2020:

1. Mending Little Hearts Fund of Saskatchewan 

This is a non- profit close to our heart, literally! 
Anna Maton, a Trusted Saskatoon Consultant is heavily involved in supporting this wonderful Saskatoon-based organization. Anna's youngest son William was born with a heart defect and went through open heart surgery a few years ago. We will share more about this Saskatoon Non-Profit once their listing has been added to the category.

2. TLC@Home  

This is a non-profit founded and run by a Trusted Saskatoon Partner - Hairstyles Inn.
First started in 2006 by Shelley James of The Hairstyle Inn, TLC@Home started off small distributing shoeboxes of gifts to one Saskatoon community school ( Princess Alexandra). Now 12 years later shoeboxes filled with holiday cheer are distributed to more than 800 students at Saskatoon schools which have included; Princess Alexandra Community School, St. Michael Community School, King George Community School and Pleasant Hill Community School.  We will share more about this Saskatoon Non-Profit once their listing has been added to the category.

3 & 4 ?????? - TO BE DECIDED...BY YOU! 

We are relying on our FANTASTIC Facebook fans to help us fill these 2 spots. A nomination process will begin Monday 7th Jan and run until Jan 31st. At that time votes will be counted and the top 2 most nominated non- profits will be recipients of the 2 remaining annual 2019-2020 Trusted Saskatoon Non- Profits gifted listings. 

**Please note Non- Profits MUST be registered to qualify**   



Trusted Founder Announced as a finalist for the 2017 Newcomer Entrepreneur Of The Year Award for Growth

  Sara Wheelwright Founder Announced as a finalist for the Square One / SREDA Saskatchewan 2017 NEYA Award for Growth! 

The Trusted team were contacted by the fine folks at Square One today, to let us know that Sara, our founder is a finalist for the 2017 NEYA Award for Growth! The Saskatchewan NEYA Awards are in their 2nd year, and they celebrate and recognize the success and contribution of 1st generation immigrants to the economy of Saskatchewan! 

" Newcomer entrepreneurs play an important role in growing our economy by filling gaps in our business landscape, hiring employees and adding culture and diversity to our communities. " 

The NEYA Awards Growth Category recognizes 1st generation immigrant entrepreneurs who are able to demonstrate business success and growth in the following areas:

• Employment growth

• Sales growth (in percentage) 

• Community involvement 

" I am honoured and excited to be a finalist for a NEYA Award.  Saskatchewan has offered so much opportunity to me and my family. I am living my dream, doing what I love with people I respect and admire!  The Saskatchewan businesses I work with and my Trusted team of Saskatchewan wonder women have really made my business a success and this recognition possible! i am blessed to be able to give back to the community that has given me so much"  Sara Wheelwright, Trusted Founder. 

Join the Trusted team and celebrate the success and achievements of all the deserving finalist on June 6th 2017 in Saskatoon at The Sheraton Cavalier hotel! You can get your tickets here :  2017-neya-awards-gala-tickets

Trusted Saskatoon Directory sponsor 2016 Sasktel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival Free Stage

Marketing and advertising wonderful local businesses is what we do at Trusted, but community is really who we are! Community involvement is an important part of the Trusted community, we step up as often as we can to help and support Saskatoon non profits, events and individuals.  See our TrustedSaskatoon community support page for details! 

The Trusted Saskatoon directory team are excited to be sponsors for the second year of the Sasktel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival. The Sask Jazz Fest is one of our favourite annual Saskatchewan events, so we were 100% that we once again were going to step up as day sponsor of PotashCorp Club Free Stage on Sat June 25th 2016.

Trusted Saskatoon Directory sponsor 2016 Sasktel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival Free Stage

Come on down and see us / meet our team at the PotashCorp Club Jazz Free Stage on Saturday June 25th 1130am - 8pm ! 
We will be there handing out balloons, water bottles and answering any questions you might have about and what it is we do!  
We are looking forward to another super year - last year was a blast, even with the smoke which you can see really clearly in this picture!  There is a great line up this year at the Free Stage and you don't want to miss out on all the fun ....and we will be having some draws to win some awesome prizes!!   See the line up below - then SEE you there - RAIN OR SHINE !!

PotashCorp Club Jazz Free Stage Line Up Saturday 25th 2016  



Don and Jack Tatchell have been mainstays of the Saskatchewan music scene for decades. As well as, performing at hundreds of performances from classical to contemporary, the brothers are patron supporters and musicians of the North Battleford Jazz Society, the Kinsmen Band and the city's school music program. Don was one of the very few Saskatchewan musicians selected to the internationally renown, RCMP Band. The Tatchells, performing jazz and fusion material, will be joined by fellow North Battleford native, Ross Nykiforuk on organ, Skip Kutz on bass, and featured vocalist, Shelley Ewing.

Saturday, Jun 25

2:00pm ( also playing Bess Gardens Main stage at 6pm) 


Emilie & Ogden is not your typical duet but rather an encounter between a young singer and a harp. Her particular voice has often been described as pure and soft, resonating in perfect harmony with the instrument. On stage, her traditional folk sound is embellished by drums, bass and a soft electronic touch, drawing inspiration from other female artists such as Feist and St. Vincent.

Saturday, Jun 25



The Joel Grundahl Trio is a Saskatoon based instrumental jazz fusion band playing original and cover fusion compositions. The concept of the band is the creation and improvisation of jazz fused with modern music themes. With influences such as Allan Holdsworth, Steve Morse and Eric Johnson the original and cover material challenges and pushes the musical spectrum both technically and sonically. Jazz is an ever evolving music form based on creativity and improvisation. The Joel Grundahl Trio (Joel Grundahl, Lloyd Tomczak and Kyle Krysa) embrace these ideas and carry that torch forward.

Saturday, Jun 25



The Pile of Bones Brass Band plays music in the spirit of traditional New Orleans jazz and blends it with a variety of musical styles ranging from jazz, blues, and world music, to soul, funk, and R&B. The "Pile" has performed at many local clubs, pubs, festivals, and events and they have had the pleasure of sharing the stage with local, national, and international artists since 2010. In short, the frontline brass will peel paint off the wall, while the rhythm section is the funkiest of them all. The groove is created by rocksteady sousaphone bass lines, street-beat drumming, greasy guitar tones, and raw brass harmonies. Get ready to party like it's Mardi Gras!

Saturday, Jun 25


His charisma and the ability to move an audience has brought him to share the stage with the ranks of Winton Marsalis, Poncho Sanchez the Gran Combo, Natalie Cole, Michael Miller, Joe Lovano, Govani Hidalgo, Jimmy Bosh, Jose Alberto el Canario. His voice will capture and embrace you, with an undeniable, engaging stage presence, hearlded as one Cuba’s leading artists, Wil Campa, represents the very best of Cuba. The music lives in his soul!

So don't miss a wonderful day packed with talented performers, laughs and a wonderful family and friend fun day out on the banks of the Saskatchewan River!! Bring a blanket, chair, umbrella and smile!! 


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S & E Trusted Online Directories Inc
310 Wall St #209
Saskatoon, SK   S7K 1N7
Ph: 306.244.4150


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