Trusted Saskatoon Contractor Liftech Concrete Leveling Inc is your go-to Trusted Saskatoon Contractor for lifting and levelling sunken and uneven concrete. Traditional mud jacking, or slab jacking, is a remedy that’s been used for decades to raise sunken slabs. Now there’s a newer, longer-lasting alternative available from Liftech Concrete Leveling, in their first tip they share the benefits and why they use Polyurethane.

Plain and Simple LASTS!
Concrete is the second-most used substance on Earth, only surpassed by water.
While it’s long-lasting, it doesn’t stay in good condition forever. Aged concrete is prone to all sorts of damage, making it both an eyesore and a safety issue.
Mudjacking and polyurethane injections are two of the most common concrete repair methods in use today. They have a similar purpose of repairing and leveling old or damaged concrete. Despite their similarities, it’s important to know what sets these two methods apart to choose the best method for your project.

Traditional mudjacking, or slabjacking, is a remedy that’s been used for decades to raise sunken slabs. Now there’s a newer, longer-lasting alternative available from Liftech Concrete Leveling that replaces the sand and clay-based grout mixture typically used for concrete leveling with a two-part polyurethane product that expands to fill voids, providing a cushion of support and raising the concrete. The lightweight polyurethane concrete lifting material is available in several formulas designed for different applications. One of the key benefits of using polyurethane is that it is formulated with the exact characteristics needed for specific jobs. We can provide lifting foams that are engineered to support heavy loads such as raising highways and industrial slabs. Standard foams for raising sidewalks and other residential concrete. As well as foam designed to set up in, and displace water.

The two liquid components that combine and react to create the polyurethane foam are mixed at the tip of the injection gun. When this mixture is injected beneath the concrete it will flow like water into any voids present for about 15 seconds before the chemical reaction takes place. When this reaction takes place, the foam expands to 25 - 30 times its liquid volume within 45 seconds. Fifteen minutes after the material sets, it reaches full compressive strength. Because of the characteristics of the material and how it is delivered, polyurethane can cover a larger area in less time. Our polyurethane is 100% hydro-insensitive meaning it won’t break down in the water, erode or leach into soils. The only thing in nature that will break down polyurethane is ultraviolet light. Because it is impervious to moisture the physical characteristics and volume of cured foam are unchanged by the frost or seasonal changes in our climate. Despite these benefits, you may be left wondering how long foam jacking lasts. While mudjacking usually lasts 2-5 years, polyurethane can last much longer if properly maintained.
The application process of void filling and lifting a concrete slab with polyurethane is similar to traditional mudjacking. Polyurethane expands to lift the concrete versus building pressure to get a lift with mudjacking. Another big benefit to the use of polyurethane is that the size of the holes drilled in the concrete to pump the product is relatively small in comparison to the holes needed for mudjacking.
Whether your project is residential, commercial, industrial or municipal Liftech has many answers to Saskatchewan property owners' concrete problems. Our polyurethane foams are the newest material being utilized in the concrete raising industry and Liftech is proud to be leading the way!
If your sinking concrete dragging down the value of your property... GIVE IT A LIFT, it's a fraction of the cost of replacement!
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