The Trusted Saskatoon Directory team always try to do something for the Saskatoon community, we are committed to helping where we can, but especially at Christmas
On Dec 21st a Trusted Saskatoon Facebook post revealed our cunning plan in full!
Trusted Saskatoon fans on Facebook had been enjoying 5 weeks of giveaways to celebrate the new website. & contests to celebrate reaching 7000 FacebookFans- but this the 8th contest and this time they weren’t going to be the winners....
We love a good rhyme .......

“ Saskatoon... Christmas eve is drawing near Part 8 of our give away is becoming clear.
The Trusted Saskatoon teams Christmas spirit is strongWe could pick 1 person to benefit, but feel that would be wrong So we ask YOU Saskatoon to tell us WHO is in need?
We will select a recipient not based on GREED
A charity, group or family we can gift this year
$700 dollars for them to use or to share.
Please share your thoughts and tell us a reason
Why YOUR nomination should benefit this Christmas season! “
The response was amazing, although some what overwhelming too, as we ONLY had $700 to donate to worthy people or organizations!
HOW AWESOME IT WAS to receive 4 additional donations!
1 from an single mother who wished to remain anon
3 from Trusted Saskatoon partners of $100 each- thank you to:
So,who did we choose and how?
WE AGONIZED over every nomination - but in the end decided to split the $1100 pot 11 ways equally and choose who we thought would benefit most
If we had more, believe us, everyone would have been helped, but we know less than $100/ recipient wouldn’t have made much of an impact! $100 for a family for example is a turkey and all the trimmings on Xmas day for 6+ people
The RECIPIENTS for Trusted Saskatoon’s ANNUAL December Christmas eve comfort are :
‘ organizations’
- Oskāyak High school - $100 donation GC for winter clothes fund for teens - we will be raising more awareness for this after New Year as so needed for this age group!
- Saskatoon Interval house - $100 Walmart GC for personal hygiene items, diapers and grooming items left behindin their urgency.
- Hands on Outreach Saskatoon - $100 Walmart GC - a wonderful grass roots organization in Saskatoon teaching real skills to youth in our city
- Saskatoon Cancer Clinic’s Playroom - $100 Donation ( TBD)- we have friends with cancer, we know kids with cancer- enough said
‘People’ nominated - we will contact individually and will not disclose full names or details.- just to say they will appreciate the $100 help this Christmas.
- Rhonda- Sponsored by anon single mom donor - $100 Superstore GC ( we will contact )
- Tammy - Sponsored by Perfection Plumbing $100 Superstore GC ( we will contact)
- Gail - sponsored by Curtis $100 Superstore GC ( we will contact)
- Deb - sponsored by Solange $100 Superstore GC ( we will contact)
- Parkridge Centre - TBD - we want to bring some Christmas into the lives of their residents young and old on Christmas Eve
- A refugee family from Syria - TBD ( $100 Walmart GC)
- Homeless men - $10 Timmies Gift Card x 10 men - they DO get forgotten !!