Would you rather partner with a cutting-edge security LEADER that brings the latest and greatest crime-fighting technology back for their Clients? Or would you like to partner with the Dinosaurs that like to FOLLOW?Every year we head to Vegas to attend ISCWest. With 1000 exhibitors and 30,000 security geeks it's the largest Security Expo in North America.
The near future is all about smart security cameras and video management software with Artificial Intelligence (AI). It's getting close to what you see on TV shows like CSI. One example is Face Appearance Search by Avigilon. The software is so smart it can quickly search for the Face of a Person at a site. In the example below the Avigilon representative chooses a thumbnail image of the person he wants to find and the recorded video with the persons face displays immediately. If you look closely, the person he is looking for is on the far right and has an identification box. This is ideal for high traffic locations such as schools, airports, hospitals, government and office buildings.

Our Sales Manager
Ken Spence checked out the Qolsys IQ2 Smart Security & Automation system. This is by far the SMARTEST home and small business solution we've ever seen. Coming to Reed Security mid 2017.
The Qolsys IQ2 Smart Security & Automation system has a few unique features you will not find on any other system. The built in 5MP camera takes photos every time the system is Armed or Disarmed and e-mails it to you (on DisArm). Coming to Reed Security mid 2017.