Perfection Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Ltd. is a premier provider of quality drain cleaning and plumbing services in Saskatoon, SK. They are the company of choice to handle all of your plumbing concerns including drain cleaning service, water heater installation, plumbing repair, and more. Perfection Plumbing is a Trusted Saskatoon Plumbers on the Saskatoon Directory. In their latest tip, they share helpful info on preventing blocked drains.
Saskatoon drain cleaners very often have a hard job; the majority of any drain cleaning job is reactive, in that it’s clearing away the result of months, even years of buildup in drain and guttering systems, when the problem could easily have been alleviated, or even prevented, in the first place. But it is still surprising how many people do not know how to proactively keep their drain systems clean, and there are many reasons why this should be a priority. But just how can someone be mindful during their day-to-day tasks?
Avoid Pouring Fat Away
An alarming amount of commercial premises that serve food, and just as many residential customers, require Saskatoon drain cleaning services as fat build-up has clogged their drains. It may seem like the easy option to pour away boiling hot liquid into a plug hole, but it won’t stay hot forever. When it cools down, it congeals and effectively creates a plugin the draining system. Before long, anything that goes down the drain in the same building, and very often with neighbouring buildings who share the same pipes, will come right back up, delivering old waste and a foul smell to boot. For commercial premises, this can mean closing down while the ‘health hazard’ has to be remedied. The easiest option is to avoid pouring away fat altogether.
Claw Back on Lumpy Food in The Sink!
It’s easy when the cooking is done to throw pots and pans into the sink and forget about the lumpy, off-cut pieces of food that lay in the bottom of the bowl. But again, over time, these will not go away. When they eventually get soft enough to go down the drain, they’ll rot and start to produce a rotting smell. A quick clear away before throwing the pots and pans in the sink will mitigate this problem.
Avoid Blocking the Gutter
Many gutter drain cleaning jobs can be avoided by simply not letting the gutter clog up. Over time, waste in the guttering needs to go somewhere, and when the rain and wind hammer down, it’ll push what waste is in the guttering down the downspout, causing a blockage. Regular cleaning of the gutter is a must.
For plumbing problems in your home, don’t hesitate to contact Perfection Plumbing for help.