What can you expect when you deal with the professionals at Preferred Collision and Glass Saskatoon? You can also expect seamless quality repairs! A faster turnaround for your vehicle (on average 25% faster!!) and assistance dealing with insurance! You'll find quality at every price point - from a few hundred dollars to a thousand or more. Preferred Collision and Glass is a Trusted Saskatoon Auto Body Expert.

Auto Collisions are quite often referred to as accidents. However, the reality is that auto collisions happen for a reason and can usually be avoided. Here are 5 common causes of auto collisions and how to avoid them.
Distracted driving is the leading cause of auto collisions. Driving is an important task, and it is imperative that the driver is fully aware of all surroundings and remains alert at all times. With the number of distractions for drivers such as texting, checking themselves out in the mirror, eating, changing the music, or even talking on the phone, it is no wonder distracted driving is the most common cause of collisions.
To reduce the chance of a collision, distracted driving should be avoided. Distracted driving can be avoided by only using your cellphone in emergency situations using the Bluetooth feature, and not eating, texting, or attempting to multitask when you are behind the wheel. The driver must prioritize driving free from distractions to avoid collisions.
Speed limits exist and are enforced for a reason. When the speed limit is exceeded, the driver has less time to react to potential hazards. Even if you are running late, slow down. Speeding is not worth the risk to yourself, passengers, and other drivers. Following the posted speed limit will help to avoid collisions by giving the driver time to react to unforeseen circumstances.
Impaired driving is an inexcusable behaviour that causes auto collisions and destroys lives. It is every driver’s responsibility to ensure that they are fit to operate a motor vehicle before getting behind the wheel. To avoid a collision, do not get behind the wheel if you are impaired, and always plan a safe ride home. With ride-sharing apps such as Uber, a safe ride home is more accessible than ever. There is no excuse for driving impaired, and we must ensure the safety of our community.
Though inclement weather is a cause of auto collisions that is out of the driver’s control, it is important to exercise caution when driving conditions are unfavourable. Snow, ice, heavy rain, and fog are just some of the inclement weather conditions that are not ideal for driving.
If you do find yourself caught driving in a storm, avoid a collision by slowing down and staying focused on the road. When driving in a storm ensure your windshield is kept clear to optimize visibility, and always pay closer attention to the road than usual.
Following too close behind the vehicle in front of you is known as tailgating, and this driving behaviour can easily cause an auto collision. To avoid a rear-end collision with the vehicle in front of you, always maintain a safe following distance of at least three seconds.
When you’re driving, you should focus only on the road that is in front of you and if you get in any collision or accident, contact Preferred Collision for all your vehicle repair needs.
If you are in a collision, Preferred Collision and Glass will look after all your and your car’s needs, during and after, with our Customer For Life program.
Preferred Collision and Glass is a Trusted Saskatoon Auto Body Expert.