Saskatoon if you are looking for a Trusted company to help you with your home or business Heating or Cooling system problems or to find the best and most high efficient air conditioner or furnace for your home J.O.B. Heating & Air Conditioning is who you need to call! If your family suffers from allergies a new furnace that filters and helps to eliminate those unwanted allergens will make a real difference.
The amazing staff at JOB Heating & Air Conditioning will consult with you to get something that fits your exact and specific needs and budget. With a new high efficient furnace you should cut your heating bills about 35% on average. We all love saving money!
A Real Plumbing Story
Recently, while doing a renovation in a very old commercial building, we found, as with a good majority of older structures, that the building had been neglected with many items falling into disrepair. Some repairs were made incorrectly that negatively affected the structural integrity of the building. As we progressed with the reno, one item after another would crop up causing a one step forward and two steps back approach.

Two crucial steps that affect any job are the deadline and total cost of that job. This one was no different, the deadline was fast approaching and many people’s lives were going to be negatively affected by missing this deadline. Professional contracting companies are legislated to put a high priority on safety no matter what the scenario. We attend safety courses offered by the Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association or by retail suppliers to demonstrate our commitment to safety. The information we garner from the classes is very beneficial to our day to day operations. But what happens when push comes to shove and a deadline is looming, you have many hours and much material on a job that you haven't been paid for? Do you accept that there is "acceptable risk" because of the deadline or that you have money owing to you? I believe the answer to this is, no. Receiving a fine from the Government notwithstanding, I'm the person that after an accident happens will have to go and bring the wife, husband, Mother or Father to the hospital or dare I say morgue. To me this would be the hardest thing I would ever have to do in my life and if I was to ignore a safety concern because of a deadline or budget, how could I look my own family in the eye? As business owners we cannot be on every job site all the time. We rely on our supervisors and employees to bring these concerns to our attention and to deal with them promptly. As sub contractors we have an obligation to bring the safety concern to the General or building owner. But what happens when their good judgement is clouded by that looming deadline or budget restraint? Our training tells us that it doesn't matter. Work must stop and corrections must be in place to ensure the safety of all people on that job site, not just your own worker.

On this job site I mentioned, this was exactly what took place. The instructors in all the classes we have been taking said this would happen but it doesn't really prepare you for the reality when it does. I found myself with my team having an argument about what is considered safe and what measure's should be taken before we continue with work. The irony of this situation was this argument was taking place right beside a broken ladder owned by another trade or the general / owner himself. This was a metaphor for his safety plan on his job site. I had a hard decision to make, forget about the deadline and the financial cost or use "acceptable risk" and hope for the best. That's when I thought " do I want to make that call to a wife, or a new mother?" The answer was emphatically, no.

Upon reflection the valuable lesson that I learned was that safety has no price. Professional contractors of any kind believe and live this every day. Yes sometimes safety can be taken to the extreme or taken advantage of. It is the professional contractor and his commitment to ongoing learning and behavioural change that will make the correct decision when the time comes.
When you choose a contractor you should ask about their commitment to safety and be prepared yourself as the home owner or building owner to make the site safe. Or it could be you having to make the dreaded call to that young mother.
You can find JOB Heating and Air conditioning online Check out their listing here in the SASKATOON AIR CONDITIONING & FURNACE and in the Saskatoon Plumbing categories on THE Saskatoon Directory of excellence..they are Trusted boiler EXPERTS Right here in Saskatoon!