Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Sara's Trusted Saskatoon 2018 Fitness Focus Challenge -Week Four -Nothing to see here

Trusted Saskatoon owner and founder Sara Wheelwright recently accepted a fitness challenge from the excellent team at Trusted Saskatoon gym Fitness Focus. Over the next few months, you can follow along on her fitness journey as she blogs and video journals her motivations, successes, failures, frustration and her pain as she struggles to get fit and fabulous in her forties!  

Fitness Focus Challenge -Week Four- Sara Fell Off The Fitness Wagon...HARD.

Well, it happened ....what happened? 

LIFE, Life happened.

The biggest barrier to me starting this fitness challenge before now, was my life is so hectic and often it sabotages my plans to prioritize myself. This has been the case so far in June. My last work out with Denise was May 31st and every time I have tried to go to the gym since then something has wrecked my plans. 

I was on a cancellation list for the periodontist - and 2 appointments in 1 day came available so I had to take them, an unplanned business road trip to Manitoba robbed me of another 2 days, Trusted 7th-anniversary event, a family event in Regina, my son's school city track meet- one thing after another conspired to stop me moving. Then the events - with wine and food. Essentially taking 2 hours to go to the gym would have meant missing client deadlines or important family moments - and I wasn't getting to bed till at least 11 pm every night ( sometimes not getting in from work stuff till then). 

Activity? What activity?

See my Fitbit for visual representation! I dropped from averaging over 75,000 steps a week to my ' old habits ' of just over 40,000. I did go paddleboarding and walking at the lake this weekend, fit in a bike ride with my kids last Sunday night and tried to walk the stairs ...but as you can see it wasn't enough. 


This, of course, means I didn't lose any weight, in fact, I put 1lb back on and I feel like 2 big steps back as my energy levels have dropped off. 

I can't express to you how much I am disappointed in myself, as I should have cut back / modified my food ( and drink ) intake to accommodate my crazy schedules impact - but I also failed miserably at that too. 

So I failed - this is when people normally quit ( and when I have before to be honest ), but I am not going to let this happen. 
It happened, its done - now time to start over again! 

I have booked 6 more Denise sessions, my first is on Wednesday- I am going to go to the gym at least 5 days this week and will be sticking to salads and shakes for the foreseeable future. 


Postive of week 3-4 

  • I ONLY gained 1.LB back. 
  • I was able to be there all day  to see my son compete at track and field ( he was awesome) 
  • Trusted had an amazing 7th-anniversary event-  my clients are amazing and all the extra work / long hours has resulted in lots of new contracts/work for the team.  
Negatives from week 1

  • Too many to mention.  
Week 3 goals

1. Eat salads and drink less ( I see a theme here )
2. Take the 5 flights of stairs to the office instead of the elevator.
3. Increase Cardio on all days - I need to speed up the fat burn. 
4. Go to bed earlier!   

 Wish me luck. 


Palliser Rooms EQ3 Introduces The Newest Product to Their Collection

Palliser Rooms EQ3 is an independent furniture store that has been operating in Saskatoon for over ten years. The store specializes in offering a generous selection of contemporary furnishings (predominantly Canadian brands) and a personalized service that is forward-thinking and client-focused. Customer reviews describe Palliser Rooms as a "great shopping experience," "with exceptional sales staff," "best displays and best furniture in town," and the kicker: "great delivery service." The comments reflect the company's commitment to providing excellent customer service and speak to their impeccable taste and attention to detail. 

Palliser EQ3 is a Trusted Saskatoon Furniture Store 

Introducing the Newest Product by Palliser Rooms EQ3 - The Kenaston

The Kenaston collection takes advantage of modern technology to offer luxurious comfort. A classic family-friendly collection, the Kenaston features a power headrest, power lumbar support, and an extended power footrest, allowing for complete customized comfort.

The collection offers clean styling that is complemented by a T-cushion full chaise, providing support for the entire body when fully reclined. Featuring plush fiber-filled cushions and seats that are topped with a layer of gel-infused memory foam, the Kenaston molds to the body for added comfort. The box-border back cushion is highlighted with beautiful topstitching details, offering added comfort and contributing to the visual appeal of the collection.

The power headrest, recline and lumbar functions are easily operated by a sleek brushed metal switch with integrated USB charging. With a convenient home button, all power functions will easily and quickly return to the fully closed position. The collection also has a console loveseat with drink holders and extra storage.

Visit their showroom, and try the power lumbar and headrest functions - you won't be disappointed!

Shop the Kenaston Collection!

Palliser Rooms / EQ3 is an independently owned, family run business in Saskatoon, SK. Palliser Rooms has always taken pride in supporting local charities including the Ronald McDonald House and Children's Wish Foundation. Visit their Spotlight Profile to learn more about Palliser Rooms / EQ3. If you are looking for some cool dining furniture, drop by the Palliser Rooms / EQ3 showroom at 2125 Faithfull Avenue.

Find Palliser online at - they are one of your best choices when it comes to choosing a  SASKATOON FURNITURE Store. Visit their massive showroom on Faithfull Ave, Saskatoon.

Palliser EQ3 is a Trusted Saskatoon Furniture Store

Trusted Sara's Trusted Saskatoon 2018 Fitness Focus Challenge -Week Two-

Trusted Saskatoon owner and founder Sara Wheelwright recently accepted a fitness challenge from the excellent team at Trusted Saskatoon gym Fitness Focus. Over the next few months, you can follow along on her fitness journey as she blogs and video journals her motivations, successes, failures, frustration and her pain as she struggles to get fit and fabulous in her forties!  

Fitness Focus Challenge -Week Two- Dealing With Temptations 

Week two was very tricky to keep on track as I was so busy, I knew it was going to be challenging, so I was concerned that it would affect my results. 
Trusted was in the process of moving offices, so chaos was the norm! Moving day was Friday, but there were lots of things to do before and after. I had so many deadlines that needed to be met before the move and many work meetings, not to mention kids activities, dentists appointments and other family commitments.  Also, I was going out with the girls on Saturday night - dinner plans followed by dancing at Buds On Broadway...I know that EQUALS temptation!! 

In the past, this kind of week has derailed my previous fitness/ diet attempts, so I was a bit worried I'd repeat my pattern and blame being busy for failing to keep on track.  

I'll be was not a perfect week by any means! 

I saw my trainer Denise at Fitness Focus on Wednesday at 7 am and again Saturday at Noon. She took me through 2 more of my (unique to me and my goals) weight training work out sessions that are making up the final plan. 
Her goal is to have me doing this myself,  and as such, she is creating a 2 week ( 5 days a week ) program for me to follow. I do 10-15 min cardio before our session and at least 20 mins after. In addition, I  am trying to get at least 20-30m mins of cardio a day on the days I don't train with Denise- that can be jogging, walking fast, swimming, biking, group fitness, jumping on a trampoline or cardio machines etc.. whatever I can do to move!  

The conclusion of a weights session with Denise always end with 3 sets of ab exercises. On Wednesday I found my new least favourite exercise. Swiss Ball Transfers - This medieval torture training move is where you squeeze a Swiss exercise ball between your feet and switch from feet to hands while crunching- just to make it even more friggin painful, Denise likes to keep feet off the floor at all times and insisted the ball has to go all the way over your head and touch the floor behind you. So you lay almost flat with the ball above your head - transfer in the crunch back to laying flat when the ball goes down to the floor between your feet. I told Denise I'd rather sign up to run a Tough Mudder Obstacle course than do 3 more sets of those again!
Check out my attempts at rope pulldown crunches at the end of Saturday's gym session- OUCH 

When Denise did my initial assessment she said I was eating too little and too infrequently during the workday. This meant I was essentially starving myself then feasting, which is not good for the metabolism. I think LOTS of us working Mums/entrepreneurs do this to ourselves, we get busy and simply don't stop to eat.  
I eat pretty well at home as I like to cook, so I just decided to make extra portions of healthy suppers and take leftovers to work, along with fruit and nuts to snack on.  I am trying to keep away from carbs and to drink lots more water, specifically water with lemon in it. 
Some tasty food from last week. 

I have never been a huge fan of protein shakes, but I have found a great Vanilla flavoured one by Forever Living, it's so tasty!  Shakes are a must because I struggle to eat early in the morning, it is my go-to breakfast, especially before training or I'd pass out. My favourite breakfast shake is 2 scoops Vanilla, almond milk and 2 shots of espresso with ice ...It is DELIGHTFUL!

BBQ vegetables and kebab / Asian Chicken Lettuce wraps with beet slaw 

10,000 steps a day goal. 


I have also been trying to get in the ' recommended 10,000 steps a day' as part of my lifestyle change.  Last week I missed the mark on Monday and Thursday - with just 8400 between both days. However, on the Trusted moving day I did over 25,400 ...moving IS a workout. 

All in all, I did over 81,300 steps last week!!

Consider this, prior to this challenge, my average number of steps in a week was around the 25,000 mark!! 


Postive of week 2 

  • I  have now lost 1.5LB total. 
  • I feel lighter in my clothes.
  • I am enjoying moving more.
  • My resting heart rate has dropped from 79 to 72BPM this is very encouraging.  
  • I can see some definition starting to show! 
Negatives from week 1

  • I overindulged on Saturday night and was hungover on Sunday, so was lazy AND we had Chinese takeout ( NOT good) 
  • Stiffness and soreness STILL.
  • I feel like I should have lost more than 1.5lb by now- then I remember Saturday and Sunday. 
  • STILL Not getting enough sleep. 
  • I really look like crap when I am working out - đź’Ş ( see above picture for proof ) and I hate how the tight work out clothes look. 
Week 3 goals

1. Eat better and drink less ( I see a theme here )
2. Take the 5 flights of stairs to the office instead of the elevator.
3. Park further away so I walk to work.
4. Increase Cardio on all days - I need to speed up the fat burn. 
5. Go to bed earlier!   

 Wish me luck. 

Trusted Sara's Trusted Saskatoon 2018 Fitness Focus Challenge -Week One

Trusted Saskatoon owner and founder Sara Wheelwright recently accepted a fitness challenge from the excellent team at Trusted Saskatoon gym Fitness Focus. Over the next few months, you can follow along on her fitness journey as she blogs and video journals her motivations, successes, failures, frustration and her pain as she struggles to get fit and fabulous in her forties!  

Fitness Focus Challenge -Week One

Week one was tough, I went through some pain barriers as my body reacted to the shock of change. It's quite the shift going from a sedentary lifestyle for the last few years, to working out at high intensity for 5 days in the first week.  I could barely lift my arms above my waist on Tuesday and forced myself to go jogging on Wednesday, which started the leg soreness that I still have today. I understand why so people give up at this stage. It's much easier to stop as you see very little return for your efforts. However, I know that it is how I react at this stage that will determine my long-term results. 
I cheered myself up on Thursday by booking our family trip to the UK at the end of July- so the clock is ticking and if I am to reach my weight and fitness goal I must keep this up. The 10 weeks countdown has begun! 

Postive of week 1 

  • I lost 0.5LB - I fully expected to put weight on, so this is a win! 
  • My skin looks better
  • I have more energy/motivation - even tackled some home organizing tasks I'd been putting off for ages.
  • Some extra quality time with my 14-year-old son, as he is joining me at the gym on the weekends.
Negatives from week 1

  • Drank too much wine this week - Mothers day and an event or 2 
  • Stiffness and soreness- my arms ached for the first half of the week and my legs and butt for the rest of the week.
  • I feel fat in my work out clothes - I hate the mirrors at the gym! 
  • Not getting enough sleep. 
Week 2 goals

I have a busy week with 2 conferences, moving offices and deadlines that must be met- so I need to ensure I fit in workouts, eat clean, stay away from wine and get more sleep! Wish me luck. 

Read more of Sara's Fitness journey from the beginning here:  Fitness Focus Challenge 

Trusted Saskatoon Framers J & S Picture Frame Warehouse Celebrate 40 Years in Business!

 J & S Picture Frame Warehouse believe that your pictures deserve the best! Locally owned and operated, they constantly strive to bring their customers the best materials, advice and workmanship for all of your framing needs.

J & S Picture Frame Warehouse simply offers the best selection of materials to preserve your treasures, keepsakes and works of art in Saskatoon. Quality is paramount at J & S - all work is completed with superb craftsmanship, expert advice and friendly service. Nationally acclaimed local artists trust J & S with their original artworks...why trust your memories to anyone else?

J & S Picture Frame Warehouse are Trusted Saskatoon Picture Framer Experts.

J & S Picture Frame Warehouse Saskatoon Celebrates 40 Years in Business! 

It’s been 40 long, exciting, and change-filled years since J&S opened their doors in 1978. For four decades, J&S Picture Frame Warehouse has been offering premium picture framing services to the people of Saskatoon out of their Jessop Avenue Store, in the Sutherland neighbourhood. As part of celebrating this extraordinary milestone, we decided to sit down with the current Owner and Operator of J&S , Sherry Morris and learn more about her story.

There and Back Again 

Sherry was born and raised in the Yorkton, SK area. She is the daughter of a farmer and rancher, and one of six siblings. Growing up, Sherry was always into art, and when an opportunity to apprentice with a picture framer in Toronto presented itself, she jumped at it. Sherry apprenticed under a man named Tino Tamburi – a Turkish-Italian immigrant who owned 8 stores in Toronto. Under Tino’s instruction, Sherry learned the art of selecting, preparing, and assembling materials into beautiful, high-quality frames.

Sherry ended up liking the profession. She brought her skills back home and started J&S Picture framing with her Husband Jack, and her brother Sam. While the “J&S” initialism referred to the owner’s names, in the early days they affectionately ascribed the meaning “Juggle & Struggle” to their business name. Despite the early challenges, the team persevered and established themselves as a trusted business.

When sitting down with Sherry she described herself as a “big-big family person”. You get a sense of the aptness of this description the moment you walk into the shop. The warm and welcoming staff combined with the beautifully framed local artwork makes it a very pleasant place to walk through and enjoy. Among the local artwork are pictures of Sherry on her various adventures through the world – Kenya, Egypt, China – and a healthy share of space devoted to pictures of Kane, Sherry’s beloved pooch. For good measure, the artwork of the extremely talented J&S staff members hangs among the other displays. This scene reflects-back perfectly on the kind of shop J&S is – a local business that treats their talented staff like family and strives to make everyone who walks in the door feel like part of that same family.  

Check out this slideshow walking us through the 40 years of J&S history!

Congrats on 40 Years of Great Service – Here’s To Many More!

On behalf of the entire Trusted Saskatoon Community, we want to say an enormous CONGRATULATIONS on 40 years in business - what an accomplishment! We’re proud to promote you as Trusted Saskatoon Picture Framing Experts, and thank you for being an amazing Trusted Saskatoon Partner since the very beginning!


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