Trusted Saskatoon owner and founder Sara Wheelwright accepted a fitness challenge from the excellent team at Trusted Saskatoon gym Fitness Focus. Follow along on her fitness journey as she blogs and video journals her motivations, successes, failures, frustration and her pain as she struggles to get fit and fabulous in her forties!
Let's start by giving my trainer Denise some kudos! This woman is an inspiration and so dedicated to fitness it is mind-blowing. She competed in Vancouver and as you can see she was in staggering shape. ( I think she should have won - but what do I know) She has been a big part of my fitness journey and there have been times when I have just dragged myself to the gym because of her.
I leave on vacation soon and I feel energized, healthy, lighter and I definitely look and feel better overall- the numnbers below really do speak for themselves.
Thank you so much Denise and the team at Fitness Focus for helping me change my lifestyle - I'm determined that I am not going back!
So its all great that I look better in a bikini - but true fitness is more than just being lean.
STRENGTH -FLEXIBILITY -STAMINA- the 3 pillars of fitness.
Strength - By doing resistance training and weight lifting I am getting stronger and I can feel my muscles and am starting to see them appear from under the layers of inactivity I'd formed over last 7 years!
Flexibility - Stretching, stretching and exercises like yoga. If you aren't flexible you will hurt yourself- so I stretch before and after every workout.
Stamina- Physical fitness is key to a long life and good health. Your body’s capacity to transport and use oxygen during exercise (VO2 max) is the most precise measure of overall cardiovascular fitness. Changes in VO2 levels equate to changes in aerobic fitness and this, in turn, can affect your chances of getting a cardiovascular and pulmonary this number is IMPORTANT!
After punching in the numbers my results were provided and they matched up exactly with what my Fitbit has been showing me.
In the first 2 screenshots, you can see that I have VO2 of 41 - this is an excellent score for a 44-year-old woman ( It increased from a VO2 of 35 in April) - and I have the same score as an average 29-year-old woman. Woo Hooo!!
The next 2 screenshots clearly show the change in my resting heart rate (RHR)
Resting Beats Per Minute (BPM).

What the RHR Numbers Should Say
According to the National Institute of Health, the average resting heart rate for adults is between 60-100 beats per minute. Well-trained athletes tend to fall somewhere between 40-60 beats per minute. Regardless of what your RHR is, that first baseline measurement will be an important number by which you’ll be able to spot trends over time.
This is why it is important to regularly check your RHR.
1. If, for example, you notice that your RHR is rising, it could be an early warning sign of a heart problem. Much research has been devoted to demonstrating the link between elevated heart rate and the development of conditions such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular diseases.
2. Alternatively, you can also experience a reduction in your RHR as a result of increased fitness, meaning your heart is working more efficiently. These numbers can be especially motivating as you progress through a workout program or training regimen. When you notice your RHR slowly declining over weeks and months, it’s an indication you’re getting fitter. ( THATS ME!!)
Methods for Lowering Resting Heart Rate
There’s a reason they call them “cardio” workouts. As previously noted, exercise is perhaps your best bet when it comes to decreasing your resting heart rate and boosting heart health. Going hand-in-hand with that is good nutrition and achieving a healthy weight. Hydration also plays a role in keeping your heart healthy. To be sure, good hydration means your heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood through the body. This thereby increases the overall efficiency of your cardiovascular system.
Another factor that can increase your risk of heart issues is a poor sleep over a prolonged period of time. When you get the right amount of high-quality sleep, blood pressure and heart rate drop overnight, giving your heart a break. What’s more, not enough sleep has also been connected to weight gain which is yet another factor that can affect resting heart rate and heart health.
Want to see where you rank for your age?
Based on the extensive research of The K. G. Jebsen Center of Exercise in Medicine at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, you can easily estimate your fitness level by answering a few questions. Simply click on this link to find out.
Postive of week 8-9
- I have lost 10lb
- I feel energized and I am looking forward to working out.
- Cardio is easier!
- I feel the urge and the energy to do things I never had time for before - cleaning out closets and draws!
- My resting heart rate has dropped from mid 80s range in April to high 60's in July!!
- I have the fitness of an average 29year old!
- I worked out 12 days in a row!!
Negatives from week 8-9
- Darn friends - I just am not good at just hanging out without a drink!
- Had a few cheat days for food because we had house guests.
- I have not hit my weightlooss goal - but that is because of mey cheats - I take full responsibility. DRAT
Goals for vacation
1. Eat mindfully - 2 meals of each day to be healthy choices( so hard in Scotland !!)
2. Walk walk walk everywhere
3. Take my work out gear with me and actually use it.
4. Try NOT to overindulge drinking - this is particularly hard in my hometown in England and on Islay- the home of the best Scotch in the world!
Wish me luck.