Whether you are building a new home or remodeling a single room, Kitchen & Bath Classics Saskatoon a Trusted SASKATOON BATHROOM EXPERT offers you one of the largest selections of plumbing fixtures, faucets, and accessories from quality names, displaying the latest trends and cutting-edge styles. The showroom consultants offer the best expertise in the business as they understand the building process; working with you to ensure that your project stays within budget and that the right products are delivered on time.

Here They Share 5 Tips for Surviving a Renovation:
Living through a renovation can be stressful, but there are five tips you can consider that will help the process go smoothly.
1. Set a realistic budget.
The most common mistake homeowners make is operating at their maximum budget allowance and not saving extra for those unexpected costs or splurge items. A realistic budget should be 80% of what you can actually afford, leaving 10% for surprises (even the best contractors can’t know what hides behind walls), and 10% for decorating once the project is completed.
2. Determine your desired timeline for completion.
Keep in mind that delays often happen, regardless of how well you have planned. Materials get back-ordered, bad weather can delay exterior work, and tradespeople may get sick or require extra time to make sure the job is done properly.
3. Hire construction experts for anything you are unsure of.
It is always best to hire licensed professionals because they are bonded and insured. You want to hire someone who works with a formal contract and can provide references. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. Select someone with who you can communicate clearly about all aspects of the project. Write down a list of questions as you think of them, such as, ‘What payments do I have to make and when? Am I coordinating the trades or will they be your responsibility?' Contact local associations for referrals if you do not know where to start.
4. Be realistic about living through a renovation.
Can you segregate yourself to another area and be comfortable? Do you need to move out for a little while? Keep in mind that most contractors and trades keep construction hours from 7 am to 3 or 4 pm. Will this be disruptive to you or your family members?
Also consider the levels of dust and how they affect those children, pets, and those afflicted with respiratory difficulties. Moving out during a renovation is often a good idea. It also means the job site can operate more efficiently if you and your family are not in the way.
5. The design aspects of your project.
Are you creating something that will look dated in five years or can it be easily adapted to current trends as they change? This is where hiring professional interior designers, decorators and architects is a good investment. Not only can they help you define your style, but they can also mediate between you and the contractor and trades which will alleviate a lot of the renovation stress. These professionals typically cost approximately 5% of your renovation budget and they make sure that your visions for your renovation become a reality.
Find Kitchen & Bath Classics online at http://www.kitchenandbathclassics.ca in the SASKATOON BATHROOMS category on the SASKATOON DIRECTORY of Excellence... they are your SASKATOON BATHROOM FIXTURES and FITTING Expert!
K & S Contracting specializes in foundation repair for homeowners across Saskatchewan. In addition, they also offer general contracting services to Saskatoon and the surrounding area. In their latest Trusted Saskatoon tip, K & S Contracting, Trusted Saskatoon General Contractors, and foundation specialists, discuss your home foundation.

Pay Attention to Your Foundation While Living in Saskatchewan
As a homeowner, you probably tend to prioritize home repairs based on how soon they need to be addressed. If your kitchen faucet is spraying water all over the room, for example, that’s something you’ll try to fix as soon as possible. If a tree branch falls and punches a hole through your roof, that’s something else you’ll probably work on right away.
On the other hand, if you start to notice tiny cracks developing in your foundation, you might not jump to fix them immediately. After all, all homes are expected to move a little from our adverse weather conditions to clay expanding or contracting up six inches with the fluctuation of moisture content. What’s more, a tiny crack that appears in your concrete doesn’t mean your house is in danger of falling anytime soon, does it? Basement crack repair may be one of those things you’d file under “keep an eye on it” rather than “call someone tomorrow,” but that can be the wrong idea.
Why Pay Attention to Your Foundation Living in Saskatchewan
With the weather extremes that we experience in Saskatchewan, from a 40-degree temperature swing in a matter of days to expanding clay that is affected by moisture in ways we never thought possible, home foundation repair is critical for your house. It should be taken care of as soon as possible. Although a few cracks in the foundation might not seem like a big deal, think of them as warning signs of something much more serious to come. Your home’s foundation may not be in any danger of crumbling to dust in the immediate future, but any signs that you may need foundation crack repair should be acted upon immediately if you want to avoid major foundation problems later.
Here are some of the best reasons why you always need to make foundation repair a high priority:
It Saves You Time and Money
Perhaps the most important reason to have your foundation repairs made sooner rather than later is cost. Although foundation repair may cost more than you’re expecting, it only gets worse when you wait. In addition to labour and material costs continuing to rise, the longer you wait to fix cracks in your foundation, the worse they will get. This is especially true if you’re planning on selling your home or making any significant home improvements. Ignoring the need for foundation repairs now will only make those projects much harder and result in more-expensive work to be done.
If you suspect you may need a foundation in Saskatchewan or wherever you are, it’s not a good idea to hesitate. The longer you wait for foundation repair, the more complicated and expensive those repairs are likely to be. Even if you think you have time to get that work done, don’t wait.
Whether you’re buying a house for the first time, the second, or the seventh time, it’s still one of the biggest decisions you ever have to make. In order to ensure sheer success, you need Trusted Saskatoon Realtor Clark Dziadyk! Clark will ease your mind by taking the pressure off of you to find your dream home! Be assured Saskatoon Real Estate Agent Clark Dziadyk Clark puts 100% effort into everything he does. Don’t you hate it when the grass is greener at your next door neighbour’s place? This summer you could have the lawn that turns everyone’s eyes green with envy and admiration, but you’ve got to get on it right now! Follow these tips to grow the best lawn.

Summer Lawn Care Increases Your Homes Curb Appeal
1. Inspect The Lawn Regularly
Inspect your lawn and note any spots that need special attention. If you notice brown patches, you
need to act quickly to identify the disease so you can treat it. If the entire lawn is somewhat
flattened from winter weather, call in an aeration service. Those little holes in the lawn will last just
long enough to loosen up the soil and allow better water and nutrient absorption.
2. Rake Your Lawn
Rake any dead spots and reseed using a variety of grass seeds to match the rest of your lawn. For
larger areas that may have been damaged by snow plows, for example, you can remove entire
sections and replace with sod. If you notice areas where there has been a lot of soil erosion, mulch
beds are a good way to shore up future runoffs.
3. Fertilize Your Lawn
Apply a slow-release fertilizer to feed the grass over weeks. Pick a day that’s not windy and check to make sure there’s no rain in the immediate forecast to keep the fertilizer where you want it. Dispose of any leftover fertilizer appropriately, as you would household chemicals like paint.
4. Water Your Lawn
Make sure to water deeply, not daily. Deep watering will encourage a healthy root system. Whether you drag the hose out in the morning or have an automatic sprinkler system, set a watering schedule. Your lawn needs an inch to an inch and a half of water a week.
5. Lawnmower Maintenance
Keep mower blades sharp and balanced for clean cuts and change the pattern every time you mow so grass blades will stand up straight. Remember to let your grass clippings fall where they may, and remain there. “Grasscycling” returns nutrients to the soil, allowing them to fertilize the lawn. Proper lawn care prevents the most common lawn problems from getting out of control. Keeping the grass at the right length will help keep it healthy and keep weeds at bay.
6. Rake & Weed Your Lawn
When autumn arrives, and the leaves begin to fall, don’t wait for large amounts to pile up. Remove
leaves often, so they don’t get a chance to become wet and sticky. Blankets of wet leaves can
create a fungal problem that will plague your lawn long after the last snow falls.
Set yourself up for another lovely lawn the following spring and summer by doing some weed control now, and an application of fertilizer for nutrients to feed your grass throughout the cold
Keep in mind that if you plan to sell your home, having a nice lawn is crucial. But the homes that show the best have more than just end-to-end grass. The right shade trees will also protect your lawn and keep your house cooler this summer.
Notice summer lawn care doesn’t just cover June through September. By preparing your lawn well in advance of the summer heat, you’ll have a yard that will withstand the stress of summer and thrive through the fall.
Read what clients have to say about Clark Dziadyk on his Saskatoon real estate listing here!
Clark Dziadyk is a Trusted Saskatoon Realtor contact him today for all your Saskatoon Real Estate needs.
At Fitness Focus, the goal is to offer a fitness center with a welcoming, fun, and safe environment that all ages can enjoy. They are a forerunner in the fitness industry in Saskatoon. With the ever-changing fitness demands of new and improved classes, training, and nutrition. They are your TRUSTED SASKATOON FITNESS EXPERTS!

This Fitness Focus Trusted Tip is About Gym Memberships
Starting a gym membership can be exciting but also intimidating. Here are some Trusted Tips on taking that first step and finding the right gym for you.
- Whether you have tried a fitness regimen before or you’re starting at the gym for the very first time, before you choose a fitness center, you have to start with a goal. Without a goal you’ll have nothing to work towards, making the effort you put in seems like a total waste. Make your goal reasonable, attainable, and specific; and make sure you know the route to attaining it.
- It’s important to find a gym with an atmosphere that suits you. If you’re not comfortable in the gym, you won’t enjoy your experience, and then it won’t be long until you start to abandon your routine and your goals. See if the gym will offer you a trial pass or “test drive” that gives you enough time to feel it out and see if it’s the right fit for you.
- Pay attention to the not-so-obvious amenities when you’re looking into a new club. Big windows for natural light, what kind of music they play, and the cleanliness of the facility including washrooms and training area, a wide variety of equipment, and knowledgeable staff. Sometimes it’s these subtleties you might not have noticed at first but they can be the difference that makes it a club you want to make your home for years to come.
- Convenience! Is the club close to your house or work? If your gym is not easy to get to, you might not use it as much as you had planned. A gym within a stone’s throw of your home can be great, but also consider one that’s close to your workplace. This gives the option to get your workout in during your lunchtime or to avoid the traffic on the commute home after work.
- Once you have made your decision to join, make sure you read your membership agreement form. There are a lot of standard points on a membership form but many disclosures can change from gym to gym. First, pay attention to membership cancellation policies, sometimes these can be very strict which might not be a problem if you plan to be there for a few years. Watch out for unexpected annual fees; these should be explained in your membership. Ask if there is a membership freeze option and the cost of it. This allows you to suspend payments of your membership in the event you can’t use it due to injury or inability to make use of your membership for a short period.
If you're looking for a gym in Saskatoon and have never tried Fitness Focus, check them out! Experience the great atmosphere, people, and all the major amenities Fitness Focus offers. They offer a weight room, cardio theatre, group fitness classes, tanning, towel service, lockers, and more.
Find Fitness Focus Health & Athletic Centre at 1250 Ontario Avenue, or check out their listing here in the Saskatoon Fitness & Gyms Category on THE Saskatoon directory of excellence. They are YOUR Trusted experts right here in Saskatoon!
Saskatchewan’s premier Pilates Centre– the largest and most fully-equipped Pilates studio in the province. Saskatoon Pilates Centre continues to provide top-quality classes with the most experienced and dedicated teachers helping you to experience the integrity of the Pilates exercises integrating body and mind for everyday living. Sounds great, doesn’t it? In their latest tip, they share an article that compares Pilates to Yoga.

"Trust The Experience!"
"Pilates? That's Like Yoga, Right?"
Author: Jo Ann Graser, PMA®-CPT, PMA Board of Directors.
As a business owner who offers both Pilates and yoga at my studio, I run into this question on a regular basis. My answer can be detailed or basic, depending on my audience. Here are some comparison points about the two disciplines based on my personal experience with both. For the purposes of this discussion, I am comparing yoga to Pilates on the apparatus.
Yoga was developed over 5,000 years ago in India with the purpose of connecting individual consciousness to a universal consciousness creating spiritual enlightenment. Poses or “asanas” combined with breath control and meditation improve the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional health of the practitioner.
Joseph Pilates began the development of his regimen (historically called “Corrective Exercise” and then “Contrology”) approximately 100 years ago. The underlying theme of Pilates is a systematic and disciplined approach to physical movement through focus and clarity of the mind. Joseph Pilates created apparatuses that could support the body in order to correct dysfunction and improve movement.
Yoga utilizes mats and small props to aid or support the practitioner. Pilates has an extensive array of machines, or “apparatuses,” designed to assist the individual in improving alignment, strength, and coordination.
In my experience, yoga poses are typically held for extended time periods to release muscle tension. In some styles of yoga, a long series of poses are repeated sequentially, with the purpose of warming the body to allow for an increased range of motion.
Pilates movements are often guided by the apparatus, which can be configured by the teacher to provide assistance or resistance for the client. The focus in a Pilates session is often on a relatively short piece of choreography emphasizing control and precision. A movement is focused on and repeated for a few repetitions before moving on to the next exercise.
Mind-Body Connection
In many types of yoga, the session starts with the setting of an intention for the practice and ends with a guided meditation and relaxation or “savasana.” The goals are to clear the mind and surrender to the movement.
In Pilates, there is constant attention to posture, alignment, and movement mechanics. The practitioner is encouraged to focus on each movement, staying present and intentional. The theme of controlling the body with the mind is ever-present.
Yoga teaches breathing in and out through the nose or a “warming breath.” This type of breathing is designed to relax the body and calm the mind. The focus of yoga is on “belly breathing.” The classes I take often use the breath as a mechanism to time each pose for example: "Hold this pose for another 4 breaths.”
Pilates teaches breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. This type of breath is considered “diaphragmatic” and is meant to energize and prepare the body for strong engagement. The practitioner is encouraged to “move with the tempo of the breath,” coordinating the two.
Yoga emphasizes the mind-body and spiritual connection, quieting the mind by focusing on mastery through introspection. Flexibility and strength are improved through the repetition of the asanas.
Pilates follows a systematic approach, focusing on individual movements as they integrate with the whole. The intended outcome of Pilates is improved posture and creating a strong, balanced and stable base from which to move.
“You only have one body and you deserve the best.” Kathy Bond
Saskatoon Pilates Classes Include:
- Mat Work
- Equipment Work
- Structural Integration Work
- Group Classes
- Open Gym
- Personal Fitness Programs