Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan Shares 8 Myths About Shock Collars

Reed Security Answer the Debate of Wired Vs. Wireless Security Systems!

Reed Security believes when you become a client you will be entering into a relationship – one they want to grow and become long term...they work hard to meet all your Saskatoon Alarm & security needs from day one! They are also recipients of multiple SABEX AWARDS - these Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce awards recognize excellence in business! 

Here they answer the question - Which is better, wired or wireless security systems?

Is it safe? Will it work every time? What if I have a power outage? We have to ask the question: are wireless security systems better than wired ones?


Home Security:

Wireless vs. Wired

It’s Saturday morning, and you’ve just woken up. You think to yourself “I could really go for some coffee right now”, but the kitchen seems so far away…fortunately, you have a WiFi connected coffee maker, and can start the process from the warmth and comfort of your bed, simply by opening an app on your phone. Life surely couldn’t get any more convenient.

It’s not surprising that when it comes to alarm systems, residential or commercial, many clients are looking for integrated solutions; something they can access any time, anywhere, at the click of a button. However, the stakes are a little higher when it comes to security then they are with your morning coffee. Is it safe? Will it work every time? What if I have a power outage? We have to ask the question: are wireless security systems better than wired ones?

This is a great question, but one that doesn’t lend itself to a “yes or no” answer. Saying a system is “wireless” can mean a number of different things. A “wired” system may still have wireless components, and vice versa. In fact, there are three distinct aspects to an alarm system, any of which can be wired or wireless, in almost any combination. These three components are:

1.  CPU – the main brain of the system, where all the processing of signals happens

2.  Communicator – the part that sends the signals from the CPU to the monitoring station

3.  Devices – the individual zones in the system; doors, motion detectors, etc

To understand the benefits and drawbacks of using wireless in an alarm system, we’re going to break down each of these three components individually and examine them closely.

Today we will look at the CPU.

What does the CPU do?

The CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is the real hard worker in the system. It receives signals from every other device in the system, including keypads, door sensors, smoke detectors, keyfobs, etc, and decides what to do with them. Without this part functioning properly, every other part of the system is effectively useless.

What’s the difference between a wired one and a wireless one?

Traditionally, the CPU (or “panel”, as it’s often referred to in the alarm industry) was housed in a secure metal box in a room that is hard to reach, such as a utility room or a locked server room. It is usually part-and-parcel with, or closely housed to, the Communicator; this means that when the CPU decides that someone needs to be notified of something, communication can happen instantly. The siren is also wired into this box.

With the advent of wireless alarm systems, someone somewhere said “hey, we could save money by putting the CPU, the communicator, the siren AND the keypad all in one box”. This seems like a great idea! A technician only has to install one piece of equipment, and run one set of wires to it.  Almost every alarm company offers these types of system, and it is single-handedly responsible for the “Zero down” deals we hear about on the radio every day. They can now install three or four systems in a day instead of one or two, and they’re not paying for multiple pieces of equipment. 

How does the CPU perform in an alarm situation?

The “fully wireless” CPU has a distinct disadvantage: the CPU and communicator are sitting right inside your keypad – probably right next to the front door of your house or business. Not only that, but the sturdy metal enclosure has been replaced with a piece of plastic. More than once I have seen a criminal enter a premise and then simply take a hammer to the keypad. After one or two swings, your keypad is destroyed, your siren is disabled, and your system is dead and has no way to communicate with the outside world. The burglar can take their time in checking out your property and possessions. 

If you had a hard-wired system, the keypad would certainly be destroyed; but the CPU and Communicator are still downstairs doing their job. They’ve detected someone walking in front of the motion detector and have seen that the keypad is no longer responsive, and the Police are on their way. Not to mention that the siren is still blaring, making the burglar think twice about sticking around.

When it comes to communication, the alarm industry has put some safeguards in place to make these kind of break-ins harder to pull off, specifically a technology called “Crash and Smash”, which means a quick distress signal is sent in most of these cases before the keypad is irreparably damaged. This is a great idea, though not without it’s own flaws. I will explore this in my next blog.  

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that the CPU in a “fully wireless” system is cost-effective and convenient to install, and some even come with built-in touch screens and extra features which aren’t available in hardwired systems; however, they come at the cost of being incredibly vulnerable to attack. When you’re paying a monthly fee for your alarm system, and often an up-front cost as well, do you really want your alarm system to be only as secure as a $10 hammer? 

My recommendation: better safe than sorry. A hardwired CPU may cost you more to have installed, but if your security system isn’t secure, it’s missing the point!

Dave Schlegel
Oxford Security Systems
Reed Security Authorized Dealer (Calgary)

If you are having a problem with THEFT or MOVING TO A NEW HOME, we can Help!

Contact Us today for a 
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NEW! The ReedHD™ Wi-Fi Doorbell Camera allows you to See and Talk with the person at the front door with your SmartPhone.Professionally Installed...only $19.95/mo. LEARN MORE...


NEW! Monitor and Control the key entry points to your Home or Business with integrated door locks and garage door openers. LEARN MORE...

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Jeff Bolton Owner of JOB Heating and Air Conditioning Shares why "Good Enough" Usually Isn't!

Saskatoon, if you are looking for a Trusted company to help you with your home or business Heating or Cooling system problems or to find the best and most high efficient air conditioner or furnace for your home, J.O.B Heating and Air Conditioning is who you need to call! If your family suffers from allergies a new furnace that filters and helps to eliminate those unwanted allergens will make a real difference. 

The amazing staff at J.O.B Heating & Air Conditioning will consult with you to get something that fits your exact and specific needs and budget. 

get to spend a good deal of time explaining to customers what you should ask for when choosing a contractor. We have all heard about the usual things. "Check the reviews", yes I agree that reviews are important but how many of the are legitimate? How many reviews are there because the contractor earned them and how many are there because he paid for them. How many are there because he has a disgruntled employee or a ruthless competitor and of course how many are there because they are real? 

Further to the reviews here are a few things to notice when they are in your house. What are they looking at and what questions are they asking? My Dad tells me that I have 2 ears and one mouth so it should be 2/3 listening and 1/3 talking. What that means is the contractor should be asking questions about your home but also how you live in that home? How can he or she offer you a product or service without knowing how you intend on using that product or service? In the case of an air conditioner are they looking to ensure that the unit can be placed where you would like it? Or are they looking for the most direct route that would save them time and money? Are they just automatically going to the "best" option because well its the Mercedes who wouldn't want it? In reality most of us drive  Chevy's or Fords. 

I believe that there are a couple of documents that they should show you. You should see their contractor license. In the case of heating contractors they should show you their gas licence. So many times guys hang their shingle out and say I can put that water heater in for you and the never take out a permit so the inspector never knows to go see the job. They end up making a mistake when installing it that causes you to have no hot water at the most inopportune of times.  Further to that if that contractor doesn't have a gas licence when the gas inspector issues a deficiency he has to issue it to the homeowner and if the homeowner does not correct it they could loose their gas service. 

Another document you should ask to see is their Workman's Compensation Board letter of good standing. This lets you know that they have a commitment to safety and they pay there premiums to the WCB which gives you an indication of their financial status. You should also ask to see their insurance certificate. How much coverage do they have? Is it enough to cover the worst case scenario? Check the dates, is everything you are seeing current?

If you are going to get a job done and you are researching the job and the equipment on the Internet please be careful with where you are getting that information. Is it a trusted source such as a manufacturer or a professional group or is it just some blow hard on a message board. When you are planning on researching equipment or contract work I think the best place to start is the glossary. Learn what the terms used are and mean. In the heating business we use terms such as delta T. Sounds impressive right? All it means the the difference between the supply temperature and return temperature. I've heard many contractors say "if you can't dazzle them with knowledge baffle them with BS". This can't be farther from the truth. If he can't explain what he's doing or selling in terms that you will understand then he doesn't completely get it himself. 

Now having said that sometimes in contracting there isn't absolutes, that is to say you never know what you'll find in a wall or under a cement floor. When dealing with new products the contractor will have to research it and get back to you. Don't be afraid if a contractor tells you this. This shows diligence and a commitment to getting it right the first time. 

Every job isn't going to go perfectly the best contractors are the one's that have a game plan in place to deal with problems when they arise. Having a plan means the problem gets repaired quickly and with as little disruption to the homeowner as possible. Remember even Mike Homes makes mistakes, he just gets to edit them.

- Jeff Bolton

At J.O.B Heating and Air they strive to hold up the values of Trusted Saskatoon! Find them online at or check out their listing here in the Saskatoon AIR CONDITIONING & FURNACE Directory of excellence!

Trusted Saskatoon Directory sponsor 2016 Sasktel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival Free Stage

Marketing and advertising wonderful local businesses is what we do at Trusted, but community is really who we are! Community involvement is an important part of the Trusted community, we step up as often as we can to help and support Saskatoon non profits, events and individuals.  See our TrustedSaskatoon community support page for details! 

The Trusted Saskatoon directory team are excited to be sponsors for the second year of the Sasktel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival. The Sask Jazz Fest is one of our favourite annual Saskatchewan events, so we were 100% that we once again were going to step up as day sponsor of PotashCorp Club Free Stage on Sat June 25th 2016.

Trusted Saskatoon Directory sponsor 2016 Sasktel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival Free Stage

Come on down and see us / meet our team at the PotashCorp Club Jazz Free Stage on Saturday June 25th 1130am - 8pm ! 
We will be there handing out balloons, water bottles and answering any questions you might have about and what it is we do!  
We are looking forward to another super year - last year was a blast, even with the smoke which you can see really clearly in this picture!  There is a great line up this year at the Free Stage and you don't want to miss out on all the fun ....and we will be having some draws to win some awesome prizes!!   See the line up below - then SEE you there - RAIN OR SHINE !!

PotashCorp Club Jazz Free Stage Line Up Saturday 25th 2016  



Don and Jack Tatchell have been mainstays of the Saskatchewan music scene for decades. As well as, performing at hundreds of performances from classical to contemporary, the brothers are patron supporters and musicians of the North Battleford Jazz Society, the Kinsmen Band and the city's school music program. Don was one of the very few Saskatchewan musicians selected to the internationally renown, RCMP Band. The Tatchells, performing jazz and fusion material, will be joined by fellow North Battleford native, Ross Nykiforuk on organ, Skip Kutz on bass, and featured vocalist, Shelley Ewing.

Saturday, Jun 25

2:00pm ( also playing Bess Gardens Main stage at 6pm) 


Emilie & Ogden is not your typical duet but rather an encounter between a young singer and a harp. Her particular voice has often been described as pure and soft, resonating in perfect harmony with the instrument. On stage, her traditional folk sound is embellished by drums, bass and a soft electronic touch, drawing inspiration from other female artists such as Feist and St. Vincent.

Saturday, Jun 25



The Joel Grundahl Trio is a Saskatoon based instrumental jazz fusion band playing original and cover fusion compositions. The concept of the band is the creation and improvisation of jazz fused with modern music themes. With influences such as Allan Holdsworth, Steve Morse and Eric Johnson the original and cover material challenges and pushes the musical spectrum both technically and sonically. Jazz is an ever evolving music form based on creativity and improvisation. The Joel Grundahl Trio (Joel Grundahl, Lloyd Tomczak and Kyle Krysa) embrace these ideas and carry that torch forward.

Saturday, Jun 25



The Pile of Bones Brass Band plays music in the spirit of traditional New Orleans jazz and blends it with a variety of musical styles ranging from jazz, blues, and world music, to soul, funk, and R&B. The "Pile" has performed at many local clubs, pubs, festivals, and events and they have had the pleasure of sharing the stage with local, national, and international artists since 2010. In short, the frontline brass will peel paint off the wall, while the rhythm section is the funkiest of them all. The groove is created by rocksteady sousaphone bass lines, street-beat drumming, greasy guitar tones, and raw brass harmonies. Get ready to party like it's Mardi Gras!

Saturday, Jun 25


His charisma and the ability to move an audience has brought him to share the stage with the ranks of Winton Marsalis, Poncho Sanchez the Gran Combo, Natalie Cole, Michael Miller, Joe Lovano, Govani Hidalgo, Jimmy Bosh, Jose Alberto el Canario. His voice will capture and embrace you, with an undeniable, engaging stage presence, hearlded as one Cuba’s leading artists, Wil Campa, represents the very best of Cuba. The music lives in his soul!

So don't miss a wonderful day packed with talented performers, laughs and a wonderful family and friend fun day out on the banks of the Saskatchewan River!! Bring a blanket, chair, umbrella and smile!! 

Palliser EQ3 your Trusted Saskatoon Furniture store share the Miami Sectional

Palliser Rooms EQ3 is an independent furniture store that has been operating in Saskatoon for ten years. The store specializes in offering a generous selection of contemporary furnishings (predominantly Canadian brands) and a personalized service that is forward-thinking and client-focused. Customer reviews describe Palliser Rooms as a "great shopping experience," "with exceptional sales staff," "best displays and best furniture in town," and the kicker: "great delivery service." The comments reflect the company's commitment to providing excellent customer service and speak to their impeccable taste and attention to detail.

They are your Trusted Saskatoon Furniture Experts

Here they share their Miami Sectional: 

Great Style for a Great Price: the Miami Sectional

The Miami is a modern style with tufted seat stitching, a generous wide arm and block leg. It will keep you looking sleek and sophisticated at a price that also lets you keep your cool. The Miami sectional is on a special promotion right now for only $2899! 
You can choose from Alabaster (cream), Java (brown), Granite (grey) and Onyx (black) while quantities last.


Come and see it in person at our showroom! Located at 2125 Faithfull Avenue in Saskatoon.

Find Palliser online at or go to their listing in SASKATOON FURNITURE here, or go and visit their massive showroom on Faithfull Ave, Saskatoon...they are on the Saskatoon directly of excellence...they are your Saskatoon Furniture store!



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