The Trusted team is SUPER excited to announce that the Trusted Saskatchewan community rebuild of Janice Braden's house has been completed. Janice and her young daughter have a HOME again ...and a beautiful one at that!
We will be sharing pictures of the finished project soon, but first, we had to have a party to celebrate!
On August 13th, 2015 the Trusted team gathered Janice and as many of the Trusted partners who contributed to the project as possible to Village Guitar and Amp and celebrated this completion of this huge project. Nicola from PickNics Catering ( a Trusted Saskatoon caterer ) provided delicious food and the drinks flowed as we all laughed and chatted about the project. Friendships have been made on this project between the partners across Saskatchewan, and Janice Braden was kind enough to allow us to video her giving testimonials to all the Trusted partners and others that stepped up to help her in her moment of need!
Please enjoy the video below, and please support these wonderful Trusted partners that really did make this happen. We are so proud to support and promote our partners as they really are all the REAL DEAL!
Below is a list of the Trusted partners who stepped up, along with their suppliers ( Loraas ( free Loraas bin), RONA ( trims), Roofmart Prairie( all of the shingles!) and Dave at Heated Roofing Systems, Colorado, USA donated a brand new heated roofing system! Plus RONA for trims and lots of other bits of material and Winroc!
Perfection Plumbing - All the plumbing
Kitchen & Bath Classics - new bathroom vanity
JABA Construction- Project Management and numerous jobs!
Age Of Electric - ALL the electrics
Sunview Windows & Doors - $250 towards the rebuild
Conexus - donating $250 towards the re-build
Kari Calder- Century 21 - $300 in Home Depot Gift Certs
Hairstyle Inn's - $300 Gift Certificate to HSI
Made In The Shade $700 Gift Certificate for MIS
Adrenaline Roofing - Trusted Regina Partner- a NEW Roof and heated roof system!
Fresh Living - shopping help and design
BOW Home Services - Painting services
Read The Janice's Build full story from the beginning - 3 previous articles here