Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Why use the Trusted Saskatoon directory when you are looking for a business in Saskatoon

Why Trusted Saskatoon? It seems that everyone these days in the City of Bridges is so busy with life, family, work and a million other commitments. When a need arises for a product or service and you can’t think who to contact where do you turn? Perhaps the business you select randomly yourself or find in other ways lets you down and does a bad in a rapidly growing City like Saskatoon can present it's challenges ....with new businesses springing up all the time and existing businesses getting busier standards can suffer. Trusted is here to save you time, save you hassle, save you money and do the research for you...all the business on this site are contracted to uphold the 5 TRUSTED GUARANTEES.  Trusted is a local and International award winning company run by a local Saskatchewan team who CARE about the community we serve! 


Hear from the Trusted Founder Sara Wheelwright along with a user of Janice Braden  in this video below.   

Choose a Trusted business in'll be glad you did!!

The Trusted Community rebuild of Janice's house. Janice's testimony of her experience


The Trusted team is SUPER excited to announce that the  Trusted Saskatchewan community rebuild of Janice Braden's house has been completed. Janice and her young daughter have a HOME again ...and a beautiful one at that!

We will be sharing pictures of the finished project soon, but first, we had to have a party to celebrate!

On August 13th, 2015 the Trusted team gathered Janice and as many of the Trusted partners who contributed to the project as possible to Village Guitar and Amp and celebrated this completion of this huge project. Nicola from PickNics Catering ( a Trusted Saskatoon caterer ) provided delicious food and the drinks flowed as we all laughed and chatted about the project. Friendships have been made on this project between the partners across Saskatchewan, and Janice Braden was kind enough to allow us to video her giving testimonials to all the Trusted partners and others that stepped up to help her in her moment of need!    

Please enjoy the video below, and please support these wonderful Trusted partners that really did make this happen. We are so proud to support and promote our partners as they really are all the REAL DEAL!   




Below is a list of the Trusted partners who stepped up, along with their suppliers ( Loraas ( free Loraas bin), RONA ( trims), Roofmart Prairie( all of the shingles!) and Dave at Heated Roofing Systems, Colorado, USA donated a brand new heated roofing system! Plus RONA for trims and lots of other bits of material and Winroc!

Perfection Plumbing - All the plumbing

Kitchen & Bath Classics - new bathroom vanity

JABA Construction- Project Management and numerous jobs!


Age Of Electric - ALL the electrics

Sunview Windows & Doors - $250 towards the rebuild

Conexus - donating $250 towards the re-build

Kari Calder- Century 21 - $300 in Home Depot Gift Certs

Hairstyle Inn's - $300 Gift Certificate to HSI

Made In The Shade $700 Gift Certificate for MIS

Adrenaline Roofing - Trusted Regina Partner- a NEW Roof and heated roof system!

Fresh Living - shopping help and design

BOW Home Services - Painting services 

Read The Janice's Build  full story from the beginning -   3 previous articles here



Hairstyle Inn a Trusted Saskatoon Salon passes a mystery shop

Being a Trusted Business on the Saskatoon directory comes with alot of responsibility, no other directory, advertising medium or ' watchdog organization' puts businesses through the process we do before we promote and endorse them. Most other organizations offer is checking that the business has a valid business license, and maybe that they have insurance and don't have a bad rating, 99% don't even bother with that and those that do rely on the consumers to provide ratings, mostly unverified and un-qualified.


The Trusted Saskatoon businesses become Partners with a contract, and they become part of a community. In a community we all have our parts to play to ensure the directory maintains the standards and high level of integrity that it does. To ensure that our partners are upholding these guarantees on a daily basis we have a MYSTERY SHOPPER PROGRAM, where normal everyday people mystery shop our Trusted Partners, we then get our mystery shoppers to fill out a report to tell us about the experience!

Our latest business to be mystery shopped is Trusted Saskatoon Salon HairStyle Inn, lets tell you how they did!





Name of Shopper: Shelby



1. How was the greeting/ welcome/ call answered?: The receptionist was very friendly.

2. If retail: Appearance of the store / staff and showroom?: The store was very neat and organized. 

3. Product/industry knowledge of staff?: The knowledge that Laddy has is amazing.  He asked me a lot of questions in regards to my at home hair routine and gave me a lot of great suggestions.

4. If a quote is required is the quote well laid out/ clear?: No quote was given.

5. Did they ask where you found them?: No but Laddy knew it was from Trusted Saskatoon :)

6. Overall experience 1-10.: 10 +++++ 

7. Would you return as a customer/ recommend them to close friends?: Yes and already have!!!

8. Did anyone stand out as exceptional? If so who? Why?: Laddy was wonderful!!  He was very personable and helped me feel at ease with all my crazy hair issues :)

9. If you made a purchase/booked a job how was the process? It was perfect.


If so refer to the Trusted Guarantees and give an overall mark on each if applicable.



1. Provide the service and quality promised. 10

2. Complete the job on time. 10

3. Charge the price quoted with NO surprises. 10

4. Communicate honestly and be responsive to customer needs. 10

5. Resolve any issues with customer satisfaction in mind. 10


Please share any other comments relating to your experience with the company.

I have gone through a fair bit of stress in the last 2 years with some health issues and loss of a dear friend and my mom, with that my hair has taken a beating.  Its super dry and falling out like crazy.  I went to see Laddy for help.  He told me to go to the doctor and which test results to request.  Laddy explained to me how stress effects the hair and recommended some supplements to take specifically for the hair.  He gave me a great cut and I felt like a new person when I left!!  He also recommended which hair products I should be using and how much etc.  It was a GREAT experience!


GREAT Job Hairstyle Inn team!! Proving yet again that you deserve the Thumbs up from !

If you want to experience the Best Saskatoon salon experience and Trusted customer service difference call Hairstyle Inn Salons  today- Check out their listing here




JOB Heating and Air Conditioning Trusted Saskatoon plumbing & HVAC pros share a real plumbing story

Saskatoon if you are looking for a Trusted company to help you with your home or business Heating or Cooling system problems or to find the best and most high efficient air conditioner or furnace for your home J.O.B. Heating & Air Conditioning is who you need to call! If your family suffers from allergies a new furnace that filters and helps to eliminate those unwanted allergens will make a real difference.

The amazing staff at JOB Heating & Air Conditioning will consult with you to get something that fits your exact and specific needs and budget. With a new high efficient furnace you should cut your heating bills about 35% on average. We all love saving money!



A Real Plumbing Story 


Recently, while doing a renovation in a very old commercial building, we found, as with a good majority of older structures, that the building had been neglected with many items falling into disrepair.  Some repairs were made incorrectly that negatively affected the structural integrity of the building. As we progressed with the reno, one item after another would crop up causing a one step forward and two steps back approach.



Two crucial steps  that affect any job are the deadline and total cost of that job. This one was no different, the deadline was fast approaching and many people’s lives were going to be negatively affected by missing this deadline. Professional contracting companies are legislated to put a high priority on safety no matter what the scenario. We attend safety courses offered by the Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association or by retail suppliers to demonstrate our commitment to safety. The information we garner from the classes is very beneficial to our day to day operations. But what happens when push comes to shove and a deadline is looming, you have many hours and much material on a job that you haven't been paid for? Do you accept that there is "acceptable risk" because of the deadline or that you have money owing to you? I believe the answer to this is, no. Receiving a fine from the Government notwithstanding, I'm the person that after an accident happens will have to go and bring the wife, husband, Mother or Father to the hospital or dare I say morgue. To me this would be the hardest thing I would ever have to do in my life and if I was to ignore a safety concern because of a deadline or budget, how could I look my own family in the eye? As business owners we cannot be on every job site all the time. We rely on our supervisors and employees to bring these concerns to our attention and to deal with them promptly. As sub contractors we have an obligation to bring the safety concern to the General or building owner. But what happens when their good judgement is clouded by that looming deadline or budget restraint? Our training tells us that it doesn't matter. Work must stop and corrections must be in place to ensure the safety of all people on that job site, not just your own worker.



On this job site I mentioned, this was exactly what took place. The instructors in all the classes we have been taking said this would happen but it doesn't really prepare you for the reality when it does. I found myself with my team having an argument about what is considered safe and what measure's should be taken before we continue with work. The irony of this situation was this argument was taking place right beside a broken ladder owned by another trade or the general / owner himself. This was a metaphor for his safety plan on his job site. I had a hard decision to make, forget about the deadline and the financial cost or use "acceptable risk" and hope for the best. That's when I thought " do I want to make that call to a wife, or a new mother?" The answer was emphatically, no.



Upon reflection the valuable lesson that I learned was that safety has no price. Professional contractors of any kind believe and live this every day. Yes sometimes safety can be taken to the extreme or taken advantage of. It is the professional contractor and his commitment to ongoing learning and behavioural change that will make the correct decision when the time comes.


When you choose a contractor you should ask about their commitment to safety and be prepared yourself as the home owner or building owner to make the site safe. Or it could be you having to make the dreaded call to that young mother.



You can find JOB Heating and Air conditioning online Check out their listing here in the SASKATOON AIR CONDITIONING & FURNACE  and in the Saskatoon Plumbing categories on THE Saskatoon Directory of excellence..they are Trusted boiler EXPERTS Right here in Saskatoon! the Saskatoon directory you can trust

The Trusted Saskatoon directory and the Trusted marketing Services team are thrilled to be doing what we do. We really believe the Trusted community is making a difference in Saskatoon and area. Trusted is still a fairly new Saskatchewan business, some have still not heard about us, others have heard of but don't know what we do differently to other places you can source local companies. Perhaps the more cynical among us don't think we are the 'real deal' ?

One of the fundamentals of Trusted is we are an unbiased 3rd party that promotes and endorses these ' Trusted'  locally accountable businesses. Unlike the others we actually do our due diligence on the companies before they sign a contract with us to become Trusted. The verification process includes talking to their customers, and we also randomly mystery shop the partners throughout the year!  

One of the favorite moments on our work life at Trusted is when we get feedback from the users of Trusted, and this last few weeks we have received some awesome emails that we wanted to share with you! 

The first is from Claire a newcomer to Saskatoon from Alberta who messaged us via contact us page.


Thanks Claire we appreciate you taking the time to write to us and WELCOME to the best place in the World :)  


The second is from some one we know really well, as they are a long standing Trusted Partners themselves - Tammy Richmond from GPS Financial - TrustedSaskatoon Financial Planning professionals 


"I have been meaning to write you for a month and give you feedback about my Trusted experience from a consumer perspective: As a Trusted partner I, of course, go to Trusted first when I am looking for a service or business to meet my needs. In May I moved so the first place I looked for my movers was on Trusted Saskatoon. Two companies came up and I immediately contacted both for quotes along with other companies that were not on Trusted. The two companies on Trusted were the only ones that responded to my request for a quote. They were very similar in what they offered and price so I selected one and my experience was great. The owner of the company was calling the guys during our move to check in and see how things were going, they were on time, the cost was what was quoted and there was not one nick in any walls. I was very satisfied with my experience.

Once we had possession of our house it was clear we needed the carpets cleaned badly. So again I went to Trusted and found Hal at the Carpet Guys. This is the second time I have reached out to Hal through Trusted. He is great. He fit me in, he is fast, and he does a fantastic job. I have recommended him to others several times.

As a Trusted partner it was great to experience it from the other side. I know the process a business goes through to be a Trusted partner, I know the work Sara and her team do to make sure each company can be “Trusted” and that makes the decision of who to call so much easier. If a company is on Trusted I don’t feel the need to ask friends for recommendations or try to find out about other people’s experiences, that work has been done for me. If you are a Trusted partner why wouldn’t you reach out to the other partners for their services and products first? It just makes sense! Thanks Sara & the Trusted team, Tammy.



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S & E Trusted Online Directories Inc
310 Wall St #209
Saskatoon, SK   S7K 1N7
Ph: 306.244.4150


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