Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Boiler Safety Issues And Concerns From Trusted Saskatoon Boiler Experts JOB Heating & Air

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning’s wonderful staff will be more than happy to provide you with an estimate for any home comfort improvement that you have in mind. They also offer training classes at your personal site for maintenance and they also offer home heating tune-ups. JOB are Trusted Saskatoon Boiler experts. In their latest tip, they share boiler safety issues and concerns.

Saskatoon boiler tips on safety – The little things matter.

A day in the life of JOB Heating and Air Saskatoon

The JOB Heating team were asked to repair a boiler the other day. A few other people had tried to troubleshoot why this particular boiler wouldn’t run.

This is a newer boiler and would actually provide an error code for problems. It is important to note that most boilers sold on the market today will give you troubleshooting codes like this.

However, what you have to realize is that this doesn’t tell you what the problem is; it tells which safety is stopping the boiler combustion process. Knowing the error code is the first piece to the puzzle when we are troubleshooting a Saskatoon boiler safety issue.

Saskatoon boiler safety problem solved

In this case, the code showed it was a pressure switch stopping the combustion process. Why would that happen? This is where we had to dig deeper, and you have to hire an expert who knows and fully understands how the boiler product works. In the boiler troubleshooting process performed, before JOB was involved, people had disconnected the vent to eliminate any blockages that might have been in the vent.
BEWARE – If you are not a trained boiler professional this is dangerous.
Thankfully for our client, the boiler unit still didn’t run.
In disconnecting the vent, the person who was trying to fix this boiler actually broke it. The vent pipe could not be easily reached to repair. The unit wouldn’t fire at all, and it was clear to our boiler pro that there was a blockage in the venting system… but where?
We disabled the inducer fan, and lo and behold, there were two small leaves caught in the fan. We cleaned the fan, put it back on the unit and temporally reconnected the vent. The boiler fired right up. We were able to source the correct parts to repair the vent so it could be run safely, and we are happy to say all is well.

Contact a Saskatoon boiler expert you can trust

This was one of those many cases where knowledge won the day. It is so important to understand how heating equipment works, and why the safeties do what they do. They are safeties; they are there to keep you and your family safe… period. There are cases where people have lost their lives due to serious gas leaks, but the real danger is the production of combustion, most specifically carbon monoxide. It is the silent killer. Unfortunately, this is what causes the most fatalities with heating equipment.
A carbon monoxide detector is your best defence against this deadly intruder. Your second defence is hiring the right Saskatoon heating company to service your comfort system. This includes your furnace, boiler or water heater, they need to be serviced on an annual basis to ensure proper and safe operation. The leaves in that boiler could have caused some scenarios that I really don’t want to think about; the safety did its job and nobody disabled it, thank heavens.
The Saskatoon team at JOB Heating and Air Conditioning believes in the highest moral values. There are companies that will condemn an appliance simply to sell you a new one.
The knowledge and experience that we at JOB have means you can rest assured that you can feel safe both with your equipment and with the knowledge that we are not condemning an appliance just to get a sale.
We want to earn your business and keep it for years to come.

If you have a boiler or furnace in Saskatoon that you haven’t had serviced within the last year, it’s time to call JOB Heating and Air for true peace of mind.  –Jeff Bolton, Owner of JOB Heating and Air, Saskatoon

Trust JOB Heating & Air Conditioning with Saskatoon Heating And Furnace Issues

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning’s wonderful staff will be more than happy to provide you with an estimate for any home comfort improvement that you have in mind. They also offer training classes at your personal site for maintenance and they also offer home heating tune-ups. JOB are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace experts and they can also help you with all your Saskatoon plumbing needs! In their latest Saskatoon furnace tip, owner Jeff Bolton,  shares why you can trust JOB with your Saskatoon heating and furnace issues.

The Importance of Trust. 

When calling someone for help, especially help in your own home, you really need to ask yourself – who can you trust? If you aren’t working with someone you can trust, how can you have any confidence you are being treated fairly, and the person working for you has your best interests at heart?

Jeffs Real Saskatoon Heating and Furnace Calls.

I was asked to go help two different ladies. Both lived on their own and had furnace issues. The first lady was what I would describe as everyone’s grandma, you know the type, sweet as sugar. The second was a single mother who was also a joy to meet. Both had very legitimate concerns with their furnaces. The first lady simply asked me to drop by and listen to her furnace because she thought that something was not right with it. I was in her furnace room for maybe 5 seconds and I could tell that the bearings in her inducer motor were on their last legs. We had one of our technicians over to her house later that afternoon to change the inducer motor and it turned out just fine. By calling me, she saved herself a possible (more likely probable) after hours call due to having no heat.

The second lady asked me to come and give her a quote on a new furnace because she was under the impression that her furnace needed to be changed. When I showed up I commented that the house was nice and warm. She told me that her brother had been by and found a loose wire on the furnace. I cycled the furnace on and off a few times and I believe that he was correct. Although this furnace is quite old I suggested she budget the appropriate amount to replace the furnace within 3 to 7 years. I explained what parts would cost her if they needed to be replaced. Of course, I didn’t charge her for my time because we don’t charge for furnace replacement quotes.

The trust issues with Saskatoon heating and furnace contractors

What I realized when listening to these ladies is that there is a real trust issue with companies that they hire to come into their homes in Saskatoon. Who can you trust and how do you know you can trust them? This is the very reason that Trusted Saskatoon was started. A wonderful lady who was a single mother had a company charge her a ridiculous amount of money to change a P-trap in her plumbing system in 2010.

She thought there should be a better way to find businesses you can trust, so she created and launched it along with her 5 Trusted guarantees in 2011.

The 5 Trusted Guarantees are:

  1. Provide the service and quality promised.
  2. Complete the job on time.
  3. Charge the price quoted with NO surprises.
  4. Communicate honestly and be responsive to customer needs.
  5. Resolve any issues with customer satisfaction in mind.

To be a Trusted Saskatoon plumbing and heating company JOB, along with every Trusted business, must adhere to these 5 promises. I believe that these promises are the foundation of good customer service, and that integrity and honesty must be maintained at all times in everything we do. We use this approach when dealing with our customers or dealing with our vendors. By maintaining this sense of integrity, honesty, and respect no matter who we are dealing with, those values ingrain themselves in the culture of our company – acting according to these values just becomes the norm.

JOB Heating and Air Conditioning is a company you can trust with your Saskatoon heating and furnace worries.

Who can you trust with Saskatoon heating and furnace issues

If you or someone you know are in a similar position to the ladies I saw this week, remember that JOB Heating and Air Conditioning is a Trusted Saskatoon company and we approach every job like it was in our own mother’s house. If you need other services that JOB Heating doesn’t provide, works with the top companies in each category. From personal experience in dealing with Trusted partners, I have witnessed the integrity that I expect and value. Don’t hesitate to use JOB Heating and Air for your plumbingheating, and air conditioning needs, and for all other needs check out

Trusted Saskatoon partners are here to help.

Jeff Bolton.

JOB Heating and Air Conditioning

JOB products and services include:

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning  Trusted Saskatoon Furnace, Boiler and Air Conditioning Experts

JOB. Heating & Air Conditioning  are Trusted Saskatoon Plumbers 

Trusted Saskatoon Alarm and Security Experts at Reed Security Share Security Tips

When you become a Reed Security client you will be entering into a relationship - one they want to grow and become long-term. Installing a security system will decrease the odds of having a break-in by nearly 400%. 


Reed Security Top Security  Tips

All About Theft:

  • 66% of break-in's are forced entry and forced entry attempts
  • 34% of break-ins are an unlawful entry (without force)
  • In 2015, Saskatchewan had 9407 break-in's (180/week) and Alberta had 27,517 break-in's (529/week)
  • Break-ins occur in all areas of the City - not just the "bad areas"
  • Most Home break-ins occur when you are at work or travelling (daytime)
  • Most Business break-ins occur when you are at home (evening and weekends)
  • Cabin's and Lake properties are especially attractive
  • 98% of break-ins occur through main floor doors and windows (often unlocked)
  • Thieves target the Master Bedroom

Thieves steal:

  • Cash and Credit Cards
  • Jewelry
  • Designer clothes and sunglasses
  • Electronics such as TV's, Stereos, Computers, Video Game systems, Smartphones and Tablets
  • Tools
  • Sporting Goods
  • Cars and Trucks or the contents in them
  • Building Materials
  • Alcohol and Prescription drugs
  • Your Identity


How to Prevent Theft

Use Common Sense!

  • If you lose a key, get the locks changed.
  • Ask all strangers for identification.
  • Never hide an extra key outdoor - especially underneath a mat or on top of a light fixture. This is the first place the bad guys look. Leave an extra house key with a friend or a neighbour.
  • DO NOT advertise on Facebook or other social media that you are on vacation.
  • For insurance purposes take photos of the contents of your home.
  • Keep all receipts in a safe and easy to find location.
  • Write down the model and the serial number of all electronics.
  • Make it Difficult
  • Door chains are easy to bypass. Install deadbolts.
  • Install a stopper or stick on all sliding doors and windows.
  • Install window bars on all basement windows.
  • Make sure all doors and windows are properly locked.
  • Keep your premises well lit at night.
  • Install timers that turn lights on at different times. This gives the appearance that someone is home.

Install a monitored Home Security system and you are 400% less likely to have a break-in.

You will receive up to 25% insurance discount. and optional ALARM.COM with automatic lights.

In case you do have a break-in:

If it looks like a door or window was forced open, DO NOT go inside. The burglar may still be on site.

Call the Police from your cellular phone or from a neighbour's house and wait.

Trusted Saskatoon Financial & Insurance Advisors Wiegers Financial & Benefits support community

Wiegers Financial & Benefits is one of Saskatchewan's largest private financial planning and employee benefits consulting firms. Its Saskatoon Financial Planning Division provides business ownershouseholds, retirees, and students with expert investment and insurance planning services to help them reach their long-term financial goals. They also have a Benefits and Personal Insurance planning division. In this latest Wiegers Financial tip, we share about their massive community support efforts. Wiegers Financial Benefits are Trusted Saskatoon Financial Advisors and Trusted Saskatoon Insurance and Group Benefits experts.

Wiegers Financial & Benefits are committed to supporting our communities.


With deep roots in Saskatchewan and endless gratitude for the opportunities and success it affords, the Wiegers Financial & Benefits team – led by Cliff and Deb Wiegers – are committed to helping grow our local community stronger. The team’s philanthropic focus is on helping local children’s charities through their in-house charity, Wiegers Care for Kids. But, their community involvement reach is much broader than that. And, with ever-growing community involvement goals, Wiegers Financial & Benefits’ commitment to helping strengthen and grow our local community is steadfast.


They view their role in and responsibility to the community in two important and related ways.  First, they are in the very fortunate position of being able to propagate widespread awareness about important issues effectively and causes in our community.  With 35 community-minded individuals on their team and a long-term client base of thousands of people – each of whom has his or her own network of friends and family – they have the power to help ensure that more people are made aware of important issues and causes than would otherwise be the case. Second, they contribute to and help raise money for the specific causes and events they feel most passionate about.  With a broad network of clients, professional associates, friends and family, they have a very wide network of people to approach for cash and in-kind donations and other forms of support. Wiegers aims not only to help their clients lead healthier and happier lives but to help the rest of our community to do so, too. By raising awareness and money for local charities, they believe that we are making a positive difference.


Here are just a few of their community involvement awards, fundraisers, and other community events and related activities:


  • Wiegers Care for Kids- Bi-annual gala. 
  • Financial literacy presentations throughout Saskatoon
  • Office fundraisers for a variety of causes
  • 2016 SABEXCommunity Involvement Award Recipient
  • 2016 NSBACommunity Builder Award Recipient
  • 2016 ABEXCommunity Involvement Award Finalist
  • 2014 SABEXCommunity Involvement Award Recipient
  • 2014 ABEXCommunity Involvement Award Finalist
  • 2014 NSBACommunity Builder Award Finalist

Trusted Saskatoon Accountants Hounjet Tastad Harpham Share Changes To Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance.

Trusted Saskatoon Accouontants Hounjet Tastad Harpham is a locally owned and operated accounting firm in Saskatoon. While they are based in Saskatoon, they serve clients across the entire province. Hounjet Tastad Harpham has spent decades gaining the trust of the people of Saskatchewan and has gained a reputation as one of the most knowledgeable and consistent accounting firms in the city, and province. They provide accounting and tax services for small, medium, and large businesses, as well as individuals and non-profit organizations. Hounjet Tastad Harpham is a partnership between Roseline Hounjet, Allyn Tastad, and Dustin Harpham.

Accelerated capital cost allowance is changed.

With the tax changes announced in the federal government’s fall economic statement, farmers can get more capital cost allowance sooner on the purchase of equipment.

Some equipment dealers are using this accelerated investment incentive property (AIIP) as a sales tool. Here’s what has changed and what it means in actual dollars. Taxes are certainly not my area of expertise. Thanks to Saskatoon accountant Allyn Tastad of Hounjet Tastad Harpham for walking me through the changes and the implications.

The changes apply to property acquired after Nov. 20, 2018, that becomes available for use before 2028. Farm equipment qualifies. One exception is a property that was previously owned by the taxpayer or by a non-arm’s length person or partnership.    

 The incentive accelerates the amount of   capital cost allowance that can be deducted   from taxable income. First of all, the half-year   rule has been suspended. Until now, you   could only claim half of the regular allowance   in the year that something was purchased.   Now you can claim 100 per cent of the   applicable capital cost allowance in the year   of purchase.

In addition, the first year of capital cost allowance has been bumped up by 50 percent. In practical terms, a producer will have equipment in various capital cost allowance categories. Net additions to any class will be increased by a factor of 50 percent for calculating the first-year capital cost allowance.


For subsequent years, the allowance deduction returns to normal. 

So how does all this work in practice? Let’s say you buy a new or used tractor for $100,000. Tractors and other self-propelled equipment are in Class 10 and eligible for a 30 percent capital cost allowance.

If you purchased the tractor before Nov. 20, the capital cost allowance in the first year is 15 percent or $15,000. This is half of the 30 percent allowance in the first year of purchase.    


If the tractor is bought after Nov. 20, the half-year rule is suspended, plus the amount is bumped up by a factor of 1.5 times. Rather than a capital cost allowance of 15 percent, you can deduct 45 percent, which is 45,000.


How does this affect your tax bill? If you’re running an incorporated farm with a federal tax rate of 12 percent, the $45,000 capital cost allowance reduces your tax bill by $5,400. The same tractor purchased before Nov. 20 would generate a reduction in taxes of only $1,800.


This is a federal incentive to buy equipment and stimulate the economy. However, remember that when you’re allowed to claim more allowance in year one, it reduces how much is left for subsequent years. The total amount of deduction hasn’t been increased. You just get to claim deductions sooner.             

 Farmers who are old enough may remember the tax credit that existed on new equipment purchases back in the 1980s. You actually received an extra tax credit over and above the capital cost allowance. That’s been gone for decades and this new incentive should not be described as a tax credit. It’s merely an acceleration of the expense you can claim. 

There is value to receiving more of your tax deduction earlier, but when you work through the numbers, this shouldn’t move the needle very much when deciding whether to upgrade equipment. Other considerations remain much more important.

If you are looking for a Saskatoon chartered professional accountant for your personal taxes or business accounting needs, contact the team today.

Check out their listing here: Hounjet Tastad Harpham are Trusted Saskatoon Accountants

Information sourced from  By Kevin Hursh


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