Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Made In The Shade a Trusted Saskatoon Window Coverings expert tip on Hunter Douglas Blinds

Made In The Shade  are Trusted Saskatoon window covering experts!

Have you ever truly considered blinds as part of the decor of your home? Or do you typically think of blinds in terms of functionality. Hunter Douglas believes blinds should be build in a way that controls light but equally as important, compliments the style of your home.



Reed Security a Trusted Saskatoon Alarm and Security Expert CONSUMER WARNING: Just Say NO To AGGRESSIVE Door to Door Salespeople

Reed Security believes when you become a client you will be entering into a relationship – one they want to grow and become long term...they work hard to meet all your Saskatoon Alarm & security needs from day one!

REED SECURITY are Trusted and they are recipients of 2 x 2012 SABEX AWARDS - these Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce awards recognize excellence in business.

Here they share CONSUMER WARNING: Just Say NO To AGGRESSIVE Door to Door Salespeople:


Consumer tips:

1. Security Systems are Never FREE and are not worth $1500.

2. ALWAYS get 3 quotes.

3. DO NOT install the system within a few hours of signing up. Give yourself some time to do some research.


Consumer Warning:

It's that time of year when you will be getting pressured by door to door salespeople. They would like to sign you up to "limited time offer" that expires "right away". And before you know you know it you're on the hook for thousands of dollars. (This happens several thousand times each year).

For more information do a Google Search and type "Alarm Door to Door". Thousands of people have been duped.

The Pressure:

  • Sales person won't leave even when you tell them to "Leave"
  • Sales person won't leave when you tell them "No Thanks"
  • Sales person won't leave when you say "I Already Have Your Products or Service"
  • Sales person name drops the name of your neighbor and makes it sound like "they signed up" or "they bought one" or "they referred me to you"
  • Sales person comes to the house more than once


The Solutions:

1. Put Up Your Hand and "Say NO". Immediately close the door and the sales person will eventually leave.

2. Tell them "You are Trespassing" and that you will call the BBB Better Business Bureau, Consumer Protection Branch and the Police if they do not leave.

    BBB 1-888-352-7601
    Consumer Protection 1-877-880-5550 
    Saskatoon Police (306) 975-8300 

    RCMP (Saskatoon) (306) 975-5173
    or call your Local Detachment

3. Always Get 3 Quotes for whatever you consider purchasing. This gives you the time to gather information and to check if the "deal" being presented to you is the best option.

4. Never Accept Quick Delivery of a product or service. This gives you a cooling off period and more time to gather facts.

5. If you did proceed with the offer You Have 10 Days to Change Your Mind and CANCEL (and get a full refund). It's the Law in Saskatchewan.

6. Don't Forget - You may already be in a contract for the products or services being offered to you.

If you would like more information on how Reed Security can help you or customize a security solution for you Click Here
Find Reed Security online at or check out their listing here in the SASKATOON ALARM & SECURITY Category on THE Saskatoon directory of excellence. Virgil Reed and his team are YOUR Trusted SASKATOON ALARM & SECURITY experts right here in Saskatoon! 


Trusted Saskatoon Jewellers Bateman Jewellers shares a video on the Lampe Berger Diffuser

Bateman Jewellers are Saskatoon Jewellery Experts...did you know that they are the oldest independent jewellery store in Saskatoon! Bateman Jewellers maintain that the relationship with their clients is very important to them, and Trusted is sure you have heard Cam say in his well known radio ads " Your jewellery is a lifetime investment; Buy it from a lifetime friend. " ..Trusted can attest to the fact that they really DO mean it, and we are proud to have them on board as our Trusted Saskatoon Jeweller! Here Cam shares

Bateman Jewellers your Trusted Saskatoon Jeweller

Here Cam shares a video on the Lampe Berger Diffuser:

While Mother Nature may be slow to bring on the crisp freshness of spring breezes, why not take matters into your own hands with a diffuser from Lampe Berger? With fragrances like Grapefruit Passion, Orange Blossom and Fresh Linen, you'll be stomping out the stale smells of winter with a bouquet of delightful scents.


Find Bateman Jewellers on 2nd Ave South or online at they are your Trusted SASKATOON JEWELLERS

Read all of Batemans Saskatoon Jewellry tips here celebrates 4 years as Saskatoon's number 1 online directory and local resource library

Time sure flies when you are having fun, and June 1st 2015 marks 4 years since the day we launched and wow has it been an amazing ride!

S & E  Trusted Online Directories, the company that owns has grown from a home based business to now occupying a large office in Saskatoon's Riversdale, at 434 20th Street West . The amazing Trusted team has grown from 1 to 7 in that time, and there are now over 180 partners across the province! Trusted is growing month on month, as more local businesses recognize the importance of online and what being TRUSTED means! 

Here are some of our highlights over the last 4 years! 

We are having the time of our lives and we want to THANK YOU Saskatoon for supporting us and the Trusted Saskatoon Partners who provide excellent service day in and day out. These locally owned and accountable  companies are a joy to work with and we are proud to support and promote them! Please do reward them with their your business they DESERVE it! 

We wanted to thank you for your support, so we have  prizes to give away to celebrate our 4th Birthday! All you have to do to be entered is simple - SHARE THE LOVE!! 

1.You must be a Trusted Saskatoon Facebook Page fan - click here to like our page 

2. Share the 4th Birthday CONTEST post on your Personal Facebook page

3. Comment on the post by telling us who your favourite Trusted Saskatoon Partner is! 


There will be 4 lucky winners and the 4 prizes are AMAZING!!!  We wanted to have prizes that support Saskatoon we hope you like them!  


2015 TrustedSaskatoon Contest   


  1. $400 Gift Certificate- Just For You Day Spa.
  2. $400  Gift Certificates that can be redeemed at any Trusted Saskatoon partner of your   choice!
  3. Saskatoon June Concert Package - 2 x tickets to the SOLD OUT Shania Twain Concert June 14th PLUS 2 tickets to The SOLD OUT Ed Sheeran Concert - June 16th    
  4. Saskatoon Shines Summer package -2 x Jazz Fest Tickets to Wyclef Jean Main stage Bess Gardens June 27th plus 2 x tickets to Michael Franti  Main stage Bess Gardens Jun 30 PLUS 2 x front row Tickets to Shakespeare On The Saskatchewan - Othello -Thu, Jul 9, 2015 07:30 PM


Trusted SK community steps up to help a local Saskatoon woman after her contractor nightmare Part 3 Janice's rebuild

The Trusted teamwork for the public, we do that by finding great local businesses, verifying they are as good as we have heard, and contracting them to uphold the 5 Trusted Guarantees. These 5 Trusted guarantees are the cornerstone of our business and the businesses we partner with, and if something does go wrong we hold the businesses to their obligations....that's what the Trusted Saskatoon businesses sign up for. That's why we promote them and why we believe they are the best businesses in the cities we serve. 

The first time you have heard of this?

Read/watch Part 1 here - see where it all began! 

Part 2 

Read the CBC Story Here  



JANICE'S BUILD- the Trusted Rebuild PART 3 

It's been over 6 months since we first brought you Janice's story, and we are getting to the final stages of this huge renovation here in Saskatoon!  CBC covered the story province-wide in December and it has also been featured in a number of National Publications including Canadian Contractor Magazine


Dave Andercheck from JABA Construction and his team have been project-managing the build - this is no mean feat!! Coordinating contractors, multiple companies across Saskatchewan's work schedules, inspectors and a plan to do everything in a logical order! Weather, vacations and material delivery has hampered efforts to get this job finished sooner and in this video you can really see what goes on to get a huge renovation ( estimated materials and labor donated will be $80-$100k) like this completed, and meet some of the amazing Trusted partners who tell us why they have stepped up to the plate!




We have already had so many wonderful Trusted Saskatoon directory partners offer Janice their help and have gone over and above in both free labour and materials ...  Trusted Regina partner Adrenaline Roofing - a new roof!!  

These partners, along with their suppliers ( Loraas ( free Loraas (bin), RONA (trims ),  Roofmart Prairie( all of the shingles!) and Dave at  Heated Roofing Systems, Colorado, USA donated a brand new heated roofing system! Plus RONA for trims and lots of other bits of material and Winroc! 



  1. Perfection Plumbing - All the plumbing
  2. Kitchen & Bath Classics - new bathroom vanity
  3. JABA Construction- Project Management and numerous jobs!  
  4. KTS Custom Cabinets - A NEW CUSTOM KITCHEN
  5. Age Of Electric - ALL the electrics
  6. Sunview Windows & Doors - $250 towards the rebuild
  7. Conexus- donating $250 towards the re-build
  8. Kari Calder- Century 21 - $300 in Home Depot Gift Certs
  9. Hairstyle Inn's  - $300 Gift Certificate to HSI
  10. Made In The Shade Gift Certificate for MIS
  11. Adrenaline Roofing - Trusted Regina Partner- a NEW Roof and heated roof system! 
  12. Fresh Living - shopping help and design 
  13. BOW Home Services - Painting services 
  14. Trusted Directories - $1000 of the project 



So whats next?  We are ever so close to getting done - so watch out for the final blog with the reveal video ....oh yes, then a PARTY!!  

A message from Janice Braden. " Yes, I have been terribly impressed by everyone who is coming in to work. It's almost like everyone feels a responsibility to prove what good workmanship should be - I hear snips of conversations about doing it right, double and triple checking, making sure things will last for years. Everything that is going in, layer by layer, is solid and of excellent quality and I couldn't be happier or more impressed. And yes, the ridiculous potlight is gone (Arlen from Age Of Electric said none of them was actually hooked to a switch anywhere..oh my!). "



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S & E Trusted Online Directories Inc
310 Wall St #209
Saskatoon, SK   S7K 1N7
Ph: 306.244.4150


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