Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Saskatoon Bathroom Store Kitchen & Bath Classics Breezes Through a Mystery Shop!

Being a Trusted Business on the Trusted Saskatoon Directory of Excellence comes with a lot of responsibility - no other directory, advertising medium, or 'watchdog organization' puts businesses through the process we do before we promote and endorse them. 

The Trusted Saskatoon businesses become partners with a contract, and they become part of a Trusted community. In a community, we all have our parts to play to ensure that the directory maintains it's high standards and level of integrity.  To ensure that our partners are upholding these guarantees on a daily basis we have a MYSTERY SHOPPER PROGRAM, where normal everyday people mystery shop our Trusted SaskatoonPartners. 

We then ask our mystery shoppers to fill out a report to tell us about the experience and share them here in our Saskatoon Trusted tip library. 

Our latest business to be mystery shopped are the Trusted Saskatoon Bathroom Experts at Kitchen & Bath Classics in Ssakatoon!

Name of Shopper: Kim K


1. How was the greeting/ welcome/ call answered? Friendly staff member

2. If retail: Appearance of the store/staff and showroom? Great showroom, clean and I had no idea they did lighting!

3. Product/industry knowledge of staff? Very helpful – they directed me to the product that I asked for.

4. If a quote is required is the quote well laid out/ clear? No quote required – they got me pricing and I bought the item there and then from them.

5. Did they ask where you found them? No

6. Overall experience 1-10. I never give 10s- but they get a 9

7. Would you return as a customer/ recommend them to close friends? Yes- definitely – I was happy.

8. Did anyone stand out as exceptional? If so who? Why – Everyone was helpful.

If you made a purchase/booked a job how was the process? 
If you did become a customer please refer to the Trusted Guarantees and give an overall mark on each if applicable

1. Provide the service and quality promised. - 10
2. Complete the job on time. – 10 – it was in stock!
3. Charge the price quoted with NO surprises- 10 - as priced
4. Communicate honestly and be responsive to customer needs- 10
5. Resolve any issues with customer satisfaction in mind – 10 – no issues with service or product

Please share any other comments relating to your experience with the company.

"I had never been to Kitchen & Classics before finding them on– I was impressed with the selection, the store and the price of my item (a toilet). The staff were helpful and the quality of the product for the price is great! I will go back in the future and would recommend others to go there – thumbs up from me!" - Kim 

GREAT job goes out to the bathroom team at Kitchen & Bath Classics! They have reaffirmed that they are deserving of the THUMBS UP from!

If you need to upgrade your kitchen or bathroom and are looking for a company with excellent customer service and knowledge, check out Kitchen & Bath Classics Trusted Saskatoon listing for more information - they are Trusted Saskatoon Bathroom Experts!

Trusted Saskatoon team brags about Trusted Saskatoon Financial and Insurance Advisors Wiegers Financial & Benefits

The Trusted Saskatoon directory team is thrilled to welcome Wiegers Financial & Benefits to the Trusted Saskatoon community. You will find their listing in the Saskatoon Financial Services and Saskatoon Insurance categories on the Saskatoon Directory You Can Trust.  

Wiegers Financial & Benefits are  Trusted Saskatoon Financial and Insurance Advisors 

It's easy to brag about Wiegers Financial & Benefits! 

Established 25 years ago by Cliff and Deb Wiegers, the company grew from humble beginnings to a level of success that puts it on par with some of Canada's largest financial planning companies! 

Their approach to working with clients is personal. They are dedicated and committed to getting to know their clients and what they want and need, both at the beginning of the working relationship and as their personal and professional lives change or as their businesses evolve. This commitment is reflected in a process involving regular contact and a client/advisor relationship that is comfortable, familiar and special in an industry not often associated with warmth! 

Award Winning Community supporters! 

Care for Kid by Wiegers actively fundraises year-round and has already hosted five major fundraising events, raising over $800,000 for the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital.

Wiegers Financial & Benefits came highly recommended. 

Many of the Trusted Saskatoon partners are already long-standing clients of Wiegers Financial & Benefits. In fact, they were nominated by Trusted Saskatoon Salon owners Laddie and Shelley James of Hairstyle Inn Salons—that in itself is a great testament to the high standards and level of care that the Wiegers team brings to the table! 

 Don't take our word for it - hear from more of their happy clients here! 

"The people at Wiegers take care of me personally as well as the group benefits at Reed Security. They're helpful, friendly and always offer a variety of options. I'm also impressed with their community values and the huge dollar amounts they continue to raise for the Children's Hospital. They care!" Virgil Reed, Reed Security, Trusted Saskatoon Alarm & Security Professionals. 
"My wife and I have been accessing investment advice, long-term planning and portfolio management from Wiegers and company for several years. I have found the services to be personalized and tailored to the needs that we have, which wouldn't be the same for people of a different age. Attention is paid to our financial circumstances and our advisor, which in our case is Cliff Wiegers, keeps in touch personally or through others at the company. You have more confidence that people are taking care of the financial affairs under their watch in a careful way when you know that they do not resent making personal contact and obviously see it as an important part of making sure that they understand your needs. They take the time to discuss things which is not always case with service providers. Whether times for investment are good or bad, the need exists for competent guidance and we have received that. It is good to deal with a local company that is also linked in with large financial organizations which offer a range of products that may fit the particular client. I have appreciated the personalized service and attention we receive from the company." Eric Cline, Saskatoon

We proudly promote and give the thumbs up to Wiegers Financial & Benefits as Trusted Saskatoon Financial and Insurance advisors! 

Check out their listing on the Saskatoon Directory of Excellence by clicking on the links below:

Weigers Financial & Benefits Trusted Saskatoon Financial Services Listing 

Wiegers Financial & Benefits Trusted Saskatoon Insurance Listing

Trusted Saskatoon Bathroom Experts at Kitchen and Bath Classics Discuss Top 5 Bathroom Trends for 2018

Whether you are building a new home or remodelling a single room, Kitchen & Bath Classics Saskatoon a Trusted SASKATOON BATHROOM EXPERT offer you one of the largest selections of plumbing fixtures, faucets, and accessories from quality names, displaying the latest trends and cutting-edge styles. The showroom consultants offer the best expertise in the business as they understand the building process; working with you to ensure that your project stays within budget and that the right products are delivered on time.

Trusted Saskatoon Bathroom Experts at Kitchen & Bath Classics Talk About the 5 Top Bathroom Trends of 2018

2018 has been a trendy year for bathroom design. Whether you are building your brand-new bathroom from scratch or remodelling the old one, you need to check out the top designs for 2018. Make your bathroom remodel/renovation trendy by meeting global standards for the year. Oddly enough, your bathroom can be a reflection of your personal tastes and standards. This is just one reason why you should put more thought and effort into the design. Here are the top 5 trendy designs for your bathroom in 2018:

# 1 High-Tech Smart Toilets

Just like smartphones, smartwatches, smart wrist wears and even smart cars. Why can’t there be smart toilets that are as high tech as the other listed items?  This year, you can expect some of the following features in the high-tech smart toilet market:

  • Seat warmers
  • Automatic lid openers
  • Slow close features
  • Adjustable air dryers
  • Built-in deodorizers 
  • Wireless music players

# 2 Vanity Lighting Schemes 

If you think you have seen it all with unique bathroom lighting, then you have to check out this year’s astonishing vanity bathroom lighting. You will see how interaction with lighting schemes in the bathroom will impact you. Creative lighting fixtures in larger bathrooms create a luxurious feeling that can define your style. If you add some light bars and wall scones to an existing chandelier situated close to your whirlpool tub you will witness a bathroom aesthetic that is too heavenly to be true.

# 3 Underfloor Heating Systems for Master Bathroom Designs

If you are looking for a master bathroom design, you can expect to find underfloor heating systems within it. Especially living in Canada with the cold winters, your underfloor heating system will instantly warm you up. It will make the bathroom floor a “hot spot” to spend your winter days. The warmth from the flooring is a delightful feeling especially when it’s cold. Regardless of what your flooring is made of (tile, concrete, vinyl or wood), your bathroom floor can become a warm patch of heaven when temperatures drop outside. Floor heating will change your life and make your bathroom a soothing place to walk into and a delight to be in especially during the long cold Canadian winter.

# 4 Relatively Unseen Tile Shapes

There are tons of varieties of shapes, sizes and colours of tiles in the bathroom floor market. However, the 2018 trend is giving a unique twist to these types of floor and wall tiles. You are sure to see ancient flooring tiles, as well as new designs, hitting the market this year. Some of the bathroom tile shapes and sizes you will see trending in the current market include:

  • Hexagon
  • Arabesque
  • Diamond
  • Moroccan fish scales
  • Chevron

These floor tiles will also come in various colours and textures to give your bathroom that special status you’d always envied your upscale friends for having in the homes. 

# 5 Smaller Bathrooms with Efficient, Small-Scale Luxury

Smaller bathrooms are trending this year! The trend for 2018 has been to make smaller, cosier but luxurious bathroom spaces compared to past years. This makes it more efficient to use the space for interior design. Forget what you see in the magazines, the bathrooms of 2018 may be smaller, but they are crafted with a unique interior that will blow your mind away. Some of these features may include:

  • Aesthetic toilet designs
  • Unusual sinks
  • Smaller walk-in tubs
  • Unique cabinets for storage
  • Wireless music technology for streaming favourite songs

If you're considering a bathroom remodel or renovation, contact the Trusted Saskatoon Bathroom Experts at Kitchen & Bath Classics today!

At Kitchen & Bath Classics, their design Experts will assist you in making your choice for your kitchen, laundry or bar sink needs with a wide selection of product on display from Blanco.

Find Kitchen & Bath Classics online at in the SASKATOON BATHROOMS category on the SASKATOON DIRECTORY of Excellence...they are your SASKATOON BATHROOM FIXTURES and FITTING Expert! 


Trusted Saskatoon Realtor Clark Dziadyk Gives Tips on How to Get Into Today's Housing Market

Whether you’re buying a house for the first time, the second or the seventh time, it’s still one of the biggest decisions you ever have to make. In order to ensure sheer success, you need a Trusted Saskatoon Realtor like Clark Dziadyk! Clark will ease your mind by taking the pressure off of you to find your dream home! Clark puts 100% effort into everything he does.


Read what clients have to say about Clark Dziadyk hereClark Dziadyk is 'The Realtor in Your Neighbourhood'

Trusted Saskatoon Realtor Clark Dziadyk explains some tips from a recent online blog. Here are some tips on how to get into today’s housing market:

Tips to Get into Today’s Housing Market from Trusted Saskatoon Realtor Clark Dziadyk

# 1 Become a Landlord

Most people don’t know that if you buy a home that contains a rental unit, the income from that unit can help you to qualify to get a mortgage. For example, if you were to buy a home with a basement suite, you can rent out the basement. For maximum income, you could even live in the basement suite yourself and rent out the upper portion of the house.

In order to cut costs, even more, you could look into doing renovations to the rental yourself, which is, of course, more work but it could save you lots of money in the end. Rental spaces are definitely worth exploring! You can always run the numbers on purchasing certain properties with rental spaces in them to determine the best possible outcome for you. Worried about irritating and irrational tenants? Or dealing with the regulations that come with renting out a portion of your home? Concerns such as these can be dealt with by screening tenants during application processes. Make sure to check out the Government Canada website for regulations that need to be followed.

# 2 Go in With a Partner (or a few)

A huge way to cut costs would be to split everything between you and another or a few people! Let’s be honest, these days it’s becoming common for couples to find themselves living with other couples! To make this happen, you must first choose a worthy partner. Whether it be a few siblings sharing a house, a couple friends splitting a condo well you get the idea! You may be able to split the bills, monthly payments and the havoc of a down payment with one or more people! A few things need to be in place in order for this process to work! Like well-chosen partners, a draft of a co-ownership agreement drawn up by a lawyer that spells out all of the rules, and a system for communication between partners to make sure that everything moves smoothly. Communication between housemates is key, especially in preventing miscommunications and conflicts.

Another alternative in order to lessen your stress is to consider co-ownership opportunities. These allow you to buy shares of a company that owns the property, or to buy a small ownership percentage of the property. By doing this, it grants you specific rights to a unit itself. 

# 3 Consider Using Your RRSP

As a first time homeowner, you have written proof that you plan to build or buy a new home and you have money in your RRSP. As a Trusted Saskatoon realtor, Clark Dziadyk can help you with all of your pre-ownership needs! You may be able to use the RRSP Home Buyer’s Plan to get your hands on a tax-free down payment. However, if you are helping a relative with a disability through this process, you also qualify! The Home Buyer’s Plan allows each spouse to withdraw $25,000 to purchase a house. The only downfall is that you need to pay the money back to your RSSP in annual payments within 15 years. Any amount unpaid within that timeframe will be subject to income tax.

Tax-free money homeownership looks pretty good, doesn’t it? Or at least being able to start off your homeownership using tax-free money is. Depending on your individual tax bracket, it could be like having almost twice as much money at your disposal. You just cannot forget about those annual repayments in your new budget. 

#4 Make MORE Money

This is always the end goal in life now-a-days isn't it? 

Home prices seem to be increasing but that doesn’t always mean that your income is. An obvious solution is to make more money; however, this is easier said than done. Here are some approaches that can be taken:

The quickest approach is to ask for a raise at work. This can be a lot to ask, but it doesn’t always have to be. Communicating to your boss that you’re looking to settle down and buy a home (first time, second, upgrade, etc.) and what income level you’re striving for in order to make it happen, you could persuade them into giving you the raise you are looking for! In the end, asking for a raise is like a sales pitch. You are selling yourself by describing the situation, your goals, how to leverage your strengths, and ultimately asking for the raise itself. Whether you believe it or not, employers are people! Generally, people like to be as helpful as they can towards others. Sharing personal stories always have a measure of relatability to them, and more often than not they work better than pure logic.

On the other hand, if you’re willing to open yourself up to new opportunities, there is no harm in looking into another job. Shop yourself around and see if you are truly earning what you should be in your career marketplace. You will surprise yourself and may open new doors to new job opportunities in your field. Increase your network and speak to recruiters, you may find the job that you’ve been looking for that increases your income!

# 5 Relax

Let’s be honest, you’re not getting any younger. You want to be a homeowner! The whole process can be very stressful for a person. In order to relieve stress, you should consider using a Trusted Saskatoon Realtor such as Clark Dziadyk!

You need to make sure you’re ready before you become a homeowner! The right house will come along, it always does! Clark can make sure that you find your dream home! We live in a real-estate obsessed culture, but the relationships you build with family and friends will be the real key to your happiness in the long run. 

Set goals for the next few years of where you want to get to and take it one goal at a time. Write out your plan for home ownership and hold yourself accountable to it! Meanwhile, take a deep breath, relax, sign up for a yoga class and don’t rush things. You will be a homeowner one day! Believe it!

This article was adapted from Zoocasa.

CLARK DZIADYK, The Associates of Ron Baliski Realty Inc. Coldwell Banker and he is 

a Trusted Saskatoon Realtor. You can find him at 1322 8th Street East Saskatoon! View his Facebook page here!


Trusted Saskatoon Plumbers at Perfection Plumbing Give You a Proper Guide to Drain Cleaning

Perfection Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Ltd. is a premier provider of quality drain cleaning and plumbing services in Saskatoon, SK. They are the company of choice to handle all of your plumbing concerns including drain cleaning service, water heater installation, plumbing repair, and more.  Perfection Plumbing are Trusted Saskatoon Plumbers on the Saskatoon Directory

A few words from the experts about proper drain cleaning. The team at Perfection Plumbing will always do their best, they are truly a team to be trusted! Listen to what they have to say about drain cleaning and chemicals.

A Guide to Proper Drain Cleaning from the Plumbing Experts at Perfection Plumbing

"Proper Drain Cleaning Includes Saying No to Chemicals"

When asked about how they usually clean their drains, a lot of homeowners today answer by reaching for the chemically engineered liquid cleaners they keep under the sink.  Of course, they provide an instant and easy solution to drain cleaning. However, expert plumbers have long avoided this type of cleaning product. Would you like to find out why? Listen to what the Trusted Saskatoon plumbers have to say about it below.

They Are Toxic

All chemicals are basically toxic, but commercial de-cloggers are highly toxic. This is true especially for the off-brand, inexpensive ones. Liquid drain cleaners often contain harmful substances, such as sodium hydroxide and sulfuric acid. These substances can produce fumes that affect our health when inhaled. At the very least, frequent exposure can irritate the eyes and nose. Furthermore, these fumes are not easy to extinguish. They tend to linger long after the product itself is flushed down the drain.

They Are Damaging

The chemicals in commercial drain cleaners have one purpose: to chemically melt all the blockages and debris. However, substances such as hydrochloric acid will eat away everything that stands in its path. This includes the steel pipe within the plumbing system, as well as the porcelain finish of your kitchen or bathroom fixtures. Perhaps you initially intended to save money by buying this liquid cleaner, but you may actually end up spending more money for repairs down the road.

They Are Not the Answer to Everything

So many materials can cause a blockage. Therefore, a proper diagnosis must be determined before attempting to correct the problem. A drain can be clogged due to a broken pipe or even a snag in the sewer system. In these cases, since the problem is mechanical in nature, pouring chemicals down the plumbing system won’t help anything. So, what can a homeowner do to clean the drains? A plunger is a much better option than chemical cleaners. It can correct minor blockages if you know the right plunging technique. At the very least, it won’t damage anything important in your plumbing. Plumbing is a system. It means there that numerous components support its function. Therefore, many junctions of your system must be considered before you move ahead with any action. 

Taking plumbing problems lightly may just cost you more than a pretty penny. Entrust your drain cleaning to a reputable plumbing service, such as Perfection Plumbing & Drain Cleaning, Ltd., to save yourself from all of the confusion behind the proper methods of de-clogging.


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