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Trusted Saskatoon Realtor Clark Dziadyk Tip For Sellers on Repairs That Are Worth Doing

Whether you’re buying a house for the first time, the second or the seventh time, it’s still one of the biggest decisions you ever have to make. In order to ensure sheer success, you need Trusted Saskatoon Realtor Clark Dziadyk! Clark will ease your mind by taking the pressure off of you to find your dream home! Be assured Saskatoon Real Estate Agent Clark Dziadyk puts 100% effort into everything he does. He shares regular Saskatoon Real Estate Expert Tips with us and in his latest tip he shares repairs that give home sellers high return on investment. 

Repairs That Give Home Sellers High Return on Investment

What Should I Repair On My House in Saskatoon Before Selling?

Many sellers make the mistake of assuming that any repairs they do to their house will automatically increase the money they get for the home. Unfortunately, this assumption can lead to serious upset for those that pour a ton of money into repairs and find they don’t make their money back when they sell.

Some home sellers are smart and will ask a Saskatoon real estate professional their advice before pouring any money into the home. On many occasions, I have been asked what repairs will give the highest return on investment. Some home repairs are apparent winners. Other fixes are harder to know if they will yield positive returns. And some repairs are almost guaranteed to bring frustration because they rarely result in a higher sales price. Some repairs are important to do before selling even though they may not have the highest return on investment. Why? They help the home sell!

Some necessary repairs can prevent a house from selling. Depending on the age and condition of your home, you might want to consider getting your house inspected prior to sale. Not only can you figure out before-hand if they’ll be any unexpected surprises, but you can also address them! The inspection will help in remedying the necessary repairs, but you’ll also be prepared for the buyer’s home inspection. Nobody wants to put their house back on the market due to a bad inspection. The key to picking which repairs is to know what buyers consider important—which may not necessarily be the same things that you think are important. One of the biggest errors sellers make is thinking that the repairs they want are going to be the same that buyers want.

Fortunately, you are doing your research now—before you spend a lot of money on repairs. Read on to learn what repairs yield a solid return on investment.

Factors that Can Affect the Value of Home Repairs

Before digging deeper into which home repairs offer good ROI, it is important to know that there are a variety of factors that must be considered on an individual level—things that may affect your home and repair ROI specifically. These include:

  • When you are selling. The time of year you list your home may affect how much bang for your buck you get with specific home repairs.
  • How the market is doing. A buyer’s market is different than a seller’s market for many reasons. The effect of certain home repairs on your home’s sale value is something that the state of the market will affect.
  • Where your home is located. Buyers value some home repairs differently depending on where the home is being sold. 
  • The completion you face when selling. The homes being sold in the area that is similar to yours always influence the price of your home. The inventory you are competing against will also affect the value buyers place on your home repairs.

Getting a Good Return on Investment—The Repairs Worth Considering

1. Going back to hardwood floors.

There is no denying the appeal of hardwood flooring in today’s market. You will get the highest return on investment from painting. Buyers appreciate the look and the convenience of hardwood flooring and are willing to pay for it. The most cost-effective option for you as the seller is to pull up carpeting from existing hardwood flooring—if you have hardwood flooring underneath your carpets.

Getting hardwood floors re-finished is short money in comparison to what it brings for a return on investment. Even if you don’t re-finish the floors, just pulling up the carpets and showing buyers you have hardwood can make a world of difference. In real estate sales first, impressions are everything. Some buyers have absolutely no vision whatsoever. You can tell them there are hardwood floors under the carpet, but if they can’t see it, then it means nothing.

If you don’t have hardwood, then you will need to consider if installing new hardwood or something similar—like engineered hardwood flooring—would be worth it for your sale. Doing so is a question for your local real estate agent. Only they will know how much of an impact adding hardwood floors will make to your bottom line.

2. Making entertainment areas into hardwood or something similar.

If you do decide to add hardwood floors, the rooms where people spend a lot of time or tend to entertain others are the most popular areas with buyers. For example, most people love seeing hardwood floors in the kitchen, family room, and formal dining room. It can be beneficial to pull up the carpeting in these areas and add engineered hardwood flooring.

The engineered hardwood flooring options are many and can often be purchased for a reasonable price. You can also install them yourself if you are so inclined—which would put even more money in your pocket on the day of sale.

3. Paint the walls and ceilings.

There is nothing more cost effective in home sales than painting. A new coat of paint is one of the cheapest improvements you can make to your home that will make it more appealing to buyers. When buyers come to view your home, they are looking for things to complain about, and nothing is more straightforward to dislike than stains on the walls or the ceilings. Stains and other imperfections stand out, and they make the home seem dirty even if it is otherwise spotless.

Water stains on a ceiling are especially common. More often than not a child has left a curtain partially open while taking a shower. Water stains, however, freak buyers out. Nobody wants to see water stains. The fear is that the stain is not old but an active leak. Other times in cold weather climates it is not uncommon to see a water stain from an old ice dam problem. What ever the case may be it is crucial to take care of removing old water stains.

Add a fresh coat of paint to the walls, remove wallpaper and paint the wood paneling. No one wants to buy a home with old wallpaper on it, and it is hard to find a buyer that finds wood paneling appealing. Painting ceilings is a little more challenging than painting the walls, but it completes the look and ensures that everything looks nice and clean. If you have a popcorn ceiling, you should consider removing them. Just keep in mind that old popcorn ceilings may contain asbestos. Be extremely cautious when removing the old texture or hire a professional that is qualified to do it safely. With newer popcorn texture you can just scrape it off. It is a long process but inexpensive and makes a big difference in how buyers see your home.

4. Be strategic in how you remodel the kitchen.

Kitchen remodels tend to get you your money back when you sell, so they are usually worth doing if the kitchen is dated. However, it is also easy to lose money if you are not careful with how you renovate.

Consider refinishing the cabinets if you can get away with it because replacing them will be expensive. It is challenging to get a return on investment by completely remodelling a kitchen. The kitchen is the most expensive room in the house to renovate. You can easily spend tens of thousands of dollars even on a moderate size kitchen. Believe it or not painting a dark, dated kitchen, however, can completely transform it into something special. If done correctly by a highly skilled painter, it can look like new.

Basic hardware like the sink and faucet can be replaced inexpensively, but try to avoid installing luxurious appliances because buyers may not pay you for them. Installing granite counters in most areas offers significant value. It also impacts how saleable the house will be quite a bit. Depending on the price range buyers expect granite. It is a significant hot button in home sales. The cost of adding granite counters has come down in recent years.

5. Renovate the bathroom if it needs it.

Bathroom renovations also generate positive returns in most cases. A new coat of paint—lighter is better in small spaces—along with new fixtures can all be taken care of without too much expense. HGTV has some excellent examples of remodelled bathrooms under five thousand dollars. Take a look to inspire some thoughts on what to do at your place.

If you cannot get stains off of things like the shower doors, tub or sink, replace the doors and refinish the surfaces.

6. Replace the roof if it needs to be replaced.

If your roof needs to be replaced, you will make the sales process more manageable if you take care of it now. Just because the roof is old does not mean it has to be replaced soon, however. It is in your best interests to have a professional look at your roof and to discuss the results with your Realtor.

A professional roofer will be able to determine if replacement is necessary immediately or if you have a few years left. Generally, a non-architectural roof shingle will last around twenty years. Most architectural shingles will last anywhere from thirty to fifty years.

Buyers may be willing to purchase the home if it has two or three years left on the roof. If the roof needs to be replaced within a year or so, though, you will be better off having the work done prior to listing the home. Unfortunately, roofs do not have a high return on investment when you are selling a house. Most of the time when I am counselling sellers my advice will be to do nothing with the roof. I’ll tell them to expect buyers to want some kind of seller’s concession at closing. Most of the time you will be far better off negotiating a credit than replacing the roof given the cost and what you’ll get back.

7. Clean up the exterior of the home.

Your home’s exterior is the first thing that buyers are going to see when they come to view your home. The little things you do to make the home look nicer at first glance are inexpensive for the most part and can be great for helping your home stand out.

Some of the exterior repairs that you can address may include patching cracks in the sidewalk and driveway, replacing the caulk around your windows, adding new fixtures like doorknobs, painting the front door, fixing broken fences and painting them, planting flowers, adding mulch to flower beds, etc. Here is an excellent list of exterior home staging tips you can use to spruce up your house.

8. Talk to your Realtor before making any repairs.

Your agent should be well-qualified to tell you what exactly you need to do to make your home more marketable. He or she knows the market and has the insight necessary to help in your decision making. What’s important to repair in a house can vary from one market to the next. This is one of the reasons people say all real estate is local. 

Don’t, however, underestimate the things that can make a home sale fall through.

Repairs Without a High Return on Investment But Necessary

There are some repairs needed with a home that doesn’t bring a high rate of return. These are the items that buyers consider are essential to be functioning. They are considered “normal” to be working upon transfer.

Buyers generally will not pay more money for these items. Some of them include:

  • functioning septic system if sewer is not available. New septic systems have a small return on investment.
  • Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in the house that function correctly. Obviously, these items are vital to safety.
  • Any kind of existing significant structural or mechanical defect in the home. For example, if the heating system is failing it would make sense to get it replaced.
  • Any kind of problem that would prevent a buyer from obtaining a mortgage. This one is obvious. You will never sell your house for top dollar if you need a cash sale.
  • If you don’t have public water and your house has a well that is not functioning properly. Buyers expect excellent quality and quantity from their water supply.
  • You know you either have high radon levels in the water or the air. Nearly all buyers will want this corrected before proceeding.
  • A significant electrical issue, especially if it is a fire hazard.

Read what clients have to say about Clark on his listing by clicking on the link below! 

Clark Dziadyk is a Trusted Saskatoon Realtor 

Contact Clark today for your Saskatoon Real Estate needs.

Trusted Saskatoon Plumbers at Perfection Plumbing’s Maintenance Tips For Hot Water Tanks

Perfection Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Ltd. is a premier provider of quality drain cleaning and plumbing services in Saskatoon, SK. They are the company of choice to handle all of your plumbing concerns including drain cleaning service, water heater installation, plumbing repair, and more.  Perfection Plumbing is a Trusted Saskatoon Plumbers on the Saskatoon Directory. In their latest tip, they share maintenance tips to consider when trying to keep hot water tanks in good condition. 

Maintenance Tips to Consider When Trying to Keep Hot Water Tanks in Good Condition

Many integral parts of your home’s plumbing system demand proper maintenance. One of the most costly, if you’re not careful about its maintenance, is the hot water tank. Fortunately, you can avoid any pricey dilemma by learning about your water tank’s operation and understanding how to take care of it.

Know What Type of Tank You Have

Several types of water tanks exist these days. Some of the most common include natural gas, electric, and propane. It’s important to know what type you use at home because different types require different repair methods.

If something breaks down, you can tell the repair specialist the type of unit in your home so that the experts can bring along the right tools. You can assist them further by writing down the model and serial number of your tank. This way, the chances of a mix-up will be minimized and the repair technician can complete the work quickly. This coding information is also needed in case your model is under warranty or you want the exact model as a replacement under warranty or otherwise.

Understand How to Turn off the Water

Whenever you encounter an issue with hot water tanks, always turn off the water first. Every model is different, so, you need to practice in advance. This prepares you for emergency scenarios such as a leaking water heater or the presence of gas. Most shut-off valves are located near the water heater.

Consider keeping the necessary specialized tools near this shut-off valve. So, when you’re short on time and something drastic happens, you’ll know exactly where to look and don’t have to second-guess your actions.

Identify Warning Signs of a Failing Hot Water Tank

Like all household appliances, hot water tanks are not designed to last forever. No matter what you do in terms of maintenance, there’s going to be a time when you have to say goodbye and get a new unit. Most units last an average of 10 years.

Other than age, some clear warning signs indicating your tank is failing include rusty water and rumbling noises. Signs of rust usually indicate the tank is rusting from the inside. You should act fast to prevent any harm to your family.

Over time, water begins to harden in your tank and turns into sediment. This sediment then causes your tank to make loud noises. Not only does this mean your tank is not working as efficiently as it should, but it may cause severe damage to the internal components of your tank.

If you have done all you can to keep your hot water tanks in good condition and they still need repair, talk to a repair specialist. Let them inspect your unit to see if it can be salvaged or if a new tank is the best option for your household.

For plumbing problems in your home, don’t hesitate to contact Perfection Plumbing for help.

Trusted Saskatoon Plumbers at Perfection Plumbing Tip on When to Have a Plumber Look at Your Bathroom Pipes

Perfection Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Ltd. is a premier provider of quality drain cleaning and plumbing services in Saskatoon, SK. They are the company of choice to handle all of your plumbing concerns including drain cleaning service, water heater installation, plumbing repair, and more.  Perfection Plumbing is a Trusted Saskatoon Plumbers on the Saskatoon Directory. In their latest tip, they share helpful info on when to have a plumber look at your bathroom pipes. 

Signs that Tells You It’s Time to Let a Plumber Look at Your Bathroom Pipes

Pipes can last for a long time, depending on their composition. For instance, brass can work for up to 40 years while copper can serve you for more than 70 years. It’s a long time, but nothing really lasts forever. You will have to replace your bathroom plumbing at least once in your life. Just the constant use of water for baths, showers, and toilet flushes can eventually wear down the pipes. The age of your pipes therefore becomes a concern. But, most often the gunk from beauty products, soaps, lotions and pastes impedes your bathroom drainage. If gunk doesn’t block the pipes, some of the chemical-laden solutions can gnaw away at them.

The reasons for re-plumbing your bathroom can vary. Regardless, it is first important to learn and notice the signs that portend pipe replacement.

Glaring Water Problems

Leaks and drips shouldn’t be ignored. These are obvious signs that your pipes suffer some problems. For instance, water dribbling out around the sink tap or other fixtures means the hardware lacks proper sealing. The same goes for water pooling around the tub when in use.

Slow draining water also spells trouble. It means that the drain is being blocked. You can use a plunger to deal with it, but if the clog persists even after you and your plumber. in Saskatoon have tried other options, pipe replacement might be the answer.

Low Water Volume

Water should be coming out “full blast” from your shower. Otherwise, corrosion might be damaging the pipes. This is common in galvanized steel pipes when they start to corrode and degrade. Their decreased diameter lowers the water volume. Aside from the shower, your sink, tub, and toilet can suffer the same syndrome. Again, a pipe replacement may be the only solution.

Poor Water Quality

The smell of your water can say a lot about the condition of the pipes. A foul scent can mean that the water heater is collecting “sacrificial anodes,” which pertain to the steel cores wrapped in zinc, aluminum, or magnesium. These anodes attract bacterial and corrosive elements. Though these elements don’t enter the pipes, the anodes can wear out over time, resulting in rusty, smelly water.

The bathroom is one of the most crucial parts of your home. It meets your basic needs while serving as a relaxing, refreshing place for you and your family. If plumbing in the bathroom fails, it can significantly affect your living condition. Once you spot any problems, don’t ignore them. Call your trusted plumber immediately.

For plumbing problems in your home, don’t hesitate to contact Perfection Plumbing for help.

Trusted Saskatoon Mortgage Brokers Tip About The 2020 Housing Market

 Homebuilders Deals & Incentives on New Construction

Mike and Crystal Green couldn’t have picked a worse time to look for a new home. In mid-February, Mike was offered a promotion to be a regional sales manager at a computer security company. The catch was the couple would need to relocate 

The Greens accepted an offer on their home two days after it went on the market in early March. But by then, the Greens didn’t feel safe flying to check out houses given the coronavirus pandemic. The government was urging workers to stay home if possible and practice social distancing when out in public to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

That wound up working in their favour. The Greens went online and took a virtual tour of a home they liked. It was in a new development. They were able to choose custom details via Zoom and email—and got a discount on their new home

If they closed in March, and the builder would throw in a free Whirlpool refrigerator, washer, and dryer as well.

The Greens have plenty of company on the receiving end of a wave of aggressive incentives for buyers of new construction. With a global health crisis raging and the ensuing financial fallout with many workers laid off,  homebuilders around North America are offering discounts, throwing in freebies, and covering closing costs to attract buyers and close deals.

They had to do something. Tours of new-homes have dropped and more potential buyers deciding to put off their new home searches until things truly settle.


2020 summer edition of the Housing Market Outlook report provides forecasts for Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. It builds on the Spring 2020 edition that focused on housing market activity for Canada and the provinces.

These reports give high and low range projections on new construction, home sales, house prices and rental market activity.

Housing forecast overview for Canada’s major urban centres

  • Sales and construction have dropped
  • House prices will likely fall because of uncertainty over the economy’s path
  • It is possible that vacancy rates increase in the rental market
  • Recovery in major markets is highly uncertain and will vary considerably

For Canada’s 3 largest cities, there had been steep employment declines according to Statistics Canada:

  • 18% in Montreal
  • 17% in Vancouver
  • 15% in Toronto 
Such large employment and income declines, coupled with uncertainty over the future trajectory of the virus, will lower the demand for housing in the urban centres. Housing starts should rebound by year-end, as projects, settled before the pandemic, should be starting soon.  Rental apartment starts will benefit from the slowdown in the demand for homeownership. 

By 2022, housing prices should be following a slight upward trend and even exceed their pre-pandemic levels.

Read the full CMHC report here 

Buyers may also get deals on custom homes

While deals on newly constructed homes abound, buyers can also shop around for discounted lots where they can have their dream homes built.

Trusted Saskatoon Contractors K & S Contracting Share Information About Vermiculite Insulation

K & S Contracting specializes in foundation repair for homeowners across Saskatchewan, in addition, they also offer general contracting services to Saskatoon and the surrounding area. In their latest Trusted Saskatoon contractor tip, K & S Contracting Trusted Saskatoon General Contractors and foundation specialists, discuss vermiculite insulation.

Vermiculite Insulation - What Is It?

If you have never seen vermiculite insulating an attic, it looks similar to little squares of coloured glass or little grey beads. Vermiculite is a naturally occurring mineral worldwide. When heated rapidly to high temperatures, this crystalline mineral expands into low density, accordion-like, golden brown strands. In fact, its worm-like shape is what gives vermiculite its name. The worms are broken into rectangular chunks about the size of the eraser on the end of a pencil. In addition to being light, vermiculite chunks are also absorbent and fire retardant. It also makes a good insulating material. 

Where Was It Used? 

Sold under various brand names, such as Zonolite Attic Insulation, the insulation came in big bags. Thousands of homeowners simply opened the bags and poured the vermiculite onto their attic floor and sometimes down exterior walls. It was generally not used in new construction.

When Was It Used?

Worldwide, vermiculite has been used in various industries as long ago as 1920. With the upsurge in homeownership during the baby boom, vermiculite insulation was a popular material in the 1950s and continued with the energy crisis into the late 1970s. In Canada, it was one of the insulating materials allowed under the Canadian Home Insulation Program from about 1976 to the mid-1980s. There have been some government-provided grants offered to homeowners to increase insulation levels, reducing energy consumption. Worthwhile checking in to see what may be available. 

What Is The Problem?

The majority of the vermiculite used worldwide was from a mine in Libby, Montana, owned and operated since 1963 by W.R. Grace. The mine was closed in 1990. As well as being rich in vermiculite, this mine had the misfortune of having a deposit of tremolite, a type of asbestos. When the vermiculite was extracted, some tremolite came in with the mix. For Canadian use, the raw product from the Libby mine was shipped to Grace subsidiary F. Hyde processing plants in Montreal, St. Thomas, Ajax and Toronto, and Grant Industries in western Canada. At these plants, it was processed and sold as Zonolite.

What Is The Risk?


Asbestos minerals tend to separate into microscopic particles that become airborne and are easily inhaled. People exposed to asbestos in the workplace have developed several types of life-threatening diseases, including lung cancer. Workers in and around the Libby mine developed serious health problems. 


Like any hazards, length and intensity of exposure are major factors in the risk of asbestos-related respiratory illness. To assess the risk of asbestos exposure at a house, a sample of the vermiculite would need to be analyzed by a lab. Since most of the vermiculite used in Canada was taken from the Libby mine, the odds are quite good that there is asbestos in the vermiculite in Canadian attics.


The good news is that we don’t live in our attics. In addition, as long as it is undisturbed, neither the asbestos fibres bound up in the vermiculite chunks nor the dust will be released into the air. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in the U.S., “Most people who get asbestos-related diseases have been exposed to high levels of asbestos for a long time.” Lastly, most of the time the air in your house flows from the house into the attic, rather than into the house from the attic.


The bottom line is, like most household products that may contain asbestos, and there are many, doing nothing is often the best approach. Naturally, the risk of exposure increases with the amount of time spent in the attic.

Our Recommendations

If the attic or walls of a house contain vermiculite insulation, leave it alone. Avoid disturbing the material. Do not sweep it or vacuum it up. Do not store belongings in the attic.

If work is planned that involves these areas, for example installing pot-lights in a room below the attic, send a sample of the vermiculite to a private lab. Send several samples, and use a lab specializing in asbestos analysis. If it is found to contain asbestos, or if you just assume it does, precautions should be taken. The safest approach would be to have the insulation in the affected areas removed by a qualified environmental contractor.

For smaller jobs, it may be sufficient to isolate work areas with temporary barriers or enclosures to avoid spreading fibres, use disposable protective clothing, and use proper respiratory protection. An important note – disposable respirators or dust masks are not appropriate for asbestos. Again, it is best to consult a qualified contractor.

K & S Contracting is a Trusted Saskatoon General Contractor and foundation specialist


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