Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Saskatoon Furnace Experts at JOB Heating & Air Share About In-Floor Heating

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning’s wonderful staff will be more than happy to provide you with an estimate for any home comfort improvement that you have in mind. They also offer training classes at your personal site for maintenance and they also offer home heating tune-ups. JOB are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace experts and they can also help you with all your Saskatoon plumbing needs! 

At JOB Heating & Air Conditioning, they are eager to provide the best possible customer experience. Their aim is to be a professional resource for our clients before, during, and after the sale! Their team takes pride in service knowledge of modern equipment and training. They are recognized by peers and offer sales, service, training & installations for residential, and commercial Heating, Cooling and Plumbing systems in Saskatoon and area. In their latest article, they discuss what in-floor heating is and a few benefits it offers you and your home.

In-Floor Heating: Add Warmth to Your Home

Is in-floor heating the right decision for your home? There’s no denying underfloor heating is the coziest way to warm your toes in our long Saskatchewan winters! See below on why the investment of in-floor heating may be the best one for you and your home.

What is Underfloor Heating?

In-floor heating, also called radiant floor heating or underfloor heating, is a luxurious home feature and a popular trend in new housing, as well as in renovations that focus on clean, comfortable, design-led living. It is a cost-effective way to warm your house.

What Type of Floor Can Heating Be Installed?

You are free to choose the floor type of your new home or renovation for underfloor heating as it works well with laminate, wood, tile, stone, or carpet.

In-Floor Heating is a Cost-Efficient, Long Term Investment

When making the decision to install heated flooring, the cost is the first factor. Installing in-floor heating, whether you choose water-based or electric, can require you to renovate your entire flooring as opposed to installing a furnace.

After the heating system has been fully implemented in a home, heating bills typically cost less as heated flooring tends to conserve more energy than traditional furnaces and heating systems, meaning it is run more efficiently and therefore costs less to run.

Retain Warmth Longer Than Traditional Heating Methods

Although in-floor heating may take a longer time to achieve the desired temperature that you want, once that temperature has been reached the heated floors will retain that warmth for a longer time than other heating methods. This warmth can then last into peak hours saving you money and helping the environment on reduced power.

Interested in installing in-floor heating in your home? Contact our trusted heating professionals at JOB Heating & Air Conditioning today.

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning is a Trusted Saskatoon plumbing company. We show up on time, deliver on budget and we leave the work area cleaner than when we arrived! At JOB we take pride in our plumbing services in this city and surrounding area, so nothing means more to us than testimonials from our clients as their preferred plumber in Saskatoon.

JOB products and services include:

Trusted Saskatoon IT Pro’s at Burnt Orange Solutions Owner Shares 5 Tips To Secure Data

Gareth McKee and his Trusted Saskatoon IT team at Burnt Orange, promise to have a one-hour response time for all your IT support needs. Honesty and respect are important to them. They pride themselves on ensuring their clients understand IT concerns by providing a straightforward and reliable solution with exceptional service. Burnt Orange Solutions are your Trusted Saskatoon IT Experts and in their latest Saskatoon IT tip, Gareth provides 5 tips on how to safely secure data at your company. 


Secure Data with Gareth’s 5 Tips for Your Company

Owner of Burnt Orange IT Solutions, Gareth McKee, provides his top 5 tips on how to secure data safely and improve the security of your data at your company. Watch the video below or read on.

1. Secure Data with the Use of Strong Passwords

According to Forbes, in the last 6 months of 2019 over 4 billion records were exposed by data breaches. Included in these records were over 1 billion passwords retrieved.

The top 5 easiest passwords to hack are:

#1 – 12345

#2 – 123456

#3 – 123456789

#4 – Test1

#5 – Password

But they are not always the easy ones to crack by hackers, as shown here:

#21 – princess

#30 – monkey

#48 – chocolate

#97 – babygirl

So, what do we learn from this? There are ‘bots’ and phishing scams active every day on the internet, looking to gain access to your network, steal your data or encrypt it to extort money from you.

What Does a Strong Password Look Like?

Strong passwords need 2 things: length and complexity. Both are really easy to achieve with a little imagination. Let’s firstly achieve the length. Rather than think of a passWORD, think of passwords (plural) or a passPHRASE.

One solution is to think of 4 unrelated words such as:

#Potato plastiC either strong!

The above is 30 characters and notice I have added the # and ! to make it a little more complex.

Or, you can use a phrase such as:

!Theres a m00se 0n the 100se#

The above is 29 characters. Replacing letters with numbers can be a good way to achieve complexity (for example, changing O’s to zero’s).

The best solution is to use a password manager, which is a secure app that remembers all your complex and long passwords for you so all you have to remember is the 1 password to the manager.

2. Secure Data by Locking Your Computer

How easy would it be for someone to walk past an office, walk-in and steal data from an unlocked PC? This happens more often than you think, and whether it is a disgruntled employee or a stranger who has walked into your building, it is so easy to steal data in this way.

The solution is to have your PC lock itself after a certain amount of inactivity. This is easy to achieve, simply decide the length of inactivity before allowing your PC to lock. I recommend 5 minutes.

Looking after a network properly can be a difficult and time-consuming job so to make your life easy, engage with a local, professional IT Security company such as Burnt Orange IT Solutions. You will find that the money spent on network security is easily recovered by staff efficiencies.

3. Receive a Suspicious Email? Call the Sender Before You Click

Email spoofing costs businesses millions of dollars every year. I am sure you can remember Saskatoon City Council being duped in 2019 to the price of $1 million.

If even a known client emails you asking to transfer money, providing you with new banking details, large orders, or asking you to click anywhere, call the client to ensure the information has come from them directly. A quick phone call can save a lot of money, embarrassment, and is a way to secure data. This should be a standard practice in your office. If you don’t have an Acceptable Use Policy or User Best Practice Policy in your organization, contact your best local IT company. They can help you achieve the best practices in your business.

4. Take a Breath

We all have 10 hours of work to complete in an 8 hour day, but just by taking 1 second to look at an email can save a lot of heartache. Hovering over an email address or a web link can show you where it is actually directing the click. Just because the link reads, this does not mean it will direct you there.

Also, hackers often send a link which looks real, but is slightly misspelt, for example:

if you look closely there are two ‘i’s in online. In a busy day that may be easy to miss, you navigate to a website with a virus, allowing it to download, the virus waits a day and ultimately encrypts all the data on your server. Not a good day for you or your company.

The accepted solution here is to put DNS protection in place. This service scours the internet all day, looking for dangerous websites, whether they are legit or not, and if a dangerous website is found, the service will stop you from accessing the website. If you can’t access the website, you cannot download the virus. Simple as that! Professional IT companies offer this service for a fraction of the cost of the downtime experienced should a virus be download by accident. Contact your local IT company for help.

5. Back Up Your Data

Even in a small office where there is no ‘real’ server, it is always a good idea to treat one of the PCs as a file server. Have all the data held there, back up that PC, and only that PC. This makes the backup and recovery activity simple and easy. Impose a rule that all data must be held on that PC. Configure each PC to share to that PC. Complete this task and you have just saved yourself days of non-productivity in a recovery situation.

The best backup solutions today backup to the cloud. They will:

Encrypt your data before it leaves your PC,

Be password protected,

Be automated,

and YOU will test it, at least once per month to ensure the data can be recovered.

A backup that does not work when you need it is as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Test it before you need it. As with all the problems discussed, your local professional IT security firm can help you with all these tasks, and for much less than you think.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Burnt Orange IT Solutions.

We hope this article gave you some insight. If you want to ensure your business’s IT security, contact the Trusted Saskatoon IT professionals at Burnt Orange Solutions and we can take IT worries off your plate.

Burnt Orange IT Solutions Products & Services:

  1. Managed Networks

  2. Backup and Recovery

  3. Data and Network Security

  4. Hosted Services

  5. Telephone Systems

  6. Secure WiFi Networks

"IT Support You Can Trust and Understand"

Burnt Orange Solutions are your Trusted Saskatoon IT Experts

Trusted Saskatoon Realtor Marla Janzen Mystery Shop!

Being a Trusted Business on the Trusted Saskatoon Directory of Excellence comes with a lot of responsibility - no other directory, advertising medium, or 'watchdog organization' puts businesses through the process we do before we promote and endorse them. 

Why Choose a Business On the Trusted Saskatoon Directory? 

All of the Trusted Saskatoon partners have to pass a unique verification process, they are then annually contracted to uphold our 5 Trusted Guarantees. The partners then become part of a local community of Saskatoon and area businesses that we promote with a strong local marketing campaign. We also have a Trusted MYSTERY SHOPPER PROGRAM. This is where we find and engage with normal everyday people, just like you, who are looking for products and services in Saskatoon and area. We approach individuals we can see are looking for a local business and we ask them to mystery shop Trusted Saskatoon Partners. Those that agree to be Trusted mystery shoppers go about their usual business, except at the end they fill out a report to tell us about the experience. We then share it with you! The Trusted Saskatoon Team is thrilled to share our latest mystery shop report about Marla Janzen Real Estate!

Mystery Shop - Marla Janzen Real Estate

Name of Shopper: Janice G.

1. How was the greeting/welcome/call answered?

Warm, professional, and prompt. 

2. Product/industry knowledge of staff?

I felt very confident in her knowledge.


3. Overall experience 1-10


4. Would you recommend them to a close friend?

Yes, absolutely! I already have should they ever need her services. 

Please share any other comments relating to your experience with the company. 

Marla, although extremely busy, was very communicative, supportive, and engaging as a professional. Her efforts in research, showings, and the real estate transaction itself were exemplary. Her experience and knowledge are a great asset to her clients. 

CONGRATULATIONS on a successful mystery shop MarlaWe are thrilled to have such amazing Realtors like you on our Saskatoon's directory of excellence!

Marla guarantees to provide you with a stress-free, hassle-free, wonderful experience and we are sure once you have met her that you will not contact anyone else!

Marla Janzen is a Trusted Saskatoon Realtor®

Trusted Saskatoon Furnace Experts at JOB Heating & Air Warn Against Falling Behind on HVAC Maintenance

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning’s wonderful staff will be more than happy to provide you with an estimate for any home comfort improvement that you have in mind. They also offer training classes at your personal site for maintenance and they also offer home heating tune-ups. JOB are Trusted Saskatoon Furnace experts and they can also help you with all your Saskatoon plumbing needs! 

At JOB Heating & Air Conditioning, Saskatoon we are eager to provide the best possible customer experience, our aim is to be a professional resource for our clients before, during and after the sale! Our team takes pride in our service knowledge in regards to modern industry equipment and training. We are recognized by peers and offer sales, service, training & installations for residential, and commercial Heating, Cooling and Plumbing systems in Saskatoon and area

In their latest article, Trusted Saskatoon Heating Experts at JOB share tips on HVAC unit maintenance to prepare for the upcoming fall temperatures.

Don't Fall Behind With HVAC Unit Maintenance 

Temperatures are getting lower which means fall is slowly starting to settle into Saskatchewan. Before it gets too cold from the harsh winter months, you may want to do some maintenance on your HVAC unit to ensure it is in tip top shape. The last thing you want is for your furnace to give out on you when it’s -40°C outside.

HVAC Unit Maintenance: Keep it Clean

It is important to clean out all the built up dust and debris that has gathered in your HVAC unit over the summer months. When dust is built up, it decreases the efficiency of your HVAC unit, therefore increasing your utility costs. By giving the vent a good clean in the fall, the HVAC unit will be running as efficiently as it can.

Leaves can be hazardous for your HVAC unit as they may get stuck in your outdoor unit and start a potential fire. Other particles can also accumulate in the unit, so we recommend cleaning out any particles and debris from the unit to help save you money and energy in the long run.

Test Your Thermostat

How do you know if your HVAC is being overworked? Try testing your thermostat. If you can see an accurate temperature reading displayed, it is working properly. Fall maintenance is the perfect time to double check all the settings you have set up on your thermostat. With cooler temperatures, you will want your home to be warmer so it is a good idea to change the settings on your thermostat based on the upcoming fall weather.

Schedule Maintenance

Contact JOB Heating and Air Conditioning to have an HVAC professional conduct a thorough maintenance inspection of your HVAC unit and address any problems it may be having. With regular maintenance from experts, your HVAC unit will produce lower energy costs, increase its efficiencies and leave you never having to worry about the maintenance yourself.

JOB Heating & Air Conditioning is a Trusted Saskatoon plumbing company. We show up on time, deliver on budget and we leave the work area cleaner than when we arrived! At JOB we take pride in our plumbing services in this city and surrounding area, so nothing means more to us than testimonials from our clients as their preferred plumber in Saskatoon.

JOB products and services include:

Trusted Saskatoon Realtor Clark Dziadyk’s Home-Buying Checklist for Newcomers

Whether you’re buying a house for the first time, the second or the seventh time, it’s still one of the biggest decisions you ever have to make. In order to ensure sheer success, you need Trusted Saskatoon Realtor Clark Dziadyk! Clark will ease your mind by taking the pressure off of you to find your dream home! Be assured Saskatoon Real Estate Agent Clark Dziadyk puts 100% effort into everything he does. He shares regular Saskatoon Real Estate Expert Tips with us and in his latest tip he shares RBC’s home-buying checklist for newcomers to Saskatoon.

Buying Your First Home in Canada Checklist

Home-Buying Checklist for Newcomers

1. Figure out what you can afford.

Before you start looking for a home, get a general idea of how much you may be able to afford and what your mortgage payments would be. This will help you set a realistic price range so you can balance home ownership with your lifestyle needs.

2. Save for your down payment (if applicable).

Considering the high cost of homeownership in Canada, most newcomers (and most Canadians) don’t pay the full price of their homes all at once. Typically, buyers make a down payment on a home using money they've saved and then borrow the rest (through a mortgage) from a lender.

3. Understand your mortgage options.

There are a lot of mortgage features to choose from in Canada, and Saskatoon. Talking to a mortgage specialist is one of the best ways to make sense of all the options, and to help you save money over the lifetime of your mortgage.

4. Get a mortgage pre-approval.

Once you’re ready to buy a home, be sure to get a mortgage pre-approval. A pre-approved mortgage means the bank has made a commitment (subject to conditions such as a property valuation) to loan you the money for your home.

- You’ll know how much you can afford to borrow for your new home.

- You’ll be in a better position to negotiate with sellers once you have found a home.

- You’ll also know your interest rate.

5. Find a Trusted Saskatoon Real Estate Agent.

Hire a reputable local real estate agent Clark Dziadyk! Your agent, like your mortgage specialist, can be an invaluable resource for you throughout the entire home-buying experience.

6. Start your home search!

As you start looking at homes, don’t just think about the type of home you want—also think about your lifestyle and how close you want to live near amenities such as schools, highways, medical services, shopping, restaurants and recreation.

f you are in the market to sell or buy a home, check out the links below!

'The Realtor® in Your Neighbourhood'


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