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Trusted Tips & Resources

How To Keep Your Cat Off The Counter From Trusted Saskatoon's Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan

Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan are invisible boundary systems for your yard and home! It keeps your pet out of harm's way and prevents unwanted behaviours throughout your home and yard. The systems are safe, humane, and highly recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists, and pet experts. Over the last 45 years, they have helped more than two million pets and their owners lead safe and harmonious lives together, and their exclusive training program allows dogs and cats to learn their boundaries without fear, distress, or behavioural harm. Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet fencing solution expert!  

There are certain things only cat owners understand. In addition to how to keep cats from scratching your furniture and how to keep cats from pooping in your yard, the other most frequently asked how-to question for feline companions is how to keep your cat off the counter. Lucky for you, we put together a short video from our Certified Pet Trainer, Sandy Benes, with tips on how to keep your cat off the counter.

Why Do Cats Jump on the Counter?

The key to preventing your cat from jumping up on your counter is understanding why your cat is jumping on the counter in the first place. Cats jump on the counter for a variety of reasons including looking for food or a safe secluded area. Cats naturally also like to be elevated and counters provide the perfect location for them to get a wider view of their territory.

Solutions to Keep My Cat Off the Counter

Prevent your cat from jumping on the counter by using common household items like tin foil or double-sided sticky tape. The sound and feel of these on your cat's paws work as a deterrent to keep them off your counter.

Another product to stop your cat from jumping on your counter is Invisible Fence® Brand's Indoor Shields® Solutions. Indoor Shields units provide safe, Invisible® Boundaries to keep your cat away from certain areas like your counters.

Keeping your cat from jumping on the counter is no easy task. But since 1973, Invisible Fence® Brand has helped cat owners find customized solutions to keep your cat and your home protected. 

At Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan, they're passionate about protecting pets — so you can focus on fun! Get more information on the solutions they offer by visiting their listing in the Trusted Pets and Vets category. 

Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet Fencing Solution Expert!  

Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan Tips About How to Keep Your Dog From Jumping on Your Guests

Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan are invisible boundary systems for your yard and home! It keeps your pet out of harm's way and prevents unwanted behaviours throughout your home and yard. The systems are safe, humane, and highly recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists, and pet experts. Over the last 45 years, they have helped more than two million pets and their owners lead safe and harmonious lives together, and their exclusive training program allows dogs and cats to learn their boundaries without fear, distress, or behavioural harm. Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet fencing solution expert!  

Thousands of dog owners search for how to stop a dog from jumping up on people, doors, tables, fences, furniture, etc. You’re not alone! Greeting behaviour, door charging and jumping up are all common dog behaviour problems that a little patience and training can help overcome. As a company that has worked with over 3,000,000 pets, Invisible Fence® Brand has solutions to train your dog to stop jumping.

Keep reading to learn why dogs jump and how to prevent the behaviour with training tips, toys and dog barriers.

Why Do Dogs Jump?

In all the excitement of a new arrival, it’s common for dogs to charge the front door or jump on visitors when they enter the house. Many dogs jump to get your attention. Knowing why your dog jumps is an important first step to training your dog to stop jumping on people.

Training Tips to Stop My Dog from Jumping on People

There are several training methods to prevent your dog from jumping on people. Regardless of which approach you take, remember teaching your dog not to jump takes patience and practice.

Some of the more common tips to prevent your dog from jumping on people at the door often include:
  • Rewarding good behavior
  • Teaching your dog to sit and stay
  • Withholding attention
  • Putting your dog on a leash
  • Crate training your dog
  • Moving your dog to another room

Toys to Stop My Dog from Jumping on People

More specifically, if you have a dog that likes to jump up on people as they enter your home, you can also try keeping your dog occupied with some toys. Providing your dog with a toy like the Busy Buddy® Chamomile-Scented Calming Toys will keep your dog engaged when visitors arrive. We like this approach because it allows you to practice with your dog, while still giving them independence to play.

Barriers to Stop My Dog from Jumping on People

Physical barriers, like baby gates, are another way to stop your dog from jumping up. The downside to physical barriers is that they are an eyesore and a hassle for humans to climb over. Invisible® barriers, like the Shields® Gate or Indoor Shields® Solutions, give you the best of both worlds. You can use these to train your dog to stop jumping up, while still letting you and your guests roam the halls (and doorways) seamlessly.

At Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan, they're passionate about protecting pets — so you can focus on fun! Get more information on the solutions they offer by visiting their listing in the Trusted Pets and Vets category. 

Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet Fencing Solution Expert!  

Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan Tips About How to Keep Your Dog From Roaming

Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan are invisible boundary systems for your yard and home! It keeps your pet out of harm's way and prevents unwanted behaviours throughout your home and yard. The systems are safe, humane, and highly recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists, and pet experts. Over the last 45 years, they have helped more than two million pets and their owners lead safe and harmonious lives together, and their exclusive training program allows dogs and cats to learn their boundaries without fear, distress, or behavioural harm. Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet fencing solution expert!  

Many pet owners struggle with keeping their farm dogs from roaming. Although outdoor or farm dogs are often used to protect property, keeping them from running off too far can be difficult. We put together our top tips on how to keep your dog from roaming.

Why is my dog roaming?

Before trying to change your pet’s behaviour, it is important to understand why that behaviour occurs. Dogs can chase and roam for a variety of reasons. Many farm and outdoor dogs are bred to be working animals that protect their herd or property. For these dogs, picking up a scent can cause them to investigate further than the owner may like. Dogs can also roam when they are looking for a mate.

Ways to prevent your dog from Roaming

There are several different methods to keep your dog from roaming to prevent them from getting lost. In some cases, using a traditional fence around your farm or large property can keep your dog from chasing predators too far off your property.

Another solution is Invisible Fence® Brand’s GPS Wireless Containment. Our GPS satellite technology is the most advanced Invisible® pet fence on the market with options to customize boundaries in the size and shape you choose. There’s no maximum yard size; however, GPS Wireless Containment is best suited for properties that are 5 acres or more in size, making it the best dog fence for farms and acreage. Our certified trainers teach your pet his boundaries without fear or confusion, so you can be confident your dog will stay within the boundaries you set.

Keeping your dog from chasing after predators doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Since 1973 Invisible Fence® Brand’s innovative solutions, industry-leading training and expertise have given more than 3 million pets newfound independence and security - while also instilling confidence in their owners.

At Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan, they're passionate about protecting pets — so you can focus on fun! Get more information on the solutions they offer by visiting their listing in the Trusted Pets and Vets category. 

Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet Fencing Solution Expert!  

Solange of Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan Answers the Question - Do Your Collars 'Shock'?

Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan are invisible boundary systems for your yard and home! It keeps your pet out of harm's way and prevents unwanted behaviours throughout your home and yard. The systems are safe, humane, and highly recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists, and pet experts. Over the last 45 years, they have helped more than two million pets and their owners lead safe and harmonious lives together, and their exclusive training program allows dogs and cats to learn their boundaries without fear, distress, or behavioural harm. Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet fencing solution expert!  

Do Invisible Fence Collars 'Shock'?

This great photo below,  of a dog choosing not to "cross the line" of their invisible fence, despite some tempting moose in the yard, prompted this question on social media: 
"So would it have gotten a shock if it crossed the line?"

Solange, the owner of Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan, answered: 

"It does not give them a shock. It is a sensation that they just don’t like. It is kind of like a 
chalkboard to us. It doesn’t hurt us to scratch our nails down a chalkboard, but we sure as heck won’t do it because we cannot stand the feeling of it. So think of their boundary as their chalkboard. Even if I had to turn a dog's collar up onto the highest setting because he was that stubborn, the greatest amount of static in his collar is no more than when you drag your feet across the carpet. But a rate of vibration is added into it creating that sensation that they just don’t like. When we begin the training with your pets, it is on a low rate of vibration only which you and I cannot even feel in our hands.

I always put the collar in the owner's hand so that they can feel what they are feeling. You will look at me and tell me you don’t feel anything. And that is the point. You will watch me teach your dog to learn and understand what and where his boundaries are in a setting that you and I cannot even feel. Eventually, his collar settings will change in order to keep him within his boundaries should he be tempted to leave. But that is not done until he gets to know his boundary and which way to turn at his boundary 100%. We let him make all the mistakes while learning in a setting that we cannot feel. This way, they have a full understanding of their boundary before their settings are put to a containment level designed for each and every dog individually. Their containment settings will be customized based on their breed, size, age, and personality. Perhaps one of your dogs is timid and the other one is the opposite. Then their collars will be set very differently. The training will be done differently as well."

Solange Continued...

"This is one of the many reasons that makes us so different from anything else out there. Because we have the ability to set the collar on a low rate of vibration only allowing the dog to learn. Dogs thrive on their training. They love to learn new things. So when they get to learn something that is only making them aware but not startling or scaring them at all. Research has been done with invisible fence brand products where researchers and veterinarians hooked dogs up to machines that measured their heart rates and stress levels. Not one single dog was ever under any kind of stress or duress while going through the training. Because it is done in such a kind and gentle way. This is why animal behaviourists and veterinarians support invisible fence brand products and the training. The training was designed by animal behaviourists specifically to go with our systems. Thank you for asking this question. I hope that this was helpful. You can call me anytime and I can explain further."

At Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan, they're passionate about protecting pets — so you can focus on fun! Get more information on the solutions they offer by visiting their listing in the Trusted pets and vets category. 

Invisible Fence Saskatchewan is your Trusted Saskatoon Pet Fencing Solution Expert!  

Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan Shares 3 Ways to get Your Pet Ready For Winter!

Invisible Fence® Brand systems Saskatchewan are invisible boundary systems for your yard and home! It keeps your pet out of harm's way and prevents unwanted behaviors throughout your home and yard. The systems are safe, humane, and highly recommended by Veterinarians, Behaviorists, and pet experts.

Over the last 40 years, they have helped more than two million pets and their owners lead safe and harmonious lives together, and their exclusive training program allows dogs and cats to learn their boundaries without fear, distress, or behavioral harm. Their proven P.E.T. Approach™ training method ensures the success of their products every time, with any pet, and in every household. The result? An unparalleled success rating (over 99%) and the most effective solutions in the industry! Freedom and convenience for you & your pet...and the system has a lifetime warranty. That’s an OWNERS lifetime warranty!

Invisible Fence Saskatchewan are Trusted Saskatoon Pet fencing solution experts! 



Winter-Proof your Pet: 3 Ways to Lick Seasonal Affective Disorder

By: Invisible Fence Brand on 12-23-2015

Public awareness of Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD, in pets has grown in recent years, and with this awareness has come a lot of good information about causes and symptoms, not to mention quite a few great ideas for curing our companions’ winter blues. 

Cases of SAD in pets can range from moderate to serious, with symptoms ranging from lethargy and potty-training relapse to sudden aggressive behavior and refusal of food. The majority of solutions out there boil down to three big ones: exercise, socialization and sunlight. Hit these biggies on a regular basis for the next couple weeks, and you’ll have your old friend back in no time:

  1. Exercise. There are plenty of easy, pet-friendly activities that will help you beat the boredom, even on a snow day. For example, you might start with a simple round of fetch in a long hallway, progress into a stimulating session of hide and seek, then move on to a cardboard box obstacle course or a scratching-post play area. And now that you’ve got your pet panting or purring, why not round out the afternoon with a soothing session of doga
  2. Socialization. Ready for a day out? Consider taking your pet to an indoor pet park where he can interact with his peers, or enroll in a day class that you can participate in together. Lack of socialization is a key factor in SAD, so the combination of exercise and social interaction such activities offer may well justify the extra expense. Also, having your pup tag along for your kids’s after-school activities is a great way to work in some much needed social interaction for their pal.
  3. Sunlight. Pets are susceptible to SAD in the first place because they’re mammals, and all mammals respond to the sun’s seasonal retreat in the same way: they ramp up production of melatonin, the body’s sleep medicine. If your pet is staying active during the day, more melatonin is a good thing. But without ample daylight and activity to balance things out, your pet’s double dose of drowsy medicine can effectively push them into hibernation mode. Which is not a good thing. Unless your pet is a bear. 

Yes, natural light can have a miraculous effect on your pet. But between the short days, gym memberships, kids’s recitals, unpredictable weather, bad traffic and looming deadlines—sometimes a leisurely walk in the dog park can be a lot to ask. But fear not, there are some nifty solutions out there that can safely promote independence and boost your pet’s morale, even when you’re away from home. 
The common pet door, for example, has seen some notable transformations in recent years that make them a unique solution for busy pet parents. Offering advanced features like customizable automatic locks and integration into electronic containment systems, pet doors aren’t what they used to be. For those seeking an indoor light supplement, the phototherapy box, or lightbox, a proven boon to humans, has now been successfully adapted for the pet market as well.

So, this winter, when you find yourself caught off-guard by erratic, out-of-character moods or behaviors from your pet, remember the big three: exercise, socialization and sunlight. A little sunlight, a lap or two at the pet park, and a rousing session of the Muffin Tin Game--and you’ll have your pet’s case of SAD licked.

At Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan we’re passionate about protecting pets — so you can focus on fun! So, let’s talk. And we’ll find the gentle, effective, affordable solution that’s right for you and your pet. Guaranteed.



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