Reed Security believes when you become a client you will be entering into a relationship – one they want to grow and become long term...they work hard to meet all your Saskatoon Alarm & security needs from day one!
REED SECURITY are Trusted and they are recipients of 2 x 2012 SABEX AWARDS - these Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce awards recognize excellence in business.
Trusted Saskatoon Security expert from Reed Sucurity tip on Theft
from their Trusted Saskatoon Security Blog
Can you outsmart a Thief?

All About Theft
- 66% of break-in's are forced entry and forced entry attempts
- 34% of break-in's are unlawful entry (without force)
- In 2014, Saskatchewan had 8506 break-in's (164/week)
- Break-in's occur in all areas of the City - not just the "bad areas"
- Most Home break-in's occur when you are at work or travelling (daytime)
- Most Business break-in's occur when you are at home (evening and weekends)
- Cabin's and Lake properties are especially attractive
- 98% of break-in's occur though main floor doors and windows (often unlocked)
- Thieves target the Master Bedroom
- Thieves steal:
- Cash and Credit Cards
- Jewelry Designer clothes and sunglasses
- Electronics such as TV's, Stereos, Computers, Video Game systems, Smartphones and Tablets
- Tools
- Sporting Goods
- Cars and Trucks or the contents in them
- Building Materials Alcohol and Prescription drugs
- Your Identity

How to Prevent Theft
- Use Common Sense
- If you lose a key, get the locks changed.
- Ask all strangers for identification.
- Never hide an extra key outdoor - especially underneath a mat or on top of a light fixture. This is the first place the bad guys look. Leave an extra house key with a friend or a neighbor.
- DO NOT advertise on Facebook or other social media that you are on vacation. If you want to post photos, then do it when you get home.
- For insurance purposes take photos of the contents of your home.
- Keep all receipts in a safe and easy to find location.
- Write down the model and serial number of all electronics.
- Make it Difficult
- Door chains are easy to bypass.
- Install deadbolts. Install a stopper or stick on all sliding doors and windows.
- Install window bars on all basement windows.
- Make sure all doors and windows are properly locked.
- Keep your premises well lit at night.
- Install timers that turn lights on at different times. This gives the appearance that someone is home.
- Install a monitored Home Security system
- 400% less likely to have a break-in.
- up to 25% insurance discount.
- optional ALARM.COM with automatic lights.
- In case you do have a break-in:
- If it looks like a door or window was forced open, DO NOT go inside. The Burglar may still be on site.
- Call the Police from your cellular phone or from a neighbor's house and wait.

Reed Security believes when you become a client you will be entering into a relationship – one they want to grow and become long term...they work hard to meet all your Saskatoon Alarm & security needs from day one!
REED SECURITY are Trusted and they are recipients of 2 x 2012 SABEX AWARDS - these Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce awards recognize excellence in business.
Trusted Saskatoon Security expert from Reed Sucurity tip on keyless entry system for Vendasta
from their Trusted Saskatoon Security Blog
Do you get tired of keeping track of the keys to your building?

Project: Vendasta
With over 100 employees and growing, Vendasta partnered with Reed Security to install a key-less entry system.
A professionally installed access control system has the following benefits:
No More Keys
- staff and visitors use cards/keytags that are added/deleted in minutes
- no expensive re-keying when an employee quits or is terminated
Control Who Goes Where and When
- Doors
- Gates
- Elevators
- Schedules for Weekday, Weekends and Holidays
Time & Attendance reports
- print or email
- optional alarm integration arm/disarm your alarm by swiping your access card/keytag
PC, iPhone, iPad, Android apps
- Huge Time Savings
- Unlimited users
- Easy-to-use
Reed Security Support Desk
- Remote Troubleshooting
- Priority On-Site Service

Reed Security believes when you become a client you will be entering into a relationship – one they want to grow and become long term...they work hard to meet all your Saskatoon Alarm & security needs from day one!
REED SECURITY are Trusted and they are recipients of 2 x 2012 SABEX AWARDS - these Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce awards recognize excellence in business.
Trusted Saskatoon Security expert from Reed Sucurity share a tip on home phone lines
from their Trusted Saskatoon Security Blog
Will my alarm still work if I don't have a home phone line?

Many existing alarm systems rely on traditional phone lines to send alarm signals to our 24/7 Monitoring Stations. We see a trend that 1 in 4 home-owners no longer have phone lines and instead only use their cell phones.
With today's affordable cell phone service, a home phone line is no longer a necessity and an easy way to save some cash. In fact, you can SAVE $20 to $30 every month depending on your home phone provider.
If you DO NOT have home phone service:
- your alarm system is unable to send signals
- your alarm system is no longer monitored
- you must notify your insurance company
- you no longer receive 10% to 25% insurance discounts
- ALARM.COM by Reed Security uses cell phone towers to send wireless emergency signals to our 24/7 Monitoring Stations.
- Works just about anywhere there's cell coverage including farms and cabins. Works on SaskTel, Rogers, Telus and Bell networks.
- An ALARM.COM 3G radio can be added to most modern alarm systems. We have some great deals if you need to upgrade.
- ALARM.COM Packages start at $17.95/mo. and includes the 3G radio and service (this is an additional price to your base monitoring fees)
- This is half price compared to what you would pay for home phone service
- You still receive your 10% to 25% insurance discounts

Reed Security believes when you become a client you will be entering into a relationship – one they want to grow and become long term...they work hard to meet all your Saskatoon Alarm & security needs from day one!
REED SECURITY are Trusted and they are recipients of 2 x 2012 SABEX AWARDS - these Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce awards recognize excellence in business.
Here they share CONSUMER WARNING: Just Say NO To AGGRESSIVE Door to Door Salespeople:

Consumer tips:
1. Security Systems are Never FREE and are not worth $1500.
2. ALWAYS get 3 quotes.
3. DO NOT install the system within a few hours of signing up. Give yourself some time to do some research.
Consumer Warning:
It's that time of year when you will be getting pressured by door to door salespeople. They would like to sign you up to "limited time offer" that expires "right away". And before you know you know it you're on the hook for thousands of dollars. (This happens several thousand times each year).
For more information do a Google Search and type "Alarm Door to Door". Thousands of people have been duped.
The Pressure:
- Sales person won't leave even when you tell them to "Leave"
- Sales person won't leave when you tell them "No Thanks"
- Sales person won't leave when you say "I Already Have Your Products or Service"
- Sales person name drops the name of your neighbor and makes it sound like "they signed up" or "they bought one" or "they referred me to you"
- Sales person comes to the house more than once

The Solutions:
1. Put Up Your Hand and "Say NO". Immediately close the door and the sales person will eventually leave.
2. Tell them "You are Trespassing" and that you will call the BBB Better Business Bureau, Consumer Protection Branch and the Police if they do not leave.
BBB 1-888-352-7601
Consumer Protection 1-877-880-5550
Saskatoon Police (306) 975-8300
RCMP (Saskatoon) (306) 975-5173
or call your Local Detachment
3. Always Get 3 Quotes for whatever you consider purchasing. This gives you the time to gather information and to check if the "deal" being presented to you is the best option.
4. Never Accept Quick Delivery of a product or service. This gives you a cooling off period and more time to gather facts.
5. If you did proceed with the offer You Have 10 Days to Change Your Mind and CANCEL (and get a full refund). It's the Law in Saskatchewan.
6. Don't Forget - You may already be in a contract for the products or services being offered to you.

If you would like more information on how Reed Security can help you or customize a security solution for you Click Here

Reed Security believes when you become a client you will be entering into a relationship – one they want to grow and become long term...they work hard to meet all your Saskatoon Alarm & security needs from day one!
REED SECURITY are Trusted and they are recipients of 2 x 2012 SABEX AWARDS - these Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce awards recognize excellence in business.

15th Anniversary Sale!
We won't be publishing the offers though...
You'll have to trust us when we say the SAVINGS ARE BIG will frustrate our competitors even more!
In fact, we're offering the Best Deals on Home & Business Security in the history of Reed Security.
Hint: Think 15
We hope this intrigues you and compels you to contact one of our Security Specialists today for more information.
Call us in Prince Albert: 306.922.7200
Call us in Saskatoon: 306.653.3200
CLICK HERE for more information or a FREE ESTIMATE.
One Last Thing - our 15th Anniversary Deals won't last forever.
(They cost us too much).
Eligible Products & Services:
• Alarm Systems with Intrusion, Fire, and Temperature Protection
• 24/7 ULC Monitoring - We notify You, the Police and Fire Department
• ReedHD Hi-Def Cameras - Record Faces & License Plates
• Service Calls - Voted Best Customer Service by the Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce
• Professional Installation - Our techs are certified, are personable, and are the best in the business
Refer A Friend & Get $50

Click to refer a friend now!!
Find Reed Security online at or check out their listing here in the SASKATOON ALARM & SECURITY Category on THE Saskatoon directory of excellence. Virgil Reed and his team are YOUR Trusted SASKATOON ALARM & SECURITY experts right here in Saskatoon!