Trusted Tips and Resources

Trusted Tips & Resources

Trusted Saskatoon Financial & Insurance Advisors Wiegers Financial & Benefits support community

Wiegers Financial & Benefits is one of Saskatchewan's largest private financial planning and employee benefits consulting firms. Its Saskatoon Financial Planning Division provides business ownershouseholds, retirees, and students with expert investment and insurance planning services to help them reach their long-term financial goals. They also have a Benefits and Personal Insurance planning division. In this latest Wiegers Financial tip, we share about their massive community support efforts. Wiegers Financial Benefits are Trusted Saskatoon Financial Advisors and Trusted Saskatoon Insurance and Group Benefits experts.

Wiegers Financial & Benefits are committed to supporting our communities.


With deep roots in Saskatchewan and endless gratitude for the opportunities and success it affords, the Wiegers Financial & Benefits team – led by Cliff and Deb Wiegers – are committed to helping grow our local community stronger. The team’s philanthropic focus is on helping local children’s charities through their in-house charity, Wiegers Care for Kids. But, their community involvement reach is much broader than that. And, with ever-growing community involvement goals, Wiegers Financial & Benefits’ commitment to helping strengthen and grow our local community is steadfast.


They view their role in and responsibility to the community in two important and related ways.  First, they are in the very fortunate position of being able to propagate widespread awareness about important issues effectively and causes in our community.  With 35 community-minded individuals on their team and a long-term client base of thousands of people – each of whom has his or her own network of friends and family – they have the power to help ensure that more people are made aware of important issues and causes than would otherwise be the case. Second, they contribute to and help raise money for the specific causes and events they feel most passionate about.  With a broad network of clients, professional associates, friends and family, they have a very wide network of people to approach for cash and in-kind donations and other forms of support. Wiegers aims not only to help their clients lead healthier and happier lives but to help the rest of our community to do so, too. By raising awareness and money for local charities, they believe that we are making a positive difference.


Here are just a few of their community involvement awards, fundraisers, and other community events and related activities:


  • Wiegers Care for Kids- Bi-annual gala. 
  • Financial literacy presentations throughout Saskatoon
  • Office fundraisers for a variety of causes
  • 2016 SABEXCommunity Involvement Award Recipient
  • 2016 NSBACommunity Builder Award Recipient
  • 2016 ABEXCommunity Involvement Award Finalist
  • 2014 SABEXCommunity Involvement Award Recipient
  • 2014 ABEXCommunity Involvement Award Finalist
  • 2014 NSBACommunity Builder Award Finalist

Trusted Saskatoon Accountants Hounjet Tastad Harpham Share Changes To Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance.

Trusted Saskatoon Accouontants Hounjet Tastad Harpham is a locally owned and operated accounting firm in Saskatoon. While they are based in Saskatoon, they serve clients across the entire province. Hounjet Tastad Harpham has spent decades gaining the trust of the people of Saskatchewan and has gained a reputation as one of the most knowledgeable and consistent accounting firms in the city, and province. They provide accounting and tax services for small, medium, and large businesses, as well as individuals and non-profit organizations. Hounjet Tastad Harpham is a partnership between Roseline Hounjet, Allyn Tastad, and Dustin Harpham.

Accelerated capital cost allowance is changed.

With the tax changes announced in the federal government’s fall economic statement, farmers can get more capital cost allowance sooner on the purchase of equipment.

Some equipment dealers are using this accelerated investment incentive property (AIIP) as a sales tool. Here’s what has changed and what it means in actual dollars. Taxes are certainly not my area of expertise. Thanks to Saskatoon accountant Allyn Tastad of Hounjet Tastad Harpham for walking me through the changes and the implications.

The changes apply to property acquired after Nov. 20, 2018, that becomes available for use before 2028. Farm equipment qualifies. One exception is a property that was previously owned by the taxpayer or by a non-arm’s length person or partnership.    

 The incentive accelerates the amount of   capital cost allowance that can be deducted   from taxable income. First of all, the half-year   rule has been suspended. Until now, you   could only claim half of the regular allowance   in the year that something was purchased.   Now you can claim 100 per cent of the   applicable capital cost allowance in the year   of purchase.

In addition, the first year of capital cost allowance has been bumped up by 50 percent. In practical terms, a producer will have equipment in various capital cost allowance categories. Net additions to any class will be increased by a factor of 50 percent for calculating the first-year capital cost allowance.


For subsequent years, the allowance deduction returns to normal. 

So how does all this work in practice? Let’s say you buy a new or used tractor for $100,000. Tractors and other self-propelled equipment are in Class 10 and eligible for a 30 percent capital cost allowance.

If you purchased the tractor before Nov. 20, the capital cost allowance in the first year is 15 percent or $15,000. This is half of the 30 percent allowance in the first year of purchase.    


If the tractor is bought after Nov. 20, the half-year rule is suspended, plus the amount is bumped up by a factor of 1.5 times. Rather than a capital cost allowance of 15 percent, you can deduct 45 percent, which is 45,000.


How does this affect your tax bill? If you’re running an incorporated farm with a federal tax rate of 12 percent, the $45,000 capital cost allowance reduces your tax bill by $5,400. The same tractor purchased before Nov. 20 would generate a reduction in taxes of only $1,800.


This is a federal incentive to buy equipment and stimulate the economy. However, remember that when you’re allowed to claim more allowance in year one, it reduces how much is left for subsequent years. The total amount of deduction hasn’t been increased. You just get to claim deductions sooner.             

 Farmers who are old enough may remember the tax credit that existed on new equipment purchases back in the 1980s. You actually received an extra tax credit over and above the capital cost allowance. That’s been gone for decades and this new incentive should not be described as a tax credit. It’s merely an acceleration of the expense you can claim. 

There is value to receiving more of your tax deduction earlier, but when you work through the numbers, this shouldn’t move the needle very much when deciding whether to upgrade equipment. Other considerations remain much more important.

If you are looking for a Saskatoon chartered professional accountant for your personal taxes or business accounting needs, contact the team today.

Check out their listing here: Hounjet Tastad Harpham are Trusted Saskatoon Accountants

Information sourced from  By Kevin Hursh

Trusted Saskatoon New Category Announced - Trusted Saskatoon Non-Profits

The Trusted Saskatoon team ran a contest on the Trusted Saskatoon Facebook page at the end of 2018 to find a new category for the Trusted Saskatoon directory. We received 100's of nominations, from children's activities to fencing, however, there was a clear winner, with over 200 nominations, we are pleased to announce the new category will be Trusted Saskatoon NON-PROFITS! 


Trusted Saskatoon Non-Profits.

As a small business in Saskatchewan, Trusted has prioritized community support as part of what we do from day 1. In 2017 we were recognized for our efforts as the recipient of the Saskatchewan Chamber Of Commerce ABEX Award for community support, so we were thrilled that this was the category that people in Saskatoon most wanted to see on our directory.   

There is no ME in Community…Just WE.

So What's The Plan for Trusted Saskatoon Non-Profits Category? 

We are pleased to announce that we will be GIFTING listings and annual Trusted partnerships in the new category to 4 Saskatoon Non- Profits. Each Year in January we will renew the category and we will rely on the public and the existing Trusted Saskatoon partners to help us find new Saskatoon and area non-profits to promote. Over the course of the year, we will volunteer our time and resources to help spread awareness of the 4 Trusted Saskatoon Non- profits organization activities, events and goals! 

This is an in-kind donation worth $4000 per non-profit, and being a Trusted Saskatoon partner means they will receive promotion in so many areas including:  

 1. 2 weeks of free radio ads. 
 2. Video interview and promotion of video.
 3. Regular Trusted partner promotion on our social media channels - including our Feature Partner Of the Week posts. 
 4. Free Marketing Training sessions.
 5. Networking  Opportunities. 

The 4 Trusted Saskatoon Non -Profits for 2019-2020:

1. Mending Little Hearts Fund of Saskatchewan 

This is a non- profit close to our heart, literally! 
Anna Maton, a Trusted Saskatoon Consultant is heavily involved in supporting this wonderful Saskatoon-based organization. Anna's youngest son William was born with a heart defect and went through open heart surgery a few years ago. We will share more about this Saskatoon Non-Profit once their listing has been added to the category.

2. TLC@Home  

This is a non-profit founded and run by a Trusted Saskatoon Partner - Hairstyles Inn.
First started in 2006 by Shelley James of The Hairstyle Inn, TLC@Home started off small distributing shoeboxes of gifts to one Saskatoon community school ( Princess Alexandra). Now 12 years later shoeboxes filled with holiday cheer are distributed to more than 800 students at Saskatoon schools which have included; Princess Alexandra Community School, St. Michael Community School, King George Community School and Pleasant Hill Community School.  We will share more about this Saskatoon Non-Profit once their listing has been added to the category.

3 & 4 ?????? - TO BE DECIDED...BY YOU! 

We are relying on our FANTASTIC Facebook fans to help us fill these 2 spots. A nomination process will begin Monday 7th Jan and run until Jan 31st. At that time votes will be counted and the top 2 most nominated non- profits will be recipients of the 2 remaining annual 2019-2020 Trusted Saskatoon Non- Profits gifted listings. 

**Please note Non- Profits MUST be registered to qualify**   




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Saskatoon, SK   S7K 1N7
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