The Mending Little Hearts Fund of Saskatchewan is a designated charitable fund created in partnership with the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital Foundation in April 2016.
This fund allows you to make directed donations toward addressing the unmet needs of children living with hearts conditions across Saskatchewan.
Your contributions will improve the health, wellbeing, and survival of these children by:
Providing additional equipment for diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of these conditions. Establishing educational resources for these children and their families. Developing support services for these families at the time of diagnosis and procedures. Allowing a child and family to attend the highly successful
CHAMPS summer camp.
"Please donate today!"
Mending Little Hearts is a Trusted Saskatoon Non- Profit.
Why was the fund was started? The fund was initially needed to fund CHAMPS camp. CHAMPS Camp was created because Lynne and Juanita (Heart Moms) saw a need to help heart children and their parents. CHAMPS stands for Children's Healthy-Heart Monitoring Program of Saskatchewan. The camp allows children to meet other children that have faced similar struggles as well as learn more about their specific heart condition while being physically active. Now the
Mending Little Hearts Fund helps to also support equipment for pediatric cardiology like iPads, blankets and home monitoring equipment. The fund also helps to raise awareness of the prevalence of pediatric congenital and acquire heart disease.